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this can mean only one thing….


She’s on the road! Frontline transport!

I taxed and insured it last night. Only £27 a month TPFT and £17 a month for tax. A change in circumstances means I need to travel a lot more now and I don’t particularly want to knack up my nice Fiesta so I thought sod it, why not. It’s also better on fuel too.

One small stumbling block before all this became a reality.


One leather steering wheel procured from a 2002 Fiesta (a very early one to boot). Didn’t need the airbag as mine was all good. A quick YouTube sesh told me how to remove my old airbag and replace the wheel. A simple 10 minute job.

2 hours later I manage to wrestle the airbag off the wheel. The only issue was that I gorilla’d the airbag off and in the process, destroyed the airbag wiring plug which smashed into a million bits. Long story short is that £20 later, I now had a new airbag and wiring. The new one went on straight away and the airbag didn’t blow up in my face.

Now on for the Christmas duties! What a car!

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Currently sat in the car opposite my house having a standoff with a middle-aged couple walking their two dogs stood outside my house. 

Their dogs have done a crap on the path outside my house and they clearly don't have the means to pick it up in a sanitary manner. 

They keep looking up from their phones to see that I haven't moved. I'm going to make this whole situation as awkward as possible. 

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22 minutes ago, MrGTI6 said:

Currently sat in the car opposite my house having a standoff with a middle-aged couple walking their two dogs stood outside my house. 

Their dogs have done a crap on the path outside my house and they clearly don't have the means to pick it up in a sanitary manner. 

They keep looking up to see that I'm still sat in the car. I'm going to make this whole situation as time-consuming and awkward as possible for them. 

Still there?

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30 minutes ago, Nyphur said:

It's definitely the drop link. Rocking it side to side on the ground I could feel a slight click through the top nut. With a hand on the bottom joint on the drop link and repeated shaking there's a very definite clunk to be felt. 

Thanks for your help.

Droplinks are almost a regular service item on the Fabia/Ibiza/Polo that I think the Roomster is based on?

Having a quick look at Wikipedia on the Roomster, it looks like VAG cut and shut the Fabia Mk1 platform on the front and the same platform as the Audi TT Mk1 on the rear 🤣

(Of course that platform on the rear had other, more similar users too)

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1 hour ago, Jazoli said:

Still there?

A bit of an anti-climax I'm afraid.

After 11 minutes, the lady walked over to my window and said her husband had forgotten to bring any bags, and wanted to know if I had anything she could use. I went back into the house and donated one of the many carrier bags we have under the stairs. In hindsight I should have charged 5p like the supermarkets do these days.

She seemed pleasant and very talkative but her husband didn't say a word!

I expect one of two things to happen going forward. Either they'll never let their dogs shit outside my house again, or they'll do it all the time now out of spite.

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I once got caught out like that - my jacket had 3 poo bags in and I reckoned that’d see me right with only 1 dog at the time.

He then did 4 separate shits on one walk.

Luckily* the last one was near a bin and I had a McDonald’s serviette in my other pocket…

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Finally shifted the stubborn ht lead on the 2CV. Several overnight applications of WD40 and liberal plier action hadn’t done it, heat and levering it off with a screwdriver did in the end!

 Never ever had one stuck like that before. 

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Last one, I promise.

Decided to treat the old girl to a car wash and I then hoovered the inside out and made it smell a bit nicer.


Rocker cover gasket turned up today so that’s the next job.

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Drove down to Somerset today to visit my parents for Christmas.  Was dreading the journey having listened to all the dire warnings about OMGtrafficchaos, but ended up doing the 250 mile drive in 5 1/2 hours, including a 20 minute stop for lunch.  Ampera seems to have used a bit more fuel than usual, but then there was a quite enthusiastic headwind for most of the journey. 

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10 hours ago, Rust Collector said:

I once got caught out like that - my jacket had 3 poo bags in and I reckoned that’d see me right with only 1 dog at the time.

