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What makes you grin? Antidote to grumpy thread


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Was just watching this 306 auction end.





Okay looking car with 11 months test and 6 months tax but sod all other information. Was at £127.27 with 1m to go. Was waiting for the last minute bids to roll in but they didn't happen. With 10s to go I was about to pop in a bid of £150 with no idea where Tilbury is, but with 5s to go the seller pulled the listing as 'it was no longer for sale' which is just as well as it seems it is in Essex and I am in Yorkshire.


Can hardly blame them for pulling it but will hopefully teach them to actually put a little bit of effort into their listing next time and is a shot across the bows for me on bidding on cheap cars just because I am bored without knowing where they are. 

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in between the rain i spied my chance and i finally got time to fit some replacement injector seats to the saph they are crappy plastic that goes brittle and cracks when disturbed, at the same time noticed that a couple of injectors looked worse for wear, changed them at the same time and now the old girl has a new found turn of speed i mean she was no slouch before but now has more punch mid range, the best 30mins ive spent on a car in a long time

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After yesterday's IBM grump, I've now bought a custom USB converted Model M keyboard, for £18 less than the one I missed out on yesterday.

The only downside is I now have to get by until next Tuesday on €12, $30 and 210CHF that I can't actually spend as I need it next week because I'm going on a trip to CERN and a chocolate factory :-D

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Coming out of Millfield Autoparts this afternoon and there is a grey lhd FSO Polski-Fiat 125p parked outside.Big crease on the driver's door where the wind had caught hold and it was on old white on black Polish plates..............It looked epic but I had no picture taking device with me and the rain was coming down too hard for a pencil sketch.

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I nipped over father alf's today to run the fiesta up as it has been sttod for a couple of month. Took jump box and big charger just in case. Jumped in and it fired up after about 10 turns. Grin.


Now ahead of schedule I decided to pop in BiL's for a quick coffee and was handed the keys to this to have a run in:


20140215_123941%5B1%5D by alf892, on Flickr

Absolutely lovely thing to drive. Nice V8 burble......worth driving with the window open just to listen.


20140215_124802%5B1%5D by alf892, on Flickr


20140215_125534%5B1%5D by alf892, on Flickr

took it for a nice run around the lanes

It has been restored but very well done and panel fit is spot on. Interior is nice free of rattles.


20140215_124841%5B1%5D by alf892, on Flickr


20140215_123935%5B1%5D by alf892, on Flickr

modern radio wouldn't be my choice but it gets used a lot so is tolerated.


all in all a grin day....

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in between the rain i spied my chance and i finally got time to fit some replacement injector seats to the saph they are crappy plastic that goes brittle and cracks when disturbed, at the same time noticed that a couple of injectors looked worse for wear, changed them at the same time and now the old girl has a new found turn of speed i mean she was no slouch before but now has more punch mid range, the best 30mins ive spent on a car in a long time




I am sending my spare RSi injectors to a guy who will recon and flow test them for £12.

I hope to notice a similar upturn in running. :)

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Met up with the very nice gent that had the Renault 6 wings.  If I'm honest, I was expecting them to be a bit rough and ready but they're 30 year old genuine Renault NOS wings in original primer with very mild flash rusting and literally just need painting and fitting.  He wouldn't let me give him any money for them either.  What a lovely, lovely person, I hope he has much good karma in his life.

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Sat in dads car waiting for the doors to open at our gig in Wolverhampton watching the taxis go past. Seem to all be 54 plate any things! Seen a primer@s estate, astra, foci, vectras, pisshats and a4s.


Makes a nice change from the Prius clones in Wycombe!


And dads 62 plate sbloatmax is only doing 35mpg and he drives slowly, so the xms 28.3 doesn't seem too bad now!

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I am sending my spare RSi injectors to a guy who will recon and flow test them for £12.

