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Great number plates - got any?


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Local newsagent had a Blue Peugeot 604 with the reg OPG 604 R, I always loved it.

Quite a lot of scope for that here. Back in the day the Jersey Peugeot agent did quite well getting J**205 and J**405 plates onto a number of such cars they sold. Every other Porsche you see has a -911 mark and lesser stuff also either by accident or design e.g. Mazda 323, BMW 330, etc.


I thought this one was good though:

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Engine size in cubic inches of course! :)

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Locally, and parked up together, there's 5TOP on a pov-spec 306 and 91X on a fairly unassuming Volvo V40.


Years ago I saw TOX1C on a 300ZX down near Slough.


Saw this plate a few years ago:


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Like Seth's A60 shot, it's really on the wrong car and ought to be on a Datsun 180B (late 70s models have that as their model code).


Another spot:


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Which isn't very remarkable on its own, but parked next to it was a Passat with 1OSF as its plate - I had to check DVLA to work out what they'd done, initially I thought the Passat's plate had come off the Type 3.


Mum and stepdad have had D80DLE for years, with a strategically placed screw through the 8. Came to them on their XR4x4 (believed ex-Rumbelows, for shite value) and after a friend then had the car for a few years they bought it back for the plate and have stuck it on their cars ever since. They did get ticked off by over-zealous police when on holiday last year, but compared to some of the tweaked letters and numbers I see that seemed a litle harsh.

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Is one of the VWs on "one oh-es-ef" and one on "ten es-ef" then? The first one would make a fortune for sale on oldskoolford, anyone daft enough to pay five digits for a escort has money to burn ;)Back in the days of paper-only DVLA it wasn't uncommon to accidentally issue the same numberplate twice, or to reissue it thinking it had been scrapped. I remember reading in an early Auto Express a guy that had bought a car (a Horizon ISTR) and driving around one day saw a moped with the same plate. Chased it down, guy reckons it's legit so he ended up buying the moped for comedy value.Anyway. Proper private plates are sometimes quite clever - if you've got the money for a quite clever one. Get fed up of seeing regular plates mutilated into saying something that could be seen as a word if you squint. Plus the fact they no longer issue rude ones like TO55 ERS or BO08 JOB means it's no fun. I guess a quality plate like A1 or 34DD is one of the few things you can have that's worth a lot of cash, on daily display, and can't be nicked by muggers (well, that and 34DDs obviously) :)Pog: You can transfer a new plate ONTO the car, but you can't transfer the registration that's on it onto anything else. Once you put a new reg on it, the existing one would just be lost.

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There's loads round here, will have to keep a look out for some of the better ones. My fave is on a 4 x 4 and at first glance appears to read ASBO. Can't recal what the exact plate is, A 5 BO isn't actually possible, is it? There's a bright Yellow A4 not far from here which has A 4 YOB. Most recent one I've seen is C 2 COX :shock: The mind boggles at what the driver does for a living!

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I used to see W1 GAN regularly on a Range Rover, presumably from Wigan, seen P1 ANO one or twice, but the one I`d love is ATW 1G. I used to run Ayr Racecourse Sunday market, and one of the traders whose nickname was Watty roled up in his car one Sunday with the plate WAT1E on it. When asked how much he`d paid for it, he replied "£4.99 from Halfords" !

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Fat ugly old bag plastered in make up has S4 GOB on her Pug 206 estate. Presumably an hilarious gift from her poor idiot husband. Oh yes, personalised number plates are the height of good taste.

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I'd forgotten about TAX1.....I first saw it near Guildford on a Silver Mk1 Golf.....About 1983 I think..............I nearly bought 6666JW many years ago, but couldnt afford to insure the car it was on then. Kingfisher Blue Volvo 164!

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Wasn't it Steve Parrish who had PEN1S?

I rememer seeing that in the 70's attached to a rolls cloud or bentleyedit oops that was PEN15
It's Chris Tarrant, he was on the Registration website a couple of years ago!I wanted H8 RED, but it's gone!Best I've seen is PU51 LIK on a motorbike.
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About 35 years ago I used to pass a white Merc on the way to school with the plate OBO110X on it.

i was about to put that one on it was owned by a financial advisor from cardiff and i saw it in a carpark of a company that i used to work for.i have a car with max 240e on it.
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There used to be a Rangie in Birmingham with the number plate FAT 61T and I'm sure (well, fairly sure) that I once saw a Montego with the number plate NOB 50X. Which I thought was cool. Maybe I dreamt that...

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There was a lad down my mates street when we were gowing up with a VW Derby with PFT 80YAn old dear drives around Leeds in a Rover 100 with FCT 1

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Best I've seen is PU51 LIK on a motorbike.

They never issued the letter I in the three-letter group.... you're probably thinking of PU51 RUB which was someone on Volkszone who had it on a monkey-bike thing, that was a few years ago so might have changed to a bigger bike. But definately can't be LIK :)
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Best I've seen is PU51 LIK on a motorbike.

They never issued the letter I in the three-letter group.... you're probably thinking of PU51 RUB which was someone on Volkszone who had it on a monkey-bike thing, that was a few years ago so might have changed to a bigger bike. But definately can't be LIK :)
Registration PU51RUB Make VOLKSWAGEN Model BEETLE Description Engine Capacity(cc) 1596 Year Manufactured 2001
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Round my way there is DOD6Y on a Porch 911, and I believe a plane buff has DC10 on a hooooge Merc CL thing and 747 JET on a Beemer last time I saw it.Also we have a removal firm (don't know how national they are) called Dorrey Bonner and their logo is a black cat - hence all their wagons appear to have CAT in their reg numbers.

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