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The new news 24 thread

Father Ted

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Had a nice little day of driving about A-roads in the north/West Midlands to go and pick up 2x Volvo steels from Sloth in a bowl who was holding them for me on their way to chez Ghosty from Danthecapriman. Thanks fellas, it’s been a big help - I can get on with refurbishing the wheels now, and start to get the car looking A1. I’m aiming to have it fully sorted in time for Shitefest.

No probs m8, glad they're of use to you. I was actually considering chopping and welding one about to make a hosepipe reel for my dad! So you've saved me the effort!!


Had a great day all told. My lad’s team won at footie, the sun has shone (which I’m finding more and more important for my wellbeing), and I dragged the sierra out. I had to move it out of the garage so I could move things out of it. I always take it for a quick burn rather than risk flooding the carb; the autochoke has once again disappeared but who cares?

Quick mile blast and then parked up. Went to put it back in the garage later and it was running on 3. Foxsake. Went for another burn and the striking cylinder returned to work. Scab. No idea really, but a full service will happen before it’s put into regular service this year.

I think I’ll have to get a new carb which is frustrating for two reasons. 1) I’m losing originality of the VV carb. 2) A Weber is the same price that a Zetec would cost me. I’m never going to put one in, but my opinion is such: Once originality is gone, there’s little difference between a new carb and a new engine. Don’t worry - I won’t do it, but it’d certainly make it more drivable!

I have never had a car like that bloody Sierra. I’m besotted with it. Turning that key is a real event, and taking it out will always be a treat.

No car has ever been more loved.

If your that set on keeping the VV I've got a very low miles one here (sub 20k from new). It's off my 2.0 Transit so you'd need to re jet it for a 1.6 but it's in pretty good order really. Probably just wants a check over and clean.

I've put a Weber on my Transit which I prefer so the original VV is surplus and just sat on the shelf.

If you want it just pm me...

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Would the exhaust benefit from a modern flexi joint being fitted between downpipe and the rest of the system? If there is a bit of movement from the engine rocking then the exhaust rubbers might not allow enough movement of the main pipe so put strain on the manifold and downpipe joins.


It'd benefit from being thrown away and having a decent custom system made to eliminate the problem joint.  A decent flexi would probably help, the one fitted is a weird balljoint type that doesn't seem to do much in the way of actually flexing.  I want a decent stainless system (actually, I want a copper exhaust, they sound amazing, but that's another story), I just don't have the pennies for that at the moment.

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Ive never heard of a copper exhaust outside of veteran cars. Do tell please.


I’d go for stainless given the option and do have a hand made one for the x1/9 in the garage to fit when the mild steel rusts.

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Having heard a couple - admittedly on pre-war stuff - I just *really* like the noise compared to a steel exhaust.  They've got a nice ring to them.  Probably sound dreadful on the Princess since the engine is totally different to pre-war stuff and I've no idea what the longevity would be like on it, nor who actually be able to make one.

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I’ve been offered a 2001 C Klasse by a friend’s husband. It’s a C200 Kompressor - he is taking a company car as he’s customer facing and needs to look a bit more successful than rusty rear arches perhaps suggest to prospective clients.


Anyone know much? From memory it’s the coupe version, about 130k and has MOT until August.


Are they any kop? Mum has a 2006 DERV but I’ve somehow never driven that either!

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Dad (71) got his insurance renewal today. Followed by a call from the broker company trying to get him to commit to the figure today "in case it changes with the new prices at the end of the month"


Basically he has driven for 50 years, has one claim for a broken windscreen 8 years ago, no accidents, claims or convictions and drives a 1400cc Diesel Nemo multispace.


He was quite happy with the figure of £468 fully comp as they are "such nice helpful people" but changed his tune somewhat when I pointed out the policy was with LV who would charge £214 for the same cover if he goes direct.


So having saved him over £250 you'd think he'd be pleased? Nope, he spent all day mutteri g revenge for having been taken for a ride for the last three years. And all because he "can't be doing with all that Meerkat shit"


Still he now gets 2 for 1 cinema tickets and an Oleg toy. Stay classy Parky Senior

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....having saved him over £250 you'd think he'd be pleased? Nope, he spent all day mutteri g revenge for having been taken for a ride for the last three years. And all because he "can't be doing with all that Meerkat shit"...


There's no pleasing some people.  :lol:

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Did this today.










And no I don't care what you think! ;)


Also, no I didn't drive it today. I took 2 hours to remove, clean the mount, drill and fit the plates then fit new wiper arms and wipers. After that it started getting dark and cold.


However my Father-in-law is down tomorrow and I suspect he'll want to have a run in it. I might chuck the keys in his hand and let him take control.

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Did this today.










And no I don't care what you think! ;)


Also, no I didn't drive it today. I took 2 hours to remove, clean the mount, drill and fit the plates then fit new wiper arms and wipers. After that it started getting dark and cold.