He then did 4 separate shits on one walk.

Luckily* the last one was near a bin and I had a McDonald’s serviette in my other pocket…

I caught sight of McDonald’s before I read it. I was anticipating the story said you left the last shit in situ and hoped it was mistaken for a piece of McDonalds burger.

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On 23/12/2023 at 13:59, Nyphur said:

I've not needed to fit any since I got the car in 2020 fortunately but ordered a pair up.

Yeah it's a Fabia MK1 from the dash forwards apparently - the Fabia Haynes manual does the job for most stuff. I didn't realise the rear was TT based.

Ours is a 2013 one that we've had since 2017 and not had to replace them.

The only repair it's needed is a clutch cylinder.

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On 23/12/2023 at 23:45, wuvvum said:

Drove down to Somerset today to visit my parents for Christmas.  Was dreading the journey having listened to all the dire warnings about OMGtrafficchaos, but ended up doing the 250 mile drive in 5 1/2 hours, including a 20 minute stop for lunch.  Ampera seems to have used a bit more fuel than usual, but then there was a quite enthusiastic headwind for most of the journey. 

Yea - I followed all the OMG the world is ending warnings.

Tickled that both the RAC and AA were heavily featured in the press releases picked up by media as both are private businesses who want to drum up breakdown business.

Didn't hear anything from the Highways Agency?

The real-time BBC traffic reports are provided by this US company:


The BBC should have been in a position to make congestion predictions on the data they have purchased under their contract - I think the Highways Agency get their data from the same place.

The kind of jeopardy being peddled must have a chilling effect on everyday life. As usual with a lot of what is in the media - it needs to be taken with a massive pinch of scepticism, even on the BBC these days - that seems riddled with 'click bait' - and promoting vested interests or political hobby-horses.

I find the live updates by the Highways Agency on X (Twitter) work ok - but that has it problems😂

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So, MOT in the morning.

Cleaned + hoovered inside - check

Cleaned outside - [will stop off at the Shell jetwash on the way there...] Check

Emptied out of rubbish and clutter - check

Lights, levels etc - Check

All the main repairs done, such as the suspension and welding - Check

Rectify last year's only advisory - Check

Fix that loose rear number plate.... Ahhh fucksticks... I knew there'd be something I'd forget 🥲

Scurrying around indoors for my double sided foam tape... Obviously it's gone missing and can't be found. Found the next best thing - some ancient looking Halfords branded number plate adhesive strips.. except they don't 😂

Now, do I - 

Leave it, which may or may not get an advisory which will eternally bother me

Take the number plate off, clean off all the old residue and start again IF I can find the adhesive tape.. this does run the risk of having a removed number plate which I have no way of reattaching less than an hour before the test...

Peering underneath I can see the factory screw fittings which would appear to have snapped, and someone has attempted to drill through them and given up half way. Do I attempt to rectify this?

Time is of the essence

I could just leave it the fuck alone, but getting a silly advisory for something like that would bother me to an insane degree. I will lose sleep over it. 

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3 hours ago, RoverFolkUs said:

So, MOT in the morning.

Cleaned + hoovered inside - check

Cleaned outside - [will stop off at the Shell jetwash on the way there...] Check

Emptied out of rubbish and clutter - check

Lights, levels etc - Check

All the main repairs done, such as the suspension and welding - Check

Rectify last year's only advisory - Check

Fix that loose rear number plate.... Ahhh fucksticks... I knew there'd be something I'd forget 🥲

Scurrying around indoors for my double sided foam tape... Obviously it's gone missing and can't be found. Found the next best thing - some ancient looking Halfords branded number plate adhesive strips.. except they don't 😂

Now, do I - 

Leave it, which may or may not get an advisory which will eternally bother me

Take the number plate off, clean off all the old residue and start again IF I can find the adhesive tape.. this does run the risk of having a removed number plate which I have no way of reattaching less than an hour before the test...

