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LightBulbFun's Invacar & general ramble thread, index on page 1, survivors lists on Pages 24/134 & AdgeCutler's Invacar Mk12 Restoration from Page 186 onwards, still harping on...


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2 hours ago, Harriytait said:

This has probably already been shared but just incase it hasn't here's an interesting vid apparently from 1959 showing a rather interesting MK12 Prototype possibly?? with a much smaller rear window.



indeed it has :) its been discussed at some length, its a great source of getting period shots of some very rare invalid carriages I would love to know if the original negative exists somewhere so I could have it scanned in as high resolution  as I can get!

but the video is not from 1959, I can actually tell that by the Mk12's and their registration marks that its from 1961 or later as for example xxxUPU was not issued until January 1961

and they are sadly not prototypes, Early Mk12's no suffix (it went Mk12 Mk12A Mk12B Mk12C Mk12D and finally Mk12E) had a smaller rear window and non-glass side windows :) 


On 28/06/2020 at 15:21, LightBulbFun said:

in other invacar news this very interesting 1960s spot was posted on the microcar world FB page https://www.facebook.com/groups/950689934973969/permalink/3086153661427575/


very interesting because its an Invacar Mk12 with Mk12 no suffix non glass side windows but has the later large rear window


as seen here the very first Mk12's had a smaller rear window and non glass side windows 


its said that the Mk12A introduced glass side windows, and I had sort of assumed that with that the larger rear window was introduced as well, but clearly thats not the case!

I do know from the second shot/car, that at least in Jan 1961 (as thats when xxxUPU was first issued) they still had the original setup and supposedly Mk12A was introduced in April 1962, so clearly the combo of large rear window but non glass side windows was not around for long

(assuming the Mk12A introduction date is accurate)

have to say I do prefer the atheistic of the smaller rear window and rounded corners of the non glass side windows, but I know the larger rear window and glass side windows are much more practical!


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  • LightBulbFun changed the title to LightBulbFun's Invacar & general ramble thread, index on page 1, survivors lists on Pages 24/134 & AdgeCutler's Invacar Mk12 Restoration from Page 186 onwards :) practical driving test passed finally Woo! :D
6 minutes ago, LightBulbFun said:

well im very pleased to announced, that finally after 2 years I finally passed my car driving test and now have a full B licence woo!

That's fantastic news! :-)

Huzzah! Huzzah! Huzzah!!! :-)

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That really is great news. We've not met, but your name came up a time or three at the FoD. I'll go on record as saying you might have been better to have learnt in an automatic car, I've given one of my sons the same advice. But very happy to have been proved wrong. Congratulations again! 

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46 minutes ago, LightBulbFun said:

... the obligatory standing by car with pass certificate photo!  


so yeah finally passed Woo! I just need REV roadworthy .... :) 

We'll never hear the end of it now! 🤣

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So pleased for you mate, really great news and I know how much it’s been worrying you.

I can still remember how over the moon I was 12 years ago passing my test. I remember my first solo journey in my Citroen AX panicking as I couldn’t understand how I was ever going to be able to adjust the stereo whilst driving as I couldn’t take my hand off the wheel 😂

Best of luck getting on the road, cliche but it’s true - the real learning starts now 

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50 minutes ago, LightBulbFun said:

so for those who might not know I had my 3rd driving test today,

and for those who do know are probably wondering just how it went! 

well im very pleased to announced, that finally after 2 years I finally passed my car driving test and now have a full B licence woo!

heres the obligatory picture of the pass Certificate :) 

Absolutely brilliant news!  Resist the temptation to put a Hyabusa engine in your Invacar and I hope you can soon enjoy the greater independence and freedom that car ownership can give.  

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1 hour ago, LightBulbFun said:

so for those who might not know I had my 3rd driving test today,

and for those who do know are probably wondering just how it went! 

well im very pleased to announced, that finally after 2 years I finally passed my car driving test and now have a full B licence woo!

heres the obligatory picture of the pass Certificate :) 


only 4 minors, Ill take that LOL


im so please to have finally passed, Iv put so much time, effort and money into it,  and its finally paid off!, 3rd times a charm literally (although 1st time with this instructor for what thats worth :) )

and there was so much riding on it (with my theory pass which was going to expire in January, but knowing there where just no practical driving test slots for the foreseeable future etc)

its a massive weight off my shoulders now!

speaking of instructors this is the website https://drivebetter.co.uk/ for the one which I passed my test with :) I do recommend her if you have someone in East London wanting to learn how to drive, if she can get me through a test I imagine she can get anyone through!

heres the obligatory standing by car with pass certificate photo!  


so yeah finally passed Woo! I just need REV roadworthy and home and finally ill have some form own personal independence once more! 

Thank you to everyone who has been with/put up with/helped me through this whole roller coaster ride! its seriously appreciated :) 

Winning! I think I had 11 minors when I passed back in '99, so be happy with 4.

Over the moon for you, I know this was a scary thing for you. 

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Thanks all :) 

indeed its still a little hard to comprehend! but I bloody well did it, I finally passed! woo!

it is a serious weight off my shoulders and a serious freedom gained for me!

I dont have to worry about regular driving lessons doing my back in, or running out of money to pay for them! I no longer have to worry about will I pass before my theory expired!

all that worry gone now! and I have my full licence, as long as whatever car im handed keys to is Taxed/roadworthy and has valid insurance I can get in and drive it! Scary thought almost LOL

and then go pickup rare lightbulbs in it or go to the FoD! no longer have to worry about public transport and all that!

4 minutes ago, Mrs6C said:

I bet you are the first person ever to pass a driving test while wearing a T shirt with an Invacar on it... :-)

haha yeah the thought did cross my mind! which is one of the reasons why I saved my TWC T-shirt for the test :) 

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Congratulations, about bloody time, I was just about to throw out all the different light bulbs I've been saving up for you..... So you'll be down to Sussex at the weekend then 🤔 what time ?? 


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2 hours ago, Six-cylinder said:


Here are a couple of pictures before you receive your gift from from Slowsilver.

Rev being presented.jpg

IMG_20210918_102503 broad.jpg

IMG_20210918_102506 broad.jpg


2 hours ago, Mrs6C said:

Cuddly REV and Dolly were keen to wish you good luck for your test and obviously it worked! :-)

18-Sep-21 - cuddly REV and Dolly.JPG


1 hour ago, Dobloseven said:

Here's another one. It's amazing. Just hope no copyright has been infringed! IMG_20210918_111416.thumb.jpg.1feb0e4438f7388ba156219094f6f905.jpg

haha yes this was shown to me during the Zoom call! what a truly awesome thing it is its so amazing :) 

I really was not expecting it! :) thank you very much to @Slowsilverand Mrs Slowsilver for making it for me!

I very much look forward to receiving it eventually! and uniting Cuddly REV with full sized REV! its properly made me grin and I cant help but smile and laugh when I see it :) 

(and the detail is very good as well :) )

once again its so very awesome and thank you very much for it :) 

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Now you stop learning to pass the test and get on to the fun stuff; a lifetime of learning to drive on roads populated by people trying to kill you! 🤪

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