However my Father-in-law is down tomorrow and I suspect he'll want to have a run in it. I might chuck the keys in his hand and let him take control.

Raised digit plates in white/ yellow would have looked more in keeping, now it just looks like someone has bunged a logbook they bought on ebay onto it for tax exemption.


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Raised digit plates in white/ yellow would have looked more in keeping, now it just looks like someone has bunged a logbook they bought on ebay onto it for tax exemption.


I did briefly consider raised digits but I abandoned that idea when the numberplate man at the show said they were 60 quid. These were £28.


My only complaint is that they're a bit too shiny still. Maybe I need to take them off and drive over them a couple of times first.


I like them and given its a driveway ornament, that's all that matters.

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Today I bought a car, then watched it being driven swiftly like a supermarket trolley with a fucked wheel.


I hope this works out...

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further adventures in Mini land....... (or even more mini-fondeling)


so we have had another productive day with the black mini. we got the front hubs back with new ball joints and bearings. we had to get a place in Malton the squeeze the drive flanges back on once we had put the new back plates on, with nice new studs (and a smeer of copper slip for good measure)


then it was on with the wheel cylinders, link pipe and brake shoes. what a twat of a job fitting those shoes and springs, next time this car needs them it'll be getting sent somewhere, another lucky* duck can change them!


then it was on with the bottom arms, and tie bar all with new bushes and washers fitted


new outer CV jont boots, the old grease has set like tar, so cleaning the joints up and adding fresh grease will i hope prolonge their lives.



and then back together, we are not quiet fiunished under here, there are new track rod ends to go on, but we cannot shift them. after a good soak in WD40, and a pair of spanners they just will not move. some heat is i think required here..... and the brake flexi's need to be connected into the rest of the brake sytem, the brakes bleeding and then a final adjustment, and then we will be finished under here


and then we turned our attention to the interior. the "custom" carpet set i odered has arrived. and its NOT what i had hoped for, i was expecting it to have 2 sets of foot pads on, one each side, and also the strips added under where the seat runners will be on the back piece. well they weren't fitted.....




bad seller i iz dizapoint, and will not use again........etc etc etc


still this is what we've got, so i'm just going to have to live with them. the instructions say to start at the bulk head and work towards the back of the car ive started at the back, with the big peice on the floor proper and worked forward instead....


well its not all that great, but it will do. ive cut holes fopr the seatbelts, and also for round the gear stick gaiter, there was a proper small hole here for that, so i've had that to enlarge, then the side trims, and some on the front wheel arches, before trimming the sill pieces down, as they were twice the size needed. that will teach me......





i have definatly gotta do something with that steering wheel.


the battery is now securerly fitted, and we have got a working horn too! but no side lights, so i think we may have nicked the front part of the wiring harness in the front when we drilled out the horn mounts, shit......


the indicators too work, but seem to be reliant on the stalk been wiggled, as i have a new replacement stalk to hand, we are going to change that, and see if we get a more "robust" operatiopn of the indicators.


we also have working windscreen washers and wipers, and the speedo works too.which is nice. as the previous owner has had the binnacle hanging off, then mine and kerry's fingures routing around inside it, i wanted to see what, if anything, was also not working.. (well it seems all except the side lamps are working, currently!)


and finally some frippery! maybe an Arther Daly dealer sticker would have been more suitable


and yes, it is officer, i posted the cheque yesterday....




still a way to go, but at least now i can see the car starting to come together.


just as well Kerry doesn't mind (all that much) buggering on with this on a weekend, cos she has done alot of the brakes and mechanical bits, while i've been doing the airey-fairey stuff inside the car....... we are both looking forward to seeing this back on the road though.

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BorrowedBorrowingSorry, that's one of my pet hates.Carry on, nothing to see here.Ben

Actually Ben, I do agree with you on that point.


However, and I'm not trying to be inflammatory here but what cars do you have or have had? What do you do regarding shite cars? Never once have I seen a post from you about shite cars. I'm intrigued as to why you are on here?

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I continue to do battle with the Streetwise's SCU, which is jammed between the a/c evap housing and the bulkhead. Need to get it out to send it off to technoboffin in Brighton to sort out electrical misery issues.


Today I managed to at least dislodge the top bracket of the SCU from the stud on the bulkhead so now it's a case of growing an extra arm overnight to be able to pull the housing out as far as poss, and jiggle it all around with my two usual hands.


All sound-deadening material is out (hmm, slightly damp, which explains a lot), evap housing hanging off at a crazy but stable angle (disconnecting aircon is for wimps).


Was at it for a good two hours this PM, but started getting dark, cold, and being hassled by local kids asking 'watchadoing mister' as half of my body was wedged under the dash, and my legs stuck out on the path. Lots of swearing, and my hands are starting to look like they've been through a mincer.


