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S A Barrett's Sussex shite spots: 2022/23 catch-up


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  • 2 months later...

Eight more automotive gems* from dahn sahf. I thought this Fiesta looked brilliant. Had that 'paint dribble' effect on the bumpers which I haven't seen since about 1993.


This was a totally unexpected sight. I drive past here every day and I've never seen anything of interest before. One of the best-looking cars of all time and an absolute dream-garage candidate. Horrid foglamps and wrong colour though, but still


This also looked superb. I really like these mega plush Cinqs and this one was in great nick


A live-in van of the type which one sees much less often these days. There was a period when these were everywhere in Brighton but this is the first I've seen in an age. Also SERCKS


A crappy used car with a mildly expensive plate is always nice to see


This old Buick looks great 'resting' in an open barn in the deepest Sussex countryside


An Cav. Wasn't hanging about, driven by a woman with some kids in the back so presumably just 'a car' for somebody, which is great to see. Looked like a plush one, too


Recent very local arrival of interest. I love how the rear plate has faded almost entirely to silver. Minilites aside it all looked proper and one of the few acceptable Minis I've seen recently



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Am I the only one on here that actually likes Minilites? I'd prefer them to have a bit more dish on them, but still....

.Just had a flick through my photos and it appears that Team Outlaw/Nev have or have had 3 different road cars with them/Superlites, and 2 Sierra Lightning Rods. Must be Fatha_Outlaw's fault....

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On 8/24/2022 at 9:30 PM, barrett said:

A crappy used car with a mildly expensive plate is always nice to see



Funny how one's perception of cars changes as they (and oneself) age. I thought these were terminally tedious when they were new  but that now appeals to me for some inexplicable reason. Appears to be in very nice nick and is loved enough to have the plate and badge. Like so many cars of that era, when did you last see one? I agree with the sentiment too.

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Well, exactly. Something very nice to see about a well-cared for but 'worthless' older car like that. You will notice, though, from the zoomed-and-cropped photo that I wasn't quite prepared to stand out in the open in a bisy car park and take a photo of it in front of strangers, which would never bother me if it was something 80s or older.

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  • 2 months later...
On 11/19/2014 at 12:38 PM, barrett said:

This is by far the roughest road-legal vehicle I have ever seen. It's fuggin' incredible, every panel is totally shagged and it's held together with gaffer tape. I am deffo going to Wales for all my future MoTs


1983 Bedford KB by barrogance, on Flickr

Just looked this up... Mot only ran out earlier this year! I was born in the mid 1970s but don't recall seeing these so early on. 

Edit: Interesting..


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  • 4 weeks later...

Bump for a real Fred.

My new office is en route to Goodwood, and there's a lovely hotel at the end of the lane in the old railway station where you can stay in a coverted pullman carriage. Great for passive spotting during Revival weekend


It's obviously popular with the barge brigade


This was actually seen much later in the year, but presumably also Goodwood-bound


Hammond Collection auction viewing threw up a couple of interesting things including this


Back to planet earth, there is much less bilge knocking about Brighton than there used to be, but still the odd daily-driver cla**ic


Diverging from my usual Asda car park spots, here's a much classier Waitrose car park spot


This is a bit more like it, in the wilds of Sussex/Kent borders. Looked like a daily, c/w kid's booster seat in the back, and very nice apart from the typical crusty arches. Great colour, no?



Saving the best for last. This was a most unexpected snap on my way to work one morning. Not sure I've ever seen one of these just 'in use' before. Lovely stuff.



That's it. 6/10, must try harder.

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2 hours ago, barrett said:




Saving the best for last. This was a most unexpected snap on my way to work one morning. Not sure I've ever seen one of these just 'in use' before. Lovely stuff.



That's it. 6/10, must try harder.






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  • 4 months later...

Hello, fellow humans. I thought I'd updated this thread more recently than I have. Anyway, here's the latest batch. Still tough times out here for the shite spotter tbh, but it does seem like all the 12-year olds on instagram are going above and beyond to document every single old car in the country so I reckon I can hang up my spurs.

I went to Hastings just before Christmas and saw this 'funbalance'


And this Cooperalike Mini


But the best find was this mint Celica. Lovely condition but covered in road grime suggesting it's used properly - heartwarming stuff


Back home (literally, a couple of minutes from my door) was another old Japanese vehicle, mostly obscured by an MX5


I think this Volvo was parked directly opposite


And this Astra was round the corner. I do genuinely think Mk3s are really nice-looking cars, although this one was a bit grim


This Big Farina was parked up by my office. Really like these.


