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What makes you grin? Antidote to grumpy thread


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Are they sending those tax letters out now? I owe this year but I've received nothing in writing from them or the tax credit people and they were both done months ago...I'm letting sleeping dogs lie at the moment and don't want to disturb them with a phone call.

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Spotted on the way in to way to work around 10.50am, a white BX possible diesel flavour, possible J reg. Looked very tidy apart from a small bit of rust on the front N/S wheel arch. Location: A10 roundabout just before J25/M25. Was possibly heading to Cheshunt or the other bit of the M25 towards Essex.

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rather amusingly as I clicked on the show last unread post button for the computershite thread my adblock chrome extension shat it self, and autoshite doesn't even serve adverts!   :mrgreen:




(of all the websites and threads it could of shat it self on, it really picked the most apt LOL)

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You need OneTab extension.


*strokes all 122 tabs lovingly*  :mrgreen:


on a more serious note, im pretty happy with my current setup, I already have a small extension that puts all my tabs into a list should I need em in such format (said extension also serves as my tab counter), but I actually do throughout a day use/browse all of my open tabs so something like OneTab wouldent work very well for me


(before the recent chrome UI change my main limit on tabs was that after so many tabs for a given window size, the favicons would vanish and I use the favicons to keep track of all my tabs, luckily for me chromes recent update changes this behaviour so the favicons just shrink in size allowing me to open even more tabs)


but thanks for the suggestion :)


sadly the internet is my only connection to the outside world these days (esp on a day to day basis) I practically live on the internet LOL and as such I do lot of stuff on the internet hence the massive amount of tabs :) its one of the reasons I want to get a driving licence and a car so I can finally go out and about some without utterly crippling myself hopefully...




Also don't use adblock plus - use uOrigin instead.


Many reasons why. Some here: https://www.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/comments/4b8qzc/why_have_people_stopped_recommending_adblock_plus/


TL;DR the original developers sold out.


thanks for the heads up, I was aware of them selling out but its interesting to see that uOrigin may run better


I may give it a spin at some point :)

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Reminds me I have to send in my paper assessment form by the end of this month.


Ha, snap! I saw the HMRC letter pic and immediately went and filled out my tax return which I've been forgetting to do for about 3 months. Its done now and will go in the post in the morning! Thanks Aston Martin!

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LEAVER: I want an omelette.


REMAINER: Right. It’s just we haven’t got any eggs.


LEAVER: Yes, we have. There they are. [HE POINTS AT A CAKE]


REMAINER: They’re in the cake.


LEAVER: Yes, get them out of the cake, please.


REMAINER: But we voted in 1974 to put them into a cake.


LEAVER: Yes, but that cake has got icing on it. Nobody said there was going to be icing on it.


REMAINER: Icing is good.


LEAVER: And there are raisins in it. I don’t like raisins. Nobody mentioned raisins. I demand another vote.








LEAVER: Right, where’s my omelette?


REMAINER: I told you, the eggs are in the cake.


LEAVER: Well, get them out.


EU: It’s our cake.


JEREMY CORBYN: Yes, get them out now.


REMAINER: I have absolutely no idea how to get them out. Don’t you know how to get them out?


LEAVER: Yes! You just get them out and then you make an omelette.


REMAINER: But how?! Didn’t you give this any thought?


LEAVER: Saboteur! You’re talking eggs down. We could make omelettes before the eggs went into the cake, so there’s no reason why we can’t make them now.


THERESA MAY: It’s OK, I can do it.




THERESA MAY: There was a vote to remove the eggs from the cake, and so the eggs will be removed from the cake.


REMAINER: Yeah, but…


LEAVER: Hang on, if we take the eggs out of the cake, does that mean we don’t have any cake? I didn’t say I didn’t want the cake, just the bits I don’t like.


EU: It’s our cake.


REMAINER: But you can’t take the eggs out of the cake and then still have a cake.


LEAVER: You can. I saw the latest Bake Off and you can definitely make cakes without eggs in them. It’s just that they’re horrible.


REMAINER: Fine. Take the eggs out. See what happens.


LEAVER: It’s not my responsibility to take the eggs out. Get on with it.


REMAINER: Why should I have to come up with some long-winded incredibly difficult chemical process to extract eggs that have bonded at the molecular level to the cake, while somehow still having the cake?


LEAVER: You lost, get over it.


THERESA MAY: By the way, I’ve started the clock on this.


REMAINER: So I assume you have a plan?


THERESA MAY: Actually, back in a bit. Just having another election.


REMAINER: Jeremy, are you going to sort this out?


JEREMY CORBYN: Yes. No. Maybe.


EU: It’s our cake.


LEAVER: Where’s my omelette? I voted for an omelette.


REMAINER: This is ridiculous. This is never going to work. We should have another vote, or at least stop what we’re doing until we know how to get the eggs out of the cake while keeping the bits of the cake that we all like.




REMAINER: Fine, I’m moving to France. The cakes are nicer there.


LEAVER: You can’t. We’ve taken your freedom of movement.

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Cakes and eggs apart..

My grin. The AA actually.

Mrs Beard had a FTP in the MX-5 last night at a particularly busy bit of the M66. Usual horrible traffic around Manchester. EML on and no power despite engine still running. Called the AA to be told that the membership had expired ten days ago despite us being on a 'two year price guarantee' deal. Seems the card date had expired so payment not taken. They didn't actually tell us at the time so we assumed we were still covered.

Mrs B in floods of tears and stuck on hard shoulder in shitty Manchester motorway traffic with no means of payment to renew as purse forgotten and still at home.

AA brilliant. Honoured the call and Patrolman out and with her 20 minutes later. Despite the expired membership, on the promise we would renew ASAP. Mrs B not coping well at this point so the AA guy sat her down in his van and gave her some tea from his flask. Turned out to be a faulty crank position sensor throwing on the EML. Code reset, clean of the pulley and sensor and he followed her almost home to make sure she was ok.

Mrs B and car made it back ok so a replacement sensor on order. Membership renewed today.

Happy ending.

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I've found the AA are quite good for things like that. They gave me a free hire car to get home on Relay even though I didn't have it on my cover, since I had 200 miles to go.

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Cakes and eggs apart..

My grin. The AA actually.

Mrs Beard had a FTP in the MX-5 last night at a particularly busy bit of the M66. Usual horrible traffic around Manchester. EML on and no power despite engine still running. Called the AA to be told that the membership had expired ten days ago despite us being on a 'two year price guarantee' deal. Seems the card date had expired so payment not taken. They didn't actually tell us at the time so we assumed we were still covered.

Mrs B in floods of tears and stuck on hard shoulder in shitty Manchester motorway traffic with no means of payment to renew as purse forgotten and still at home.

AA brilliant. Honoured the call and Patrolman out and with her 20 minutes later. Despite the expired membership, on the promise we would renew ASAP. Mrs B not coping well at this point so the AA guy sat her down in his van and gave her some tea from his flask. Turned out to be a faulty crank position sensor throwing on the EML. Code reset, clean of the pulley and sensor and he followed her almost home to make sure she was ok.

Mrs B and car made it back ok so a replacement sensor on order. Membership renewed today.

Happy ending.


Great to hear of someone actually going the extra mile nowadays.


Even more betterer, as I've just renewed my cover with them. Was looking around and hovering over the "go" button with Auto Aid but AA did me a very good price and, on the two occasions we've used them, they have been excellent. Plus, my brother paid cos I R SKINT. Which was doubly nice.

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