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  On 01/03/2023 at 16:23, Six-cylinder said:

Because Yellow!

In my experience insects love yellow cars and come to think of it T shirts as well.


Can you get T shirts to fit an insect 😕

  • Haha 7
  On 01/03/2023 at 16:17, wuvvum said:

For some unfathomable* reason, the local population of smol flies seems to have taken a shine to my MG.


So much so, in fact, that many of them are making sweet love on the boot lid. 

So here you go, have some hardcore midge porn to brighten up your day.



Welcome to life with a yellow car.  It was the one aspect of my Metro which was really annoying.  Trying to get it waxed or polished was always a continual battle against the local insect population.



Lobe 1 on a 1.9TDi camshaft, basically the top is missing. On a Seat Leon belonging to a young lady we know. Still, not that terrible a job to do.

  On 01/03/2023 at 17:43, HMC said:

Actually i don’t really Like the styling of the mk2 focus. The original was remarkable because it didn’t really follow a trend, but the mk2 takes that ethos and trashes it by making a squashed version of the original.

I’m hoping that by being simply a great appliance/painless to own  it will grow on me. I need a bankable foot soldier to save me from myself.


I've tried this approach a few times but it never really works for me. I hope it does for you!


Since arriving with family at lunch time I have been subjected to The Never Ending Meal (TM),  and continuous pints and shots. I don’t think I’m getting anywhere near looking at a loan car tonight. Send thoughts and prayers for future me.

Ive just been asked if I’d like more food, and been given another shot 🤣

  On 28/02/2023 at 21:45, Six-cylinder said:

When I have been there not many stalls. There is an oil shop.

A few food vendors but queues. 


He called me this morning, quite excited to show the car- the stand theme this April is “wedges” apparently. Comes with the offer of two free tickets and need to be at Bicester heritage for 9am. 

  On 01/03/2023 at 19:30, richardmorris said:

He called me this morning, quite excited to show the car- the stand theme this April is “wedges” apparently. Comes with the offer of two free tickets and need to be at Bicester heritage for 9am. 


Great, I would grab the opportunity.

Would he want a black wedge on the same deal?

Ferrari GT4 DHV 977V 12 broad.jpg

  • Like 2
  On 01/03/2023 at 19:32, Six-cylinder said:

Great, I would grab the opportunity.

Would be want a black wedge on the same deal?

Ferrari GT4 DHV 977V 12 broad.jpg


I’ll text him if you like? I do like those bertone Ferraris- and we share door handles!

just the small matter of getting the car down from north wales for the first time since 2019! 

  On 01/03/2023 at 19:40, richardmorris said:

I’ll text him if you like? I do like those bertone Ferraris- and we share door handles!


Yes the car is on the road and nothing in my diary yet.

  • Like 1
  On 01/03/2023 at 19:42, Six-cylinder said:

Yes the car is on the road and nothing in my diary yet.


1980? 308gt4c?

  On 01/03/2023 at 09:16, BorniteIdentity said:

I'd have the plate off it @brownnovaif it's tranferrable, just so I can put it on something completely inappropriate like an Audi Q7 then drive around with a vape constantly on the go whilst wearing a North Face jacket or whatever.


Can’t I do the vape and North Face thing in the Mayflower, seems somewhat inappropriate. 


  On 01/03/2023 at 08:44, SiC said:

Remind him that a MOT is required.




That’s very useful info… cheers @SiC 

I’d always assumed an MoT exempt car wouldn’t need one… it’ll be far too much hassle for him to get it all sorted for a plate robbery, and he’ll just want rid for peanuts. Maybe… 

  • Like 1
  On 01/03/2023 at 19:40, richardmorris said:

I’ll text him if you like? I do like those bertone Ferraris- and we share door handles!

just the small matter of getting the car down from north wales for the first time since 2019! 


1979 308 GT4, just 32,000 miles from new and we have had it since June 2000.

The 308 is not used much and was parked up through the covid years. We did have a cambelt service done when we got it out in Sep 2022.

  On 01/03/2023 at 20:13, Six-cylinder said:

1979 308 GT4, just 32,000 miles from new and we have had it since June 2000.

The 308 is not used much and was parked up though the covid years. We did have a cambelt service done when we got it out in Sep 2022.


So was my x1/9. I’m looking forward to doing more than driving my mum up to the crematorium! I’ve just texted  him.


  • Like 1
  On 26/02/2023 at 21:44, Spottedlaurel said:

Finally, I have been insured on another LS400. It's not mine (nor will it be) and it's somewhat speculative at this moment, but fingers crossed it works out.....