During my drive to Wales in the Riley I stopped at Upton on Severn for lunch, mainly to photograph these commercials which I'd seen last year





More heavy metal, quite a local landmark I think, near Devil's Bridge


Back to Sussex. This was next to one of the best pubs in Lewes (The Snowdrop). Possibly a bit modern, but it struck me how few of these basic Imprezas you see these days


At my destination (a taproom) a guy I know arrived in this. Front-engined, rwd, with Ford Cosworth power. Quite a remarkable amount of work. Not finished to my exact taste, but hugely impressive, and goes like shit off a shovel


Very attractive 106 Rallye in the Goodwood car park at the Members' Meeting last weekend


And finally, the local Asda continues to deliver the goods in the form of this trendy Mk1 Cavalier. I'm generally anti-Minilite but otherwise I think this looks great



That's it for now! I haven't done much travelling recently and I haven't been to London for ages, so quite a low hit rate

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  • barrett changed the title to S A Barrett's Sussex shite spots: 2022/23 catch-up
11 hours ago, barrett said:


I've got a friend in the UK with the surname Khoury.  Lebanese name.  Hmm.   

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On 4/22/2023 at 1:25 PM, barrett said:

one of the best pubs in Lewes (The Snowdrop)

They were brilliant for beer and food recently, but then they stopped doing proper food and just did pizzas which was a shame and I haven’t been back since. Their steaks and their burgers were about the best you could get round here up until then.

Do you remember it back when it was proper rough there? I remember one of my mates (who was an absolute cock) got slapped about in there a couple of times back when it was frequented by more unsavoury folks.

I always assumed the pub was named after the namesake flower, but a friend pointed out that it was named after an avalanche that fell on the houses of that street in the distant past.

Sorry, all completely unrelated to car spotting 🤣

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On 22/04/2023 at 13:25, barrett said:

Front-engined, rwd, with Ford Cosworth power. Quite a remarkable amount of work. Not finished to my exact taste, but hugely impressive, and goes like shit off a shovel


That Karmann has been around for donkeys years, great to know its still about and being used.

Here's a terrible picture from Volksworld years ago, scanned from a print if that helps date it


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  • 2 months later...

Asda carpark update:



France update:



Surrey update:




Car boot sale carpark goldmine. The Transit is the best thing I've seen in ages




Only thing I've seen in Brighton for ages


Until next time...

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And the winner is
















12 minutes ago, barrett said:

France update:


and a close second.

12 minutes ago, barrett said:



Until next time...


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  • 1 month later...

Went for a walk yesterday and actually photographed a few things I would normally ignore. I present to you the cla**ics of Muesli Mountain (if you're local you know)




I really like the last one, actually.It's been knocking about since at least 2009 when I first started photographing cars, and back then there was so much more interesting stuff in this area it got totally ignored, but it's earned a place in my heart for being a scruff daily driver in relativbely long-term ownership.



That VW is also a very long-term resident. Assuming it is the same one, it's been there for at least 25 years and is probably the last surviving absolute shed Type 2 in town, when once there were hundreds, so it's about time it was documented.



I also got some more appropriate spots. I have decided Mk 3 Astras are now fair game for spotting, despite being relatively common. I saw another three on my walk - two driving and one parked, but there were too many people around and I got shy about taking a pic, but this is the sort of car which is on the cusp of dying out. And I do think they're genuinely attractive - maybe I should get one before they're all gone?

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7 hours ago, barrett said:

maybe I should get one before they're all gone?


Only a couple of weeks ago I stuck a note on a 2.0CDX Estate in the same grey as my Sport. Nothing yet, and it'll have to go and live somewhere else if it happens.....or I will.

Here's my old one, the exception to the #AVAS rule



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  • 5 weeks later...

Fullsome tidings, dearest Shiters. Here's some cars wot I saw.

Herald and Alvis sharing a street in That London



Beaulieu Exhibitors' car park always delivers




Dig that plate!


P5 non-B looked a civilised way to travel from The Netherlands


Absolutely best thing I've ever seen. Total lifestyle goals.


Amazing to think that's a direct relation...



Two shots of this sad Bexhill Mustang. One hundred per cent pure shit.



These two anonymous 80s hatchbacks also in that neck of the woods.

Next lot are Revival car park highlights from a quick mine-sweep in between showers






Colourful array of Italian coachbuilt oddities. Fulvia was the highlight - looked so right on those wheels, and in 'Corgi blue' too


Not often you see one of these, let alone two (although this makes three in this thread)


Lastly SORRY but this looked amazing. I don't really want a C, but the combo of Sandy Beige and a slightly worn red interior was just perfect. I think this is the one that's on ebay at the moment. Funnily enough there was another Sandy Beige C in the car park - it's a really rare colour and I'm not sure I've ever seen any MG wearing it in the flesh before.

Right, that's it, bit cla**ic-centric but tough shit. There was a BX, deal with it.


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