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Father Ted

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17 hours ago, Alex66 said:

I quite like the look of that Duster, I think it has future classic in the line of other greats like old Lada and so on, its a bargain for what it is anyway and so unexceptional, I am tempted to get one (not new though). 

I drove one for the first time yesterday, the previous shape one, I've thought the same for a while and now know it to be true. I'm not sure if I'd have one, but they seem to do the job of being a car quite well.

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@DVee8 - that gingercator looks a bit Mondeo MK1 or other Ford to me...

Some people think Kent is all chocolate box cottages Darling Buds of May etc, occasionally that is actually true. Bonus MK3 Mondy Ghia saloon. Shame I cut the bike off!


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31 minutes ago, Cavcraft said:

+1 on that indicator being off a Ford.


1 hour ago, egg said:

@DVee8 - that gingercator looks a bit Mondeo MK1 or other Ford to me...

Some people think Kent is all chocolate box cottages Darling Buds of May etc, occasionally that is actually true. Bonus MK3 Mondy Ghia saloon. Shame I cut the bike off!


I'm not saying it isn't a Ford but it turned up in a polly box at work and I work for Nissan 

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Saab panic avoided. 

It was using coolant at a fairly distressing rate. Probably around 1L to 45 miles. No signs of HGF at all, no contamination, white smoke, etc but still worrying. 

Couldn't see any leaks underneath. Driving with heater on, coolant level stayed rock solid. Put the AC on and.... 

That's the heater bypass valve tucked down the back of the block on the bulkhead, pishes out with HVAC set to cold but seems to puddle on the subfrsme or evaporates off on the hot exhaust before hitting the ground. Nice, a £25 valve as opposed to terminal HGF. 

Just as well, as my diagnostic runs were reminding me just how lovely it is, absolutely effortless pace and a nicely appointed interior. Cruising at 60 it can return half respectable economy figures too. It's a car I fall in and out with, how much I like it offset by high tax and poor economy, but it's a nice tonic to the two French diesels from time to time. I'm moving house next week anyway, so it will earn its keep. 

It's done about 150 miles in the last three months or so, need to put that right. 



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3 hours ago, reb said:

I drove one for the first time yesterday, the previous shape one, I've thought the same for a while and now know it to be true. I'm not sure if I'd have one, but they seem to do the job of being a car quite well.

I am quite tempted by the previous shape as it is quite big in the boot area and have a great utilitarian feel about them,  plus they come up at a quite good price. 

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Just added 19 more bhps to the Streetwise courtesy of a throttle body upgrade which went surprisingly well considering there was an idiot under the bonnet (me).

Probably the placebo effect, but it certainly seems a bit quicker off the mark, and a lot more eager to hit the K-series sweetspot of 4K rpm.

Gonna give it a good run out this evening, see what effect the improvement has on the motorway.

Differences twixt 84 ad 103 bhp versions of the Rover 25:

1.4 16v 84 Manual
Power: 84 PS (62 kW; 83 hp)
Torque: 110 N·m (81 lb·ft)
Top Speed: 169 km/h (105 mph)
0-60: 11.8 secs
MPG: 41.3 mpg

1.4 16v 103 Manual
Power: 103 PS (76 kW; 102 hp)
Torque: 123 N·m (91 lb·ft)
Top Speed: 169 km/h (112 mph)
0-60: 10.2 secs
MPG: 41.3 mpg

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4 minutes ago, wuvvum said:

Nor do I.

The dealer in Wisbech has a 2010 Corsa outside advertising their £4,000 scrappage deposit scheme.

To buy the same car tarted up a little.

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Put the bloody roof down man, it's not cold and I bet the heater is like a furnace anyway.


Should be a pleasant drive down in that, I hope you're bringing it back too! 

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So this happened at work today..... 


Managed to do the Saab double commute this morning with Mrs_brownnova. I’ve avoided using it with the bashed up door, but the Mazda is now pissing out it’s PAS fluid rather rapidly so the Saab got the nod for my late meeting. 


This is evening I have been playing with my tax disc collection (about the only place I’ll admit to this...) 


Got a few hundred, mainly 90s. 

Mrs_b and I played a fun game of who can find a car that’s still on the road first.... using tax discs from 1996. 

I won with a K reg Isuzu Trooper. 

Another cutting edge evening in the brownnova household... 

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The plan is to do the coffee table something like this and put the tax discs under Perspex to protect them. 


Apparently the old ones (60s & 70s) are too old for the table and need to go in a frame. - Her words not mine. 

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4 minutes ago, brownnova said:

The plan is to do the coffee table something like this and put the tax discs under Perspex to protect them. 


Apparently the old ones (60s & 70s) are too old for the table and need to go in a frame. - Her words not mine. 

you dont happen to have JWC880C in your collection? 

its 1971 IIRC? tax disk showed up on ebay a good while back, I sadly cant find the picture of it (its listing was/is saved by picclick, but typically when i go to search for it specifically it vanishes)

just 3 away from the one infamously pictured going up in flames!

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Just now, LightBulbFun said:

you dont happen to have JWC880C in there? 

its 1971 IIRC? tax disk showed up on ebay a good while back, I sadly cant find the picture of it (its listing was/is saved by picclick)

just 3 away from the 1 infamously pictured going up in flames!

Nope, I haven’t ever bought any. All mine are ones I collected when I was a youngster. My 70s ones are all Tractor ones from a friend of my parents farm. 

