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Dollywobbler's Skoda Pogweasel Debadged One Heck of an Estate


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Excellent video as per usual and an equally excellent slice of communist motoring. I look forward to the repairs and especially that polish!


Side note: Please disregard the fact that this was posted at 2:45am local time (AEDT). HubNut > Sleep.

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My thoughts at start of video: Bloody hell, he's swapped a V6 auto Rover for a Skoda Favorit??


My thoughts at end of video: I want a Skoda Favorit.


Looks great!

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I have to admit watched the reveal, (I was 30mins to late for a live version) and thought What is this man doing? An unloved car at a higher price.

Having read through this I can understand  the why a lot more. But if it is not going to be a keeper I would certainly have kept the Rover. but you are not me.  But I do have the same hat as you, and the same name :-P


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Laquer peel should highlight where it's been repaired. Original paint would be single stage,


These like to rust on the rear strut towers, so a nosey behind the carpets

Would be a good thing.


My fuel gauge was more like a G meter. If you braked hard or pulled away quick the needle went up an down.

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Just watched the video and thought I'd add a little note about the intermittent wiper. It's supposed to be infinitely adjustable and is set by switching it off and on again (just like a modern computer!).


For instance, you switch it to intermittent (down) and it will do a couple of wipes if you then switch it off, count to four elephants (always use elephants for seconds. I got that from Gregory's Girl. It works) and switch it on again it will wipe every four seconds. It's too clever for it's own good really because it goes up to about a minute so it's easy to just use it for a single wipe about a minute apart and unknowingly set it to a massive gap between wipes making you think it is broken.


Or perhaps yours is just broken.


As egg says, I can recommend Skoda Dily for parts. I sometimes just spend an evening browsing their lists. Only slight downside is that postage starts at about £25 even for one small thing. But it stays at that price whatever you buy and the parts are so ridiculously cheap it soon makes it worthwhile.


I'm currently planning on having a binge after Christmas just before we crash out of the EU as I don't know if it will still be possible afterwards. But thats a whole different conversation.

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A mate has a mechanically gr8 but cosmetically grim 1.9SDI Diesel Felatio estate. About a 2002, I think. White, not MOT'd or anything.



I think £150 would buy it. The engine and box are worth that alone.


Re; overheating problems on that Skoda OHV mill; another mate has a 2002 Estate with that engine and the electric fans and fan switches are shite. I bodged* his so the fan comes on with the ignition and it was fine after that. IIRC they have an alloy block but an iron head. Correct?

I take it it’s rotten as fuck like they all are eventually?

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This was/is my favorit. Looked like this about 12 years ago. Now it looks suitable for the abandoned thread.


My tastes have changed as I've grown grumpier and id never go that far/style now but when I was 18 it was my pride and joy. The Kit was imported from cz only one that ever came to the UK. The no door handles was a constant arse ache (hence the untinted quarter glass). The 2x4inch mirrors were useless. Always made me smile tho. Street cred of 0, but then ive Never given a shit what people think about my cars.





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Keep a very close watch on the coolant, header tanks leak at the seam, and this engine is very prone to OMGHHGF, they all do it at some point, my old one was leaking and causing a miss on cylinder 1, but it still went OK once new plugs were fitted, hatches will just about crack the ton, estates about 95 is flat out, and they make bloody handy vans, the immobiliser is a PITA and can cause issues, mine had 4 keys for it, including 2 red masters. Window regulators can give aggro, as they are a piss poor design, and also watch for water ingress from the radio aerial gromet, mastic cures this, also washer pumps can leak, and rear wipers can strip their gearboxes, replacement is easy, did mine in about 20 mins using one from a Felicia. they are tough little workhorses, steering isn't too heavy, and they do not seem to rust as badly as Felicias do, weak spot is front turrets, mine had to have 2 small patches, and that was the only rust on it, and that was a much higher miler. Look after this, and it will be a loyal workhorse, and having seen a Silverline estate vs BMW head on, the driver got out with just a few cuts.


