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Shitefest 2018 (U.K.) Chez Saabnut 9-10th june


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Bidh mi a 'faighinn rudan ann an Alba 2 seachdainean roimhe, agus an uair sin air falbh an t-seachdain roimhe agus airson an deireadh-sheachdain tha e air adhart

cuideachd air an rathad air an telebhisean an-dràsta air telebhisean

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does Hairnet actually natively speak Gaelic and run it through Google Translate before posting to the forum? 


The results are oddly similar.

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does Hairnet actually natively speak Gaelic and run it through Google Translate before posting to the forum? 


The results are oddly similar.


Yeah, a bit like his English.

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Approximately 820 mile round trip. Volvo is currently doing 24mpg. I better hope my financial situation turns round soon. This could get expensive!

Could everyone go in convoy, picking up others on route and slipstream each other? How much fuel would that save?

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You could take inspiration from the creator of the Cannonball; strap an IBC in the back and use it as a long range tank. WCPGW?

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Could everyone go in convoy, picking up others on route and slipstream each other? How much fuel would that save?

Top plan. We could take it in turns to go at the front, like geese.


I pass Ludlow, too, so I'm in.

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You could take inspiration from the creator of the Cannonball; strap an IBC in the back and use it as a long range tank. WCPGW?

Actually that sounds like a business opportunity for KruJoe

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Shite aerial refuelling rig:

Required -

*Shit helicopter

*Lots of rope

*Cargo net (big)

*At least four IBCs

*Garden hose (250')

*Cylinder vacuum (to pressurise IBCs)




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We should plan a vague route so we all end up meeting up. I'll be coming from the m40 at Oxford so fairly low down, I assume I'll do m40/42/6/follow Google, or m40/M1 and follow Google, depends which is more popular really, the odd 20 extra miles won't really matter in the scheme of things

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Well, this seems to have taken off - what have I let myself in for? :-D


Many thanks to those who have sent messages offering help an advice. I guess I will learn as I go on!


Whilst the date is the 9-10th June, you are welcome to arrive on the Friday and stay over to Monday - this should help those coming longer distances.


I should add that pets are welcome, but must be kept under control as I am surrounded by free range lamb cutlets. My neighbours are really nice, but like their sheep more than me I suspect, so an out of control dog may end up staying here longer than planned.


Nearer the time, I will start a list of attendees so I can plan in a bit more detail. I have plenty of parking and have had artics down, but have never tried a double decker - it may well be possible!

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I can do this weekend. Good. Will start plans of getting a car ready for it. Have decided which one whilst typing this*. 


*EDIT* - Just had another thought of a different one I had forgotten about. 

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