Am I a bad influence? Earlier this week my mum and stepdad have signed themselves up to a brand new Corolla hybrid after 25+ years of serial Ford ownership. Then this afternoon Miss SL's boyfriend has bought himself a '98 LS400, the later type with more power and toys than mine. This is going to be his sensible car to get to a work placement when he doesn't want to use his K-reg MR2 in the winter.

No trains were involved, they drove down to view it in Herts in the trusty ex @BorniteIdentity Avensis SR, did the deal and they're now on the way back home to Loughborough in a late '90s Japanese convoy. On a school night too.

The Avensis is remaining on their fleet so Miss SL can use it to get to her placement. It continues to do a great job for them and was recently used for a couple of motor club Autosolo events.

  On 01/03/2023 at 20:29, Six-cylinder said:

OK fair enough.


Sorry, too late.  I’d offer a lift to the show, if you would be happy in the x1/9?

  • Like 1

This is really worth the watch. Tales from rover, etc in the 1990s. @motorpunk



  • Like 2

Insurance renewal is coming up! It's been steadily decreasing ever since I passed my test. I wonder how low it'll be this time..?


Sweet Jesus! It was £700 last year!

  On 01/03/2023 at 20:55, richardmorris said:

Sorry, too late.  I’d offer a lift to the show, if you would be happy in the x1/9?


Sounds good to me.

  • Like 1
  On 01/03/2023 at 20:38, Spottedlaurel said:

Then this afternoon Miss SL's boyfriend has bought himself a '98 LS400, the later type with more power and toys than mine. This is going to be his sensible car to get to a work placement when he doesn't want to use his K-reg MR2 in the winter.

No trains were involved, they drove down to view it in Herts in the trusty ex @BorniteIdentity Avensis SR, did the deal and they're now on the way back home to Loughborough in a late '90s Japanese convoy. On a school night too.

The Avensis is remaining on their fleet so Miss SL can use it to get to her placement. It continues to do a great job for them and was recently used for a couple of motor club Autosolo events.


Those kids have been raised right.

  • Thanks 1
  On 01/03/2023 at 21:07, Six-cylinder said:

Sounds good to me.


You’re not too far from Bicester? Need to be there before 9 and to 1 pm ish. 8 am for coffee at yours?

  On 01/03/2023 at 12:58, Rust Collector said:

Time to go see the extended family via the worst form of transport possible:


Supplies to make things more bearable:


It was our baby’s first time flying (sorry everyone else onboard). He was ok to be fair:


Hello Austria:


Let it be known that if you need a baggage trolley in Vienna airport and you have no europe tokens, 10p will sort you out:


We are en route to family now where I’m told a loan car awaits me. I can’t wait, I hope it’s awful!


Excellent. I shall be passing through Vienna Airport myself next week on the way to CZ. 

The last time I flew out of Vienna the plane was delayed 20 minutes or so as we had to go via the de icing station. A man on a hydraulic platform sprayed de icer over the wings from a pressure washer. It had snowed quite heavily the day before we left but everything was running completely normally. Even the trams which have limited adhesion at the best of times. 

  • Like 1
  On 01/03/2023 at 21:07, wuvvum said:

Those kids have been raised right.


Tried to learn them as best as I could.

Latest news is that they've successfully made it back home. Hopefully I'll get to see the new toy soon.


An exciting box full of (rather expensive) Volvo bits arrived today.  I've already fitted the exhaust hanger (to replace the two cable ties which have been valiantly holding the tailpipe up for the last several years) and the little return spring for the bonnet latch, which now pings back into place as it should - now I just need to wait until the replacement bonnet cable arrives (ordered a secondhand one off eBay because it was £20 cheaper than a new one).  The box also contained a pair of shiny new rear brake discs and two replacement front jacking point sections - I only ordered one but they stuck two in the box for some reason.  I'm going to have a crack at fitting the discs tomorrow but the jacking point will have to wait for someone with weldage skillz.

This morning I took the Maxus to the local tyre place to get the tracking done - it's been way out since the offside track rod end was replaced for the MOT.  The van fitted on the ramp with inches to spare but it's now done and driving a lot better so £24 well spent - apparently both sides were way out of kilter.  I'm back there tomorrow as they're going to fit the two part worn tyres I've bought to the Volvo wheels - those will go on the front, then the two least fucked of the existing tyres can go on the back and the most fucked one can be used as a spare.  It'll be nice not to be worrying about a front wheel blowout every time I venture over 30mph...  There are still a couple of bits I need to get for it which Brookhouse don't list on their website - a mounting screw for the offside rear hubcap and a pair of quarterlight window latches - my repair with the mirror mounting kit didn't work, the driver's side managed about 30 minutes and the passenger side lasted a couple of days, so I've given up and I'm going to buy a pair of the type that clip round the glass, as fitted to @Lankytim's 145.  Skandix appear to have both in stock so I'll be spending some money with them shortly.

