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Fleet Update: Jul ‘21: One Out, Three In...


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Lovely story. My.late father in law had one on a H plate which was the 2.0.

My uncle also had one - cannot remember the year but my dad said it was a lovely metallic red - probably garnet starmist.

These have the best wheel trims ever.

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6 hours ago, Skizzer said:

What a fantastic story - so happy for you.

We should get it together with my FE 2300 sometime for a vinyl roof big Vauxhall showdown.

(I may have to invest in some earplugs before driving mine to Sussex mind you.)

Yes an FD/FE shootout would be good! Be great to get them together at some point.

4 hours ago, solid61 said:

The Ventora looks just superb,took some photos of it at Bromley pagent in 1997 and spoke briefly to the then owner,was blown away by the car and asked if it was for sale but it sadly wasn't,it looks even better now with the passing of time and such a good story behind it WOW.

That would’ve been my Dad, I would have been there too (aged 11)...

Thanks all, the weather was nice today so we took it for a short run. It’s a bit stressful as I’m so protective of it, but it’s a lovely thing.


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6 hours ago, Angrydicky said:

Looks amazing! Please get a period radio in it ASAP though!!

I will if I can find something cheap that looks good, works and will fit (it needs to be quite “short” as there’s not much space behind - hence this is a radio/MP3 only thing as a CD/tape player won’t fit)

It does deserve something more period; it’s not top of the list but I’ll keep an eye out.

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  • 3 months later...

Took the Ventora for a drive today and managed to lose a wheel trim ☹️

Really annoyed as it looks shit with one missing - if anyone sees one for sale please let me know! Quite keen to replace it ASAP but I expect I’ll be looking for a while...


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Only just spotted this thread. What an amazing find and eventual purchase. The stars clearly aligned on this occasion and you did the right thing in making it yours. It's the sort of rare opportunity you'd likely kick yourself for the rest of eternity if you let it slip through your fingers.

Gutted for you that the wheeltrim has gone. Seems weird that it stayed firmly fitted to the rim for the last five decades though? Unless the previous owner popped them on for shows and pulled them off the rest of the time owing to their rarity, weakening their retaining springs as he went? 

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Dolomite’s still here, awaiting drive space and motivation. Gonna scrap the Astra in the new year and then I can get the Dolomite on the drive.

One of the previous owners had Rostyles on the Ventora, and the tyres have been changed at some point, so it’s not been on there the whole time.

I laid awake for ages last night stressing about where I’m gonna get another wheel trim from, I feel really bad for losing it... hope one turns up soon!

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I wonder if it's worth posting about it in a facebook group or such for the area you drove around in, incase anyone finds the hubcap they know who to return it to?

(as a side note, I wonder if on particularly rare hubcaps etc it would be worth putting a "if found please call/return to" message on the inside?)

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I lost a hubcap on my Atlantic once so feel your pain!

It wasn’t quite as bad on there either as the rears aren’t really visible with the spats, so I just took one off there to replace the missing one on the front.

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I have a lead on a wheel trim via the VX4/90 club - the only one available is scruffy (and quite expensive!) though so I’m still on the lookout for a better one. It wasn’t a cheap car so I’m willing to give fair money for a good one if anyone spies one.

In happier news, I finally managed to take my aunt and cousin for a drive in it the other day (before the wheel trim incident). My cousin was about 10 when it was laid up and neither had been in it since about 1975... they loved it despite the weather (and slight reluctance to start!) and hopefully we can go out in it properly somewhere in the summer ?


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Contact established - seems like a nice guy, and I’m getting it back ?

Thanks again to Greengartside (and Trigger) for spotting this and bringing it to my attention!

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Flabber well and truly ghasted here.

I'd not seen this thread until now, and it's suddenly leapt right to the top of my 'gosh' list. What a turn of events.  2020 just took a turn for the better.

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I did ask the guy if he’d sell it but he said he wanted it as part of his collection. A decent chap if he offered it back to you.

Glad I was able to help.

EDIT: Apologies for calling it a Victor on Flickr, in my excitement of discovering the photo I completely forgot what it was!

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