Ah well, phase two tomorrow. 

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Had a productive day today. Glorious weather out today so job number 1 was to replace the Volvo's front indicator bulbs. These being the US style twin filament amber bulbs which are quite unusual in this country but I got some off eBay. Easy job but necessary as the amber coating was peeling off the old originals. Results are now a good amber glow from the indicators.

Went out for a drive in it afterwards just for the hell of it. Drove brilliantly, nice and smooth after its oil and filter change last weekend.


Next job was a bit more work in the Transit.

Cut some wood trims for finishing off the kitchen units in the camper back end, then varnished them. They just need to dry off then be permanently fixed in place tomorrow. Also ordered some new seat foam for the bench seats/beds. Wasn't cheap but should be perfect for the job, nice and thick!

Also noticed one of the rear door seals was letting damp past it, wetting the floor near the bottom of the door. On checking why it looks like the seal rubber has flattened with age leaving a poor seal.

Easy fix was to peel the join between the top and bottom halves of the door seal apart then thread in a decent length of spare rubber fuel hose to beef up the old rubber seal. Seems to have done the trick so far.

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Was at the Classic Car auctions in Errol today for a look around, some interesting things...

The R129 generation of the Mercedes SL, a very handsome looking car im sure we can agree. The R230 gen is also a nice enough looking thing.

I had the displeasure of seeing this bastard creation today...






The naff wrap caught my eye from across the room, then the blingy alloyds...then I seen roof and window lines in relation to the rest of it...Then it clicked. I've not felt this sorry for a car in years. 

While myself, Supernaut and another friend was having a poke around it in amazement at how shit it was, most of the people coming up to have a look honestly looked like the type of wideboy who thing it looked good and would keep it how it was...


Thankfully, I spotted this Alfa 166...3.0 manual! Having a spot for Italian luxo-barges I took the opportunity to have a look. 




I was amazed at how the interior made the car feel much smaller and sporty that the size of the thing would lead you to think! Really impressed! 

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Next job was a bit more work in the Transit.

Cut some wood trims for finishing off the kitchen units in the camper back end, then varnished them. They just need to dry off then be permanently fixed in place tomorrow. Also ordered some new seat foam for the bench seats/beds. Wasn't cheap but should be perfect for the job, nice and thick!


I need to sort out some proper bed foam for the Hiace, can I ask where you got yours from?  

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SiC "..I did briefly consider raised digits but I abandoned that idea when the numberplate man at the show said they were 60 quid. These were £28.."


Mine were a LOT less than £28 m8





* or do you mean plastic letters clipped on?

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I’ve been offered a 2001 C Klasse by a friend’s husband. It’s a C200 Kompressor - he is taking a company car as he’s customer facing and needs to look a bit more successful than rusty rear arches perhaps suggest to prospective clients.


Anyone know much? From memory it’s the coupe version, about 130k and has MOT until August.


Are they any kop? Mum has a 2006 DERV but I’ve somehow never driven that either!

They are ok ish, fairly robust but not without their common faults, they can be pricey to fix though, check everything works and that it idles properly from cold, I'd have another if it was cheap enough.


Expect no better than 28mpg average if it's an auto.

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Was at the Classic Car auctions in Errol today for a look around, some interesting things...

The R129 generation of the Mercedes SL, a very handsome looking car im sure we can agree. The R230 gen is also a nice enough looking thing.

I had the displeasure of seeing this bastard creation today...






The naff wrap caught my eye from across the room, then the blingy alloyds...then I seen roof and window lines in relation to the rest of it...Then it clicked. I've not felt this sorry for a car in years. 

While myself, Supernaut and another friend was having a poke around it in amazement at how shit it was, most of the people coming up to have a look honestly looked like the type of wideboy who thing it looked good and would keep it how it was...


Thankfully, I spotted this Alfa 166...3.0 manual! Having a spot for Italian luxo-barges I took the opportunity to have a look. 




I was amazed at how the interior made the car feel much smaller and sporty that the size of the thing would lead you to think! Really impressed!


We need to get autoshite beanies or something. I was the tube merrily bidding away on all sorts.

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Bloody typical. You wait 25 years for a copy of Jalopy Issue #1, then three come along in the space of a week.




Could be worse, granted.


**UPDATE: Spare copies now allocated, thanks! And check out the Shitescan thread if you fancy a downloadable Jalopy fix.**

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Driving along a road just round the corner from the house and some arsehole waiting to turn into a side street inexplicably trys to turn into it before I pass, had to slam the anchors on and swerve almost onto the pavement on the other side of the road to avoid him by inches. Still fucking shaking. He got out to apologise to me and I couldn't even say anything, just shook my head and drove off. The positive point of the story is the Merc's brakes work very fucking well

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