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STOLEN! 1929 Ford Model A, BF7875, A449 Herefordshire 18/3/18 STOLEN!


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1929 Ford Model A Roadster, BF7875, A449 Herefordshire 18/03/18






Green 1929 Ford Model A Roadster reg BF7875 was stolen from a layby on the A449 between Ross on Wye & Much Marcle on Sunday 18th March 2018.
The car, which had been competing in the Vintage Sports Car Club Herefordshire Trial on the Saturday was parked up in the layby on a trailer. Due to adverse weather the owner deemed it unsafe to continue his journey towing the car so left it in the layby. When he returned to collect the car on the Sunday, it along with the trailer had gone.


Witnesses saw the car still in the layby at 16:15 on Sunday so it was taken after that time.

The car is completely standard & is green with black fenders & beige wire wheels


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I expect the car has been dumped as it was probably just the trailer they were after. Hopefully they haven't damaged it too much as I expect the insurance will be void. Trailers are really difficult to get proper insurance on, I had one stolen a few years ago luckily we found it hidden in a field the next day.

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Yep, opportunistic theft is likely for the trailer rather than the motor; I'd be surprised if it doesn't turn up abandoned somewhere or if the thief is particularly stupid posted on FB for sale.

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FFS. Bits need to be chopped off these bastards. Along with incarceration whilst being forced to listen to Pink and George Ezra 24/7.

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If you trailer a Model A Ford to an event, you deserve to have it taken off you. People still use these as daily transport all over the world so there really is no excuse. Also, what do you expect leaving a Vintage car on a trailer in a layby for 24 hours? I suspect the insurance company might have something to say about that

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If you trailer a Model A Ford to an event, you deserve to have it taken off you. People still use these as daily transport all over the world so there really is no excuse. Also, what do you expect leaving a Vintage car on a trailer in a layby for 24 hours? I suspect the insurance company might have something to say about that


Oh god, here we go......

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He is right though.....leaving a trailer like that unattended overnight is a spectacularly dumb thing to do, regardless of what was sitting on it at the time.

I get nervous leaving mine in a carpark for 15 minutes, hitched to the back of the truck while I go into the shop.

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I obviously hope he gets it back, but it does seem rather stupid. You wouldn’t leave £30,000 by the side of the road, helpfully all packaged up in a neat box for ease of transport would you?


I assume either he thought ‘it’s the countryside, there are no criminals here’ or more likely ‘the weathers so bad, I can’t drive in it and neither can anyone else’.

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I have to agree too, I sympathise with him because you should be able to leave it in a lay-by for 24 hours without some thieving cunt taking it away, but quite clearly I’d never test this theory out and find it quite incredible that anyone else would.


And I’d not be broadcasting the fact in earshot of insurance companies either. It’s surprising where they have eyes and ears.

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There are many security options for trailers, what a shame none were used. As for deserving to have it stolen... nah, you should be able to leave things unlocked without scrotes taking advantage of you. We live in a sick world.

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There are many security options for trailers, what a shame none were used.



Most are laughably ineffective though - they are about right for stopping an honest man and not much else. Especially with the advent of cheap, powerful battery powered grinders, there isnt much that will resist a pikey.

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We leave ours parked up attached to the van overnight if we are in a Travelodge, but try to block it in if we can.

Always a worry.



If possible, back it up gently to a bollard, wall, lamp post etc until it touches and keep reversing enough to compress the damper, then stop and leave car in gear with hand brake on. The pressure on the tow ball will prevent it being unhitched even if they get your hitchlock off and even if they unbolt the hitch they will likely be unable to pull the trailer out due to no room to turn it.

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Yeah, it's not fair to victim-blame. It's like the rapist saying "she was asking for it" because the victim was drunk and wearing a short skirt.


Sadly, some arseholes seem to think it's okay to help themselves to vehicles/property that don't belong to them. Hope it gets found in one piece.

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Yeah, it's not fair to victim-blame. It's like the rapist saying "she was asking for it" because the victim was drunk and wearing a short skirt.


Sadly, some arseholes seem to think it's okay to help themselves to vehicles/property that don't belong to them. Hope it gets found in one piece.

No but its the motoring equivalent of a woman hanging around in an alley at kicking out time, bent over with no pants on and a hitched up skirt with a tramp stamp that reads 'come and get it boys' How are we no know that she just dropped her keys?


Its a shame that you can't leave a trailer in a lay by with a classic car on it but that's the way the world is. You just have to work with it and protect your investments.


Hope the car gets found though

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No but its the motoring equivalent of a woman hanging around in an alley at kicking out time, bent over with no pants on and a hitched up skirt with a tramp stamp that reads 'come and get it boys' How are we no know that she just dropped her keys?





OK I'll bite - still illegal, and more to the point - wrong.

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Yeah, it's not fair to victim-blame. It's like the rapist saying "she was asking for it" because the victim was drunk and wearing a short skirt.


Sadly, some arseholes seem to think it's okay to help themselves to vehicles/property that don't belong to them. Hope it gets found in one piece.



Just look at it, with those tiny little fenders and that flimsy little top. And look at the size of those headlamps!

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I don't think it's fair to say that they "deserved" to have it stolen, but it does sound like a spectacularly stupid thing to have done. Surely even if the road conditions were becoming terrible, you'd either turn around and go back, or just keep going but at massively reduced speed.


If the road conditions were such that the tow vehicle was able to continue it's journey, surely it could have continued with the trailer on, just at 15mph.


I left a car transporter trailer at the side of a motorway once with a blowout, and was back to it with a spare wheel and jacks within 30 minutes, but was still utterly terrified that someone would have the trailer (and the MK2 Granada estate that was on it) away. I went to the length of threading a chain though the wheels and wrapping it around the hitch so that it couldn't be engaged on a towball. It would at least have taken some time to cut it off, and been very conspicuous at the side of a motorway under CCTV. (pre- battery grinders.)


Even those mobile message boards that the council often park up and leave running with a message about roadworks or similar have all the wheels removed and a bloody massive hitchlock fitted. They must be the most conspicuous trailer in the world, and of bugger all value to anyone other than the council, but still they feel the need to completely immobilise them.

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