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Six Cylinders Motoring Notes - 7 car extraction!

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We're leaving shortly, need to go via aldi though. Eta probably an hour and a half

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Not heard from my mate who I usually go to KL with so I might sack it off and trundle down to the FOD. 

3 hours ago, Crackers said:



Shame I'm not bringing mine, it'd have been nice to compare them and swap wheels while no-one was looking.

5 hours ago, Crackers said:



Oh what big flaps you have.

  • Haha 1
56 minutes ago, Snake Charmer said:

Oh what big flaps you have.

You have to pay extra to get spoken to like that nowadays!

  • Haha 1

Half an hour ago it was "you can drive on the field now but its very bumpy so I'm not taking my cars on there" 

So Eva went for a drive in my car. Its a bit bumpy but 1st gear tickover did nicely 👌


Then not 10 minutes later there's a whole fleet and photo shoot job going on 😂


58 minutes ago, beko1987 said:


ah Claire has let him out of the dungeon for some air then? 🤣


Wish I could be there, but it's looking unlikely.

We have in laws visiting in a week or two, and this weekend is the major push to get the house sorted out.  Especially as the guest room has been the default junk dumping location for the last three years - including everything that setting up for working from home displaced.  It's proving to be quite a mountain to climb 

If we get finished at a sensible time tomorrow I will try to pop over for a couple of hours, but I'm not counting on it.  Doesn't feel like we've really achieved anything yet today and we've been at it for hours!

19 hours ago, mat_the_cat said:

She's just made some blackberry flapjack to bring down - hope people like it!


Those of us not able to visit need  the recipes!

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17 minutes ago, Noel Tidybeard said:

ah Claire has let him out of the dungeon for some air then? 🤣

Is this the joke about having a troubled youth ( she keeps him locked in the cellar)!

1 hour ago, richardmorris said:

Those of us not able to visit need  it posting out.



Well today was over in a flash, I think this photo gives a flavour of a great day.

Tomorrow Sunday I will be at the FoD from 10am.

IMG_20220820_200534 broad.jpg

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Manta shuffling has occurred. 



Started and ran well, but needs brakes looking at. Coolant system was empty but seems OK after a flush. 



Ooh fab, did it not overheat then? We left at this stage (home now) so didn't see the end result! Probably a good job we flushed that oxtail soup out of the cooling system first 

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We had to call the rac out to unseize the front wheel


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1 hour ago, wuvvum said:

Nobody's asked the most important question - do the headlight wipers work?

ah now then you need a brummie bearded druid for that question! 🤣

  • Haha 1

Many thanks to @Six-cylinder and @Mrs6C for another awesome weekend :)

it was really awesome to have a spin of the Mighty Dacia around the paddock, twas my first time in a Manual LHD car as well, granted I didn't even realise that fact until someone else mentioned it LOL

I am clearly not phased by which hand I have to shift gear with!


soon the JCB was fired up :) "so the Aston Martin I have to push off a cliff is that way right?"


and 2 very different hydraulic machines came into shot :) 


also had my first passenger ride in a Land rover! which was bloody hilarious LOL your bombing along at 50, bouncing all over the place with sweet FA to hold onto LOL


and obviously I called shotgun on the way back in the Dacia for a back to back comparison :) 


the Land rover always in the wing mirror was like something out of an action movie or bond film :) 


and I was also kindly given a chance to take the 425 Bi-Turbo up and down the paddock  :) 


and in the process ended up with a picture to use for my non existing dating profile LOL


and finally Zel very kindly let me have a go in his Mercedes TN1 208D Camper van around the field which was a fun experience, my first time driving a van of any kind! a very good steer indeed, very easy and car like!


all in all awesome as always, and many thanks to everyone involved :) 

5 hours ago, beko1987 said:

Ooh fab, did it not overheat then?

Didn't seem to! We flushed the system in both directions, filled it and let it run up to temp. Probably ran around the field for a half hour and seemed happy enough with the gauge showing OK operating temp. Brakes were absolutely red hot though!

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If this isn't the face of someone who's enjoying themselves I don't know what is.



Sorry I wasn't able to really catch up with anyone, just a quick in and out visit to drop some kit off.  Spent all weekend house cleaning.


Thanks all for yet another good weekend. @Six-cylinder and @catsinthewelder, I owe you both a bit of cash, don't let me forget next time I see you!


Thanks also Chris for taking me out in the DS. What a contraption!


Another cracking day out (Gromit).  Where else but the FOD would one get to drive a Dacia 1310, Allegro 1500 and Maserati Biturbo all in the same day, plus a highly entertaining passenger ride in a speeding* Series III Land Rover to get fish and chips (with a blackberry flapjack for dessert - unfortunately I was stuffed by then so could only manage one).

First long run in the 107 since the collection mission, and it behaved itself just fine.  It's not the quietest thing at dual carriageway speeds and it gets blown about a bit when it's windy but it's comfortable enough and even with shite traffic on the way down it managed high 50s mpg, which I'm happy with.

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Many thanks to @Six-cylinder and @Mrs6C for another ace weekend.  I was a bit nervous about driving the Dacia down but glad I did.  Actually followed the right roads on the way back and found Caffeine and Machine was on route so may plan a stop next time.

Getting the Manta going was very satisfying (compared to the usual car fixing headaches). 


Moving the Motor-rail chassis added a bit of suspense and was also went surprising smoothly.


  Driving the Maserati on the road was an unexpected pleasure, it drives so nicely.


Great to see all of you there, company (and food) was top notch.


Thanks to @Six-cylinder and @Mrs6C for another great day. Only being there on Saturday meant I missed out on the Manta revival but the 205 had another trouble free trip out, this time with the correct tyre pressures. 🙄 Upon arrival I parked by one of the cars I'd drive later on (no, it wasn't the Invacar). 🙂


It was nice to see the Mighty Dacia making an appearance.


I had brief drives across the field in the Alfa 156 and Maserati Biturbo, which ticked a couple of boxes on my engine list as they were my first V6 and first turbo.  Later on I also had a ride in @Andyrew's Allegro,


It was good to see everyone again, prior engagements permitting I'll be back again next month. 

40 minutes ago, BL Bloke said:



DSCF3518.JPG.dcdc8c5cda26c9ad96e42b00d911ff06.JPG couple of boxes on my engine list as they were my first V6 and first turbo. 

Later on I also had a ride in @Andyrew's Allegro,



1 2  (flat para v) 3 4 (inline vfour) 6 bike 2 3 4 (v and straight) 5 6 (flat vee and straight) 8 10 car 

i have that list too :D

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