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7 minutes ago, brownnova said:

Nope, I haven’t ever bought any. All mine are ones I collected when I was a youngster. My 70s ones are all Tractor ones from a friend of my parents farm. 

Neat! :) 

your pile of tax disks reminds me of when I was quite young, 4-5 years old

the local criminals used to dump their stolen cars in the dead end here and smash them up

and when Id noticed such a car in the dead end, I would crawl through the broken glass etc, and pillage any intact car bulbs I could find in the wrecked car :mrgreen: 

anyways I remember one car had a shit load of tax disks scattered around inside, and I thought to myself at the time "Oohh money!" and then also "but I haven ever seen circular bank note before I wonder what these are"

I saw the colours and large numbers and initially thought they were some sort of bank note!

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On the topic of radios, the Jag has a full 1990s(?) Alpine system. Head unit, CD changer, amp, sub speakers tweeters the lot. Sounds great. 

Volvo's sound system was also made by Alpine for Volvo, and I have multiple head units for it, that sound equally excellent. 

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9 hours ago, brownnova said:

The plan is to do the coffee table something like this and put the tax discs under Perspex to protect them. 


Apparently the old ones (60s & 70s) are too old for the table and need to go in a frame. - Her words not mine. 


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I'm away to fit MavisNotMavis' 3rd or 4th aux belt in my ownership, though this time actually the right length! It's been eating belts for as long as I can remember, it seems though that ECP spec two lengths for AC cars and it's always got the shorter one. This seems to have been the cause of the exploded crank pulley that caused omg-exploded-timing-belt panic. It's currently squealing its tits off with a 6 month old belt and brand new tensioner.

I had a rummage in my box of bits and found a belt I bought as a spare when I got the car, it's the right one!


I'm going to deal with it now because the last time I neglected preventative maintenance on alternator belts I ended up with both of my cars shitting their belts within 48 hours of eachother and having to summon a drunk Keith with a big knife to remove the remains and drive carefully home with minimal lights.

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17 hours ago, brownnova said:


This is evening I have been playing with my tax disc collection (about the only place I’ll admit to this...) 


Got a few hundred, mainly 90s. 

Mrs_b and I played a fun game of who can find a car that’s still on the road first.... using tax discs from 1996. 

I won with a K reg Isuzu Trooper. 

Another cutting edge evening in the brownnova household... 

Man after my own heart but it's been a while since I've had mine down from the loft (I'm talking about my tax disc collection not my Mrs!).

My interest was sparked off in the early 90s when my grandfather gave me a box with all the ones from his old cars going back to the early 50s, to which I added ones from my Dad's cars then mine up until 2014 or whenever it was they stoped. I had hoped to have a complete collection of one from every year but there's still a few gaps mainly in the 70s and 80s - I remember putting an ad in the local paper (days before the internet) asking people to send me theirs, don't think I got a single response! I must get them down then get myself onto ebay!

I like the sound of your game although unfortunately as all the discs in my collection are from cars my family used to own I don't think there's any still on the road from pre 2000s.

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Been meaning to pap this for a while, a little serviced pez station (but they only had diesel today) in place called Egerton on a hill near Ashford


A couple of doors up is the associated garage


It has quite a good view for a Petrol station


The whole set-up



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I've just been out for a Dentist appt. in the XM. Running late  - it can hustle if provoked (and kept in 3rd), doing my best Ronin tribute. Then it threw the low coolant light STOP at me. But level fine when I checked. 

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TADTS, it's the dodgy connectors, get some cleaner in the plug for the sensor and clean as much of the connection off as you can and it shouldn't do it again unless you need it to.

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I think I qualify for 'clever sod of the day' today. As we car idiot savants do when we get a new (to us) car, levels of various fluids are checked and if needed, adjusted. So I did all the levels and the washer fluid was low (corrected without any visits from the fuck up fairy) and so was the power steering. Only a tad low but still I have ATF in the cupboard so top up. Incidentally, MB really make it easy for non car savvy people to check these things, PAS resevoir is under the engine cover and so totally hidden (Yes really!) and therefore never likely to be checked.

Possibly for the best...

Now, somewhere along the line, some snippet of information has weedled its way into the porridge between my ears and I had a sudden fear that the PAS doesn't use ATF but some MB specific shit. So I checked, yes, yes indeed it does use MB specific stuff (though it's not actually MB specific!) Pentosin CHF11S which is green. Mixing of the two fluids will result in the outbreak of WW3 in the digestive tract of power steering and hence a HUGE bill for a new pump, rack, associated pipework... Of course, you will also get a visit from nice men from the ministry of Mercedes Benz who will give you a kicking you are unlikely to forget.

In the whole of Torbay there was precisely 1 litre of Pentosin CHF11S. Just one and that was at Euro Car parts, my least favourite place. They also wanted £29 for one effin' litre of green shit!

Once I had recovered (though I did beat them down to £18.08 by judicious use of the 'I'm trade you bastards!' phrase) I went home and with the aid of the smallest syringe known to man (previous use was in administering a drug to Phoebe and a pretty small dose at that) got all the fluids out of the resevoir and replaced it with Pentosin CHF11S.  Putting new in was a damn sight quicker and easier than getting the old stuff out. 

I ran it up and down, went to the shop, took the dog to the park and then drained it again - somewhere around the 5000 syringe full I was losing the will to live but it got done, another load of new in and it should be all good now?

It should, shouldn't it? someone PLEASE tell me it's all gonna be okay...

Sorry for the rant,


Concerned of Torbay.

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