This could be one of your better purchases


GR12 cars, if I could still drive, I would have another in a heartbeat

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This is the lovely looking Skoda designed 1.6 that we should have had but which VW put a stop to *not bitter at all*. post-20743-0-57399100-1543868686_thumb.jpg


And it's fitted to this beast.



Then random picture I found when googling.


This must be some sort of special edition but I've not been able to find any more info. I know a few of the special editions had specific trim but I dont know of this one. Would certainly wake you up getting into this every morning though wouldn't it?

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I bought an S reg petrol one when it was a year old with 26k on the clock. That milage didn't worry me, as two years later when I traded it in for a brand new Fabia it had almost 80k on it! The sales man at Bickerton Skoda was stunned at the milage, said he'd never seen one that high.


Only had one ftp when the ignition barrel failed, Skoda replaced foc.


Loved it, laid back relaxing driving position, piss easy to work on, reasonably economic, I'd have another any day.

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Do you know if your old one is still going Felly?



DVLA says YES, taxed til Sept 19, MOT due in Jan, it has been spotted in Norfolk minus the comedy exhaust, I sold it to michael1703 formerly of this parish, loved it, fun to drive, and as it was lowered, it handled rather well, and was very chuckable on country lanes

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I have a feeling that 1.6 OHC Skoda lump was similar to the other mules like the rwd saloon, and the front wheel drive Estelle mk1, that VW 1.6 they put in the Felicia was to be honest, crap, not much more powerful than the 1.3, and thirstier, esp in SLXis with optional AC, I think it is funny that the lower dash moulding in the Felicia is the Favorits with a curvier top plonked on, and VAG switchgear added, I wished I'd gone up to Motorhog and gutted the Blackline GLX Favorit they had in at the time, the sports seats and front fogs would have looked great in my old motor. 

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As I said on thon twatter thing, these are great cars, and the people who say otherwise are idiots.


I absolutely love these. Proper heaters too, ultimate winter beater, in fact ultimate car for just everything especially in ESTATE form.


It'll just keep going as long as you occasionally throw a bit of oil in


I'd say it wouldn't be a bad car to sleep in either. Plenty of length matron.....


Sent from my TA-1012 using Tapatalk

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Well, I'm glad there's still some Favorit love on Autoshite, or I really would have wondered what the hell was going on. I'm still struggling to cope with a string of 'hilarious' jokes about why Skodas have a heated rear window. Yeah, cheers Jasper Carrott you unhilarious twat.


While the oil was notably absent earlier, the coolant is bob on the maximum, but I'll keep an eye on it for sure. A thin skim of mayo in the top of the oil filler cap, but then I'm aware that PSA petrols often do that when the weather is cold. However, the duff temp gauge means I don't really have an idea of whether the engine is actually getting up to temp or not. Out with the infrared thermometer when time allows.


The lacquer peel, if that's what it is, can be seen in the roof, on the flanks and the tailgate. Maybe it's just the top layer of paint. Who knows. Or maybe it's had a blowover at some point. 


Any recommendations for a machine polisher? I really can't be arsed scrubbing this bastard by hand. I do have some Autoglym Rapid Renovator that they once sent me by accident, so I'd plan to try that.

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Well if it is peeling laquer, perhaps spraying an area of pinkness and seeing if the red returns might be a good idea before we go and scuff off layers of paint. Father's Volvo has a huge problem on the bonnet and some Turtlewax later and it's as shiny as anything.


These are what I know works but I am sure you'll find a better solution!