I hope to notice a similar upturn in running. :)



bloody hell thats cheap, is that the set or each?, the adapter seats cost me peanuts from ford and did need changing, noticing the injectors was a bonus.


just had another grin i have just checked the bosch part numbers online and they are 210cc i was always lead to believe they were 170cc as standard

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bloody hell thats cheap, is that the set or each?, the adapter seats cost me peanuts from ford and did need changing, noticing the injectors was a bonus.


just had another grin i have just checked the bosch part numbers online and they are 210cc i was always lead to believe they were 170cc as standard

For all four, mate. Crazy price, eh?


I have already bought a steering column recon kit from him and he is sound, as well as owning an XR3, S1 and S2.

So he'll do for me!


It's great when Ford(s) :lol: can still get parts in and they surprise you with very reasonable.prices.

Last time I used them, they ordered me a standard CVH exhaust manifold gasket, mind. :(


Your injectors are a lot bigger than I would have expected, as well.

As long as the fuel consumption doesn't rocket up, now your right foot has learned the news. Lol.

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I now have to get by until next Tuesday on €12, $30 and 210CHF that I can't actually spend as I need it next week because I'm going on a trip to CERN and a chocolate factory :-D


Oh, CERN and the Chocolate Factory is one of my favourite films ever! My favourite scene is when Charlie and Uncle Joe stay behind to try the experimental fizzy drink and are sucked into the collider and end up being slammed into each other at almost the speed of light, proving the existence of the Higgs Everlasting Gobstopper. 

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The MOT station/taxi firm directly opposite work is closing in a few weeks, which is a bit shit really as they're good lads and a good source of cheap tyres and are convenient come test time. However, a 'classic car restoration' firm are moving in in a few weeks, apparently they already have a bodyshop in or near preston and just need this place for mechanical stuff..........they turned up this morning in an Allegro :-D

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I got these today.

No idea what i am going to do with them.

Prob move them to the offered/wanted thread at some point later

A Hitachi CSK-413D







A Saisho CX780





My youngest asked what are they dad?

I said radio cassettes

What is a cassette dad?

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The yellow thing (I forget what its called) was in the sky, so I've actually been able to get outside to do something, I stripped the interior out of Mrs fordpervs car and gave the thing a damn good cleaning.

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Out for a pub lunch today. Various automobilia on the walls but my eye was drawn to a painting of a VW Beetle with a pair of sheep. There's got to be a subliminal message there about Dub scenesters being sheep-like. Oddly enough there was a OMGRATLUK Beetle in the car park, a distinct lack of pineapples though.


And that yellow thing was in the sky round here too, for the first time this year I went outside without a coat on.

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My arms are aching but I finally got round to tackling Tasha the Volvo's manky headlining this afternoon. Like most of the car it was covered in a (sometimes not-so-thin) layer of grease and grime but luckily these old 240s have the old fashioned vinyl headlining that looks like a giant Elastoplast rather than the newer fuzzy-felt stuff that much newer cars have so it was a relatively simple hour's worth of scrubbing to get it a hell of a lot cleaner.

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Drove to see shiter garycox today to exhange Princess stuff.  The route is my house, M1, A35, Halfords.  I got lost but recovered and then parked in the wrong Halfords car park.  Well done me, I believe I probably can get lost in a paper bag.  However, Princess performed flawlessly for what ended up being about 220 miles and seems to have returned something like 38-40mpg which I'm very happy with.


On the way back I overtook an 8 wheel Atkinson flatbed truck which was a glorious thing lumbering along at a steady 50mph and was myself overtaken by a pale yellow rubber bumper MG B Sherpa Coupé who seemed to have a keen interest in/were flabbergasted at seeing the Princess.  On the other carriageway was a FUCKOFFORANGE Reliant Scimitar saloon/coupé, I forget what the proper name for them is.


Garycox's dog shirt was pretty amazing too.

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Had house stuff to do today but used the Rover to pick up bits. Just coming home when saw the new neighbour with garage doors open.......lovely VW Variant and BMW 6 M something.


Chatted for about an hour. Top bloke


Failed to complete any house jobs.

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