I went to the local garage the other day to book the Rover 75 in for an MOT and a replacement spring and tyre, and while I was in there I asked about doing the front wheel bearings on the MG.  The conversation didn't start well - "I've bought an MG TF..."  "Oh dear." - but they said that if I can get the hubs off and down to them they'll press in the new bearings for £notmuch.  So today I jacked the front end up and attacked the various nuts and bolts holding the hubs onto the car to see if there was any chance of me getting them off.  I wasn't expecting much as everything is extremely rusty under there, but greatly to my surprise everything cracked off with little difficulty.  I've not completely undone everything yet so no doubt there will be some fun and games when I do, but so far it's looking more promising than I'd expected.

This evening I had my first proper night-time drive in the Visa.  Only to Tesco and back, but I wanted to make sure the headlights were going to make at least some effort at illuminating the road.  They're actually not bad at all - even the aim isn't far out, which is surprising given that I basically just shoved them in there.  I do like that little car - at some point I need to let someone who actually knows what they're doing with carburettors loose on it to get it running spot on, at the moment it still pops and splutters occasionally, although it's fine at full throttle which is where it'll spend most of its time when it's not in town so that takes away some of the urgency.

  On 01/03/2023 at 21:37, wuvvum said:

An exciting box full of (rather expensive) Volvo bits arrived today.  I've already fitted the exhaust hanger (to replace the two cable ties which have been valiantly holding the tailpipe up for the last several years) and the little return spring for the bonnet latch, which now pings back into place as it should - now I just need to wait until the new bonnet cable arrives (ordered a secondhand one off eBay because it was £20 cheaper than a new one).  The box also contained a pair of shiny new rear brake discs and two replacement front jacking point sections - I only ordered one but they stuck two in the box for some reason.  I'm going to have a crack at fitting the discs tomorrow but the jacking point will have to wait for someone with weldage skillz.

This morning I took the Maxus to the local tyre place to get the tracking done - it's been way out since the offside track rod end was replaced for the MOT.  The van fitted on the ramp with inches to spare but it's now done and driving a lot better so £24 well spent - apparently both sides were way out of kilter.  I'm back there tomorrow as they're going to fit the two part worn tyres I've bought to the Volvo wheels - those will go on the front, then the two least fucked of the existing tyres can go on the back and the most fucked one can be used as a spare.  It'll be nice not to be worrying about a front wheel blowout every time I venture over 30mph...  There are still a couple of bits I need to get for it which Brookhouse don't list on their website - a mounting screw for the offside rear hubcap and a pair of quarterlight window latches - my repair with the mirror mounting kit didn't work, the driver's side managed about 30 minutes and the passenger side lasted a couple of days, so I've given up and I'm going to buy a pair of the type that clip round the glass, as fitted to @Lankytim's 145.  Skandix appear to have both in stock so I'll be spending some money with them shortly.

I went to the local garage the other day to book the Rover 75 in for an MOT and a replacement spring and tyre, and while I was in there I asked about doing the front wheel bearings on the MG.  The conversation didn't start well - "I've bought an MG TF..."  "Oh dear." - but they said that if I can get the hubs off and down to them they'll press in the new bearings for £notmuch.  So today I jacked the front end up and attached the various nuts and bolts holding the hubs onto the car to see if there was any chance of me getting them off.  I wasn't expecting much as everything is extremely rusty under there, but greatly to my surprise everything cracked off with little difficulty.  I've not completely undone everything yet so no doubt there will be some fun and games when I do, but so far it's looking more promising than I'd expected.

This evening I had my first proper night-time drive in the Visa.  Only to Tesco and back, but I wanted to make sure the headlights were going to make at least some effort at illuminating the road.  They're actually not bad at all - even the aim isn't far out, which is surprising given that I basically just shoved them in there.  I do like that little car - at some point I need to let someone who actually knows what they're doing with carburettors loose on it to get it running spot on, at the moment it still pops and splutters occasionally, although it's fine at full throttle which is where it'll spend most of its time when it's not in town so that takes away some of the urgency.


The YouTube I plugged above has info and footage of the k series production.

  On 01/03/2023 at 21:37, wuvvum said:

Skandix appear to have both in stock so I'll be spending some money with them shortly.


Or maybe I won't.  Bastards want 40 Euros to post a couple of small bits.  So they can bugger off.

  On 01/03/2023 at 23:36, wuvvum said:

Or maybe I won't.  Bastards want 40 Euros to post a couple of small bits.  So they can bugger off.


I think they have a blanket cost for shipping abroad buying from them only makes sense if you're buying loads of stuff in one big order.


How the heck did they manage that?  Somehow deployed the tip function while driving?

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