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What makes you grin? Antidote to grumpy thread


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As the original Grumpy Old Man thread reaches nigh on 70 pages as I type this, I thought I'd attemp to lighten the mood.

What makes you grin/snigger/smirk?

It can be anything...seeing a traffic warden spontaneously combust?

A particulaly poor joke?

A song?

A website?


I was introduced to this lot by a doctor chum of mine, they're called "The Amateur Transplants". Some will already be familiar with their "London Underground" ditty, but heres another....

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2R7QX0zI ... re=related


Please add your own pictures, links, stories, jokes whatever, so we can prove to ourselves we're not all suicidal, miserable old (and in some cases not so old) grumps.

Thangyooverrrrrmuch. (in an Elvis style).

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when you are going to pick up fresh piece of shite, that had a few iffy photos on its ebay listing and the worst description ever. but couldnt resist bidding.and it turns out to be the start of a beautiful relationship

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Hmm, for me this thread could be combined with the grumpy old man one, as lately all that seems to cheer me up is taking pleasure in other people's misfortune (I mean stupid people who deserve it).

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Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Apart from perhaps a crazed smile as a nod towards the utter futility of existence. Usually when it's raining.

Come on man.
Surely you can't watch this video of a dumpy, uncomfortable-looking man pretending to be The Fat Controller to promote "Thomas Land" and not have a slight chuckle. It's the most feeble thing I've ever seen, it cracks me up. Also helps that the entire theme park looks incredibly grim and low-rent.
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This makes me smile.

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Retro-Rides this weekend just gone. HOOOOOON!


That and parking up the Moggie this morning and some kid shouting at his Mum (everyone shouts all of the time in Peebo) "WOW, THAT CAR'S COOL!"

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Beer...........on a daily basisBuying shite motorsWatching children be allowed to run riot........................then the joy kicks in as they fall over/ bump into something ........and the parents sudenly become "concerned".................Look after them in the first place you dumb asses :lol::lol: TV progs..........Time Gentlemen Please, True Blood, Economy Gastronomy...........where the fuck do they get that amount of money to waste on micro meals etc :lol: ...........actually your right......its an extension of the GOM/P thread...............I'm off to drink beer and watch sex on TV :D

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I'm happy as I've just found a chap near me that's selling me the set of 4 BMW alloys in this picture (AutoStihl Grifo Alloys (13x6)) which all have good tyres, Plus the anti roll bar links and bushes (1602's never had them fitted as standard) and a set of lowered and uprated springs for £150 and I'm working on a deal to include the Koni Classic Adjustable Dampers that are fitted to it as well. 8)


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Of to pick them all up tomorrow.

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Autoshite moments, like the one tonight. After driving an work pool Focus up from Birmingham got back to the Avenger to drive home. At the first major junction, there's a dark red mk2 Polo breadvan coming towards me. So there's me in the smart shirt etc., and this guy in a suit and tie, both of us in old motors taking a good swatch at each others' cars despite the fact that there's nothing coming. A quick wave, a grin and we're on our way again!Similarly, 11 years ago in the Imp, coming back from a job interview in Oxford on a stunning Friday evening the traffic at pre-bypass Newbury forces me onto the M4 to Hungerford to get to Andover, briefly stopping to phone my pub job at a call box to say I'll be late. 5 minutes later, what's that low-slung thing in the mirror? It's a bloody Clan Crusader, FFS!!! A brief wave as we head for our different destinations, it was great.

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Dusty Renault 4's pootling around Majorca. Sitting on a plane on a business trip and realising there are only 8 of us on the entire plane so we get entire rows to ourselves. Waking up early on a Sunday, and having a surf and a cup of tea before the kids wake up. Driving along a nice country road with some decent music playing and no-one else about. But to top it all - Rainy Sundays, cup of tea, ham roll, and an old black and white Peter Sellers film like "Two Way Stretch" comes on. Now thats total bliss that is. I'm a simple soul me.....

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I had to pick the wife up from Colchester at 2am this morning after a her night out with the girls, I was following a mint red Y reg Mk 1 Fiesta 1.1 Pop + down the main road into town and when that turned of i had a mint blue E reg Mk 2 Fiesta 1.1 Pop + in front of me!.What are the chances of that happening at 2 o'clock in the morning hey!.

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Love being immature. Just been mountain biking near Derwent Water. Was just a mate and me in the middle of nowhere. He said 'Listen.....you cant hear anything, its so peac..." when i butted in by shouting "FUUUUUUCKSTIIIIIICKS" at the top of my voice. Gave me a great sense of satisfaction doing that.

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