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Get that temp guage fixed ASAP Ian, you NEED it with one of these. And yes that heater is like a blast furnace, brilliant in winter, it is very likely it had paint at PDi when brand new, red was always troublesome even on Felicias before they were handed over to punters, and that light red always pogweaselled. . You will now be saying to yourseld 'why the hell didn't I buy one ages ago?' How the back seats simply lifr out is pure genius, making it in to a bloody useful van in 2 minutes. These were the cars that started Skoda's rise, wished you had been able to have a blast in my old one, the genuine Skoda motorsport springs got rid of most of the road, and it was a pure hoonmobile. Mum had a Flairline LXie, I came close to owning a GLXie that was a year old, but had done a scary 35k, I then had Felicias including a phase 1 GLXi 1.3, and a cube van, then a Fabia, mum replaced her fav with a brand new Felicia, a few years down the line I ended up with the Felly Magic, that car took some killing, did 40k with a clearly blown head gasket, hitting a ballast sack killed it, damaged the subframe, doubled it's miles in just over 3 years, only bother was the electric windows and alternator (TADTS). You will find this much nicer than the Dacia to drive. They are cars you can drive in shirt sleeves in winter. People who take the piss out of em are 100% twats who have never been within 100ft of em. I think even Dr Wobbler will like it, just watch the wheel arch lips, give em regular blasts out. I shit ye not, locally there was a 1.3 Felicia around here that had moon miles on, it was maintained by the late Old Ford, he loved em, and mine always made him smile. 


Happy Hooning you crazy druid

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I polished one of these years ago, was a mates neighbor. The paint responded really well to a good clay, although it's the wrong time of year for that now!


Id be very VERY careful machine polishing it with a rotary too with no clear coat, you'll whip through the paint in no time! A dual action polisher is your friend here, it won't fix any damage but will buff it up, Mrs 6c's zx responded very well to it! Then glaze (I recommend Poorboys Black Hole) then 3 or 4 coats of wax (nattys blue here). The six_cylinders probably have a before and after of theirs, and I think it lasted a whole few months before it all needed doing again...


Do like these though, probably not suited to my motorway commute with hills though, and it seems their already priced above my means!

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This is way before I started doing stupidly detailed threads, but this was it! When I first met my mate the old boy had a capri too! Replaced that with a Nu Fabia after a few years though. Drove past a few months ago whilst avoiding gridlocked traffic and sadly neither car nor owners seem to be around

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Had to drive into town this morning. It's bloody freezing. The Skoda's door locks were frozen solid, so I had to abort and use the 2CV instead.


Bit disappointed by that. Maybe some lube will protect the locks?

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This is way before I started doing stupidly detailed threads, but this was it! When I first met my mate the old boy had a capri too! Replaced that with a Nu Fabia after a few years though. Drove past a few months ago whilst avoiding gridlocked traffic and sadly neither car nor owners seem to be around

I remember reading that. I've been a member of DW since about 06, must be one of the longest serving members I reckon.


Sent from my VFD 710 using Tapatalk

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Had to drive into town this morning. It's bloody freezing. The Skoda's door locks were frozen solid, so I had to abort and use the 2CV instead.


Bit disappointed by that. Maybe some lube will protect the locks?

I think wd40 helps.

I've had the joys of frameless doors over the last few years, where the glass is meant to drop, yeah, not if it's frozen to the door seal.


Sent from my VFD 710 using Tapatalk

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Sorry, I went off a bit there. Just their so called smelling cannabis thing sounded pretty nasty official justification to pull you over.

There's no need to have a justification at all.
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I'm not sure why it's being referred to as A Communist Car all of the time, it's not like you'd refer to a Vauxhall Astra as A Capitalist Car.


Exposing this car to social media is like exposing it to a thousand pub bores spouting received wisdom, LOLSKODA drivel.

I really like the bold and blocky, not crisp Bertone styling, the later Felicia just looks bland and dumpy.

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Had to drive into town this morning. It's bloody freezing. The Skoda's door locks were frozen solid, so I had to abort and use the 2CV instead.


Bit disappointed by that. Maybe some lube will protect the locks?


Some warm water in a bottle on freezing mornings squeezed over is a quick fix, Some WD40 in the locks will help for a little bit, but silicone spray lube is better long term.


Also worth spraying some over the door rubbers on old cars, i've had locks and the doors freeze solid onto the rubbers before at the same time, bit of a PITA when you spend all that time going and getting the lock warmed only to find now the actual door won't come away from the rubber!

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