Peering underneath I can see the factory screw fittings which would appear to have snapped, and someone has attempted to drill through them and given up half way. Do I attempt to rectify this?

Time is of the essence

I could just leave it the fuck alone, but getting a silly advisory for something like that would bother me to an insane degree. I will lose sleep over it. 

just drop it off, go get a hot drink .

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Blue tack for now, then join me in my mission to go and find Fuck. Fuck is a jammy cunt that we’ve all been doing things for, for years. He/she does bugger all for themselves but everything we do is for their sake. Well I, for one, have had enough and we need to track them down and make them pay for the pain we’ve all endured doing things for their sake all these years. Good luck for the MOT!

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4 hours ago, adw1977 said:

Leave it alone.  Better to get an advisory than risk a fail for it being not attached at all.


35 minutes ago, stuboy said:

just drop it off, go get a hot drink .

Sound advice, cheers chaps

I'm more annoyed about not being able to find the fupping double sided tape.. 

Still won't stop me fiddling with it in the morning (oo'er etc 😂) - I think we have some 3M VHB at work which is pretty much the dogs bollocks for double sided adhesion, when it works. I've found it either bonds so well that you can barely get it off or it simply doesn't stick, at all! So I *might* give that a go. I should be able to get enough behind it without removing the plate altogether

2 minutes ago, Wibble said:

Blue tack for now, then join me in my mission to go and find Fuck. Fuck is a jammy cunt that we’ve all been doing things for, for years. He/she does bugger all for themselves but everything we do is for their sake. Well I, for one, have had enough and we need to track them down and make them pay for the pain we’ve all endured doing things for their sake all these years. Good luck for the MOT!

Sounds fun! Might join in..  Thanks :)

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6 minutes ago, JMotor said:


Just overthinking it @RoverFolkUs. Let the tester tell you what else it needs.

Started thinking like that now. It's made life easier(ISH) for me.

Thank you, he's a very fair bloke. If it needs to fail it will fail, if he can get away with passing it he will. 

My only advisory last year was for discoloured indicator bulbs (I had replaced the fronts only thinking the rears were ok..) so you might be able to imagine how much that has bugged me ever since.. 😅

I'm aiming for a clean sheet.. else I don't mind it failing because then I can sort out the advisories.. I just hate *nearly* getting a clean sheet with one advisory which I've overlooked!

As you say, I think I'm definitely overthinking it. In which case I think I'll drop it off, and wait patiently* while spamming the F5 button sipping tea and browsing Autoshite :) 

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I do the same when I send a car in for test 😆

Totally get where you are coming from, you want it to be right from the get go. Nowt wrong with that! Getting that advisory free pass is a nice feeling. Makes the effort worth it.

But here! 

"She'll be reet lad"

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Is anyone finding the forum a bit slow today? (Or even the last few days) I'm finding it a bit slow at loading when navigating around.

A quick check on the Load averages on the server are showing them higher than normal but not crazy high. Not sure if it's just that it's busy on here because Xmas, hosting providers is getting hammered (because Xmas) or something else is going on. 

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2 minutes ago, SiC said:

Is anyone finding the forum a bit slow today? (Or even the last few days) I'm finding it a bit slow at loading when navigating around.

A quick check on the Load averages on the server are showing them higher than normal but not crazy high. Not sure if it's just that it's busy on here because Xmas, hosting providers is getting hammered (because Xmas) or something else is going on. 

seems ok to me

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2 hours ago, SiC said:

Is anyone finding the forum a bit slow today? (Or even the last few days) I'm finding it a bit slow at loading when navigating around.

A quick check on the Load averages on the server are showing them higher than normal but not crazy high. Not sure if it's just that it's busy on here because Xmas, hosting providers is getting hammered (because Xmas) or something else is going on. 

Yep, I've found page loading to be quite slow over the last few days.

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