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Should I buy a Bentley?


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Now I guess this isn't the usual car on here and to be honest, I really like old heaps and love working on them, restoring them, respraying them etc. I find great pleasure in taking something near death and making it worthy again. I've restored loads of cars over the years and usually lost money on them! However, it's not something I can really do anymore...


Bit of history:


I have AS (ankolysing spondilitus) which is a bugger, it's a degenerative spinal disease (a form of arthritus) and basically, buggers you completely. I've been on opiate based pain meds now for 8 years and after breaking my back two years ago, on Fentynal which is bloody strong!


Got a bit of a reprieve from the inevitable wheelchair recently when I had a load of scrap metal and a few bolts inserted in my back to hold it all together (my hips were falling off apparently!) so I'm looking forward to a couple of years more of mobility - the mobility scooter has been put in the storeage locker for the time being!


I have never owned a Bentley, I have owned a few Rolls Royce' but only ever for days at a time - bought to sell on and a nice fat profit has been made each time. Old Shadows are wallowy beasts - lovely in their own way, but not my thing. A Bentley Turbo R however, is a different kettle of old haddock! Never owned one, but driven a few and they are EPIC!!!!!!!!!!


I've longed for one for years, decades in fact. Even got close to owning one a few years back when myself and the dearly beloved went looking. She however convinced me that one was just a step too far...


I'm now alone (sob!) and it's just me and two fat dogs. I've got money in the bank to buy a flat, but I really don't want to! I want a Bentley TR! I know that buying one is a really sensible move (!!!!!) but....


They can be bought for £5K... but I reckon they are best avoided. Really nice, low mileage, good history ones are up to £12 - 15 K. REALLY nice ones are £20K but this will be a daily driver for as long as I can stand the fuel bills and repairs.


Given the above and the inevitability of a sensible car/wheelchair friendly within a few (short) years, would you? If so, what would you get - something really nice or something tattier so the dogs don't wreck it (blankets and quilts on the rear seats seem to work well)?

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A chap I do work for used to run these, bought a new one every 2 or 3 years. He previously had an old, non-EFI one, sunk a load of money into it, and it still wasn't great.


I think "buy the best one you can afford" would be my advice on these. However, if you can only afford 6-10 bags, then I'd say don't bother.


Extra points if you can find a Turbo S - I think they only made about 100 or so of those.

Good hunting!

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Damn right. If you don't do it now, you never will. I'd probably buy something middle of the road, to avoid the dogs trashing a really nice one, but you seem to know your barges, so your judgement will probably be better.


Conclusion: WAFT.

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A good one will cost a lot.


A bad one will cost a lot more.


You only live once - besides those leather seats will help your back.

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Really want to do it.... but scared! Never been bothered in the slightest before about buying unsuitable heaps (hell, I've currently got a mk3 MX5 which I can barely get in.... and two dogs that come everywhere with me!) but the probability of major mechanical/financial meltdown is HUGE on one of these. Also, there are none for sale within a 100 miles of me, which makes looking at them a bit of a chore.


Seen a few for sale that look lovely...


Will I still be allowed on here if I get one? I'll probably get rid of the MX and get a proper old heap as a reliable daily driver. Maybe not.... oh I don't know. I do enjoy a good dither!

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A good one will cost a lot.


A bad one will cost a lot more.


You only live once - besides those leather seats will help your back.

Mate of mine (big car dealer down here) had back surgery years back and bought himself one. Always had Mercs before (brand new - big discounts through friends!) and reckoned the BTR was THE car for getting into and out of combined with some major  GO!

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Fuck Yes. A whiffy Turbo R is, in my opinion, the pinnacle of the Autoshite world. If I was in your position it would be a no brainer. And if you get to the stage where you can't drive it the Autoshite Massive can take turns to chauffeur you about wearing tweed. 

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Are you serious?


Asking if you should buy a R Turbo Bentley or even a Robin Reliant in this place???  The only answers will be YES YES YES

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If life is kind enough to you that you can buy and run such a car, you must!

There will be the time you can't, or it'll be illegal, or something, and then you will regret every inch you haven't driven it.

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Are you serious?


Asking if you should buy a R Turbo Bentley or even a Reliant ROBIN in this place??? The only answers will be YES YES YES

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On balance, this is the same lot who told me I should buy a Yugo.







Buy it. They're great cars. I would if I had the money.

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Get one, even if it's a pile of crap get one as at least it will be yours and you might even get to drive it between expensive breakdowns

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If I could, I would, but I can't so I never will.


Just do it. Life is too short to worry about this and that.. Sometimes you just have to make yourself happy and if you can, you should.

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And if the worst happens.....What a blinding summer house that would make.   Run the power stuff  off old leisure  batteries and fill it with cigar smoke.

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Depends on how you look and dress......

If I ran around in a Bentley it would look like I had stolen it.


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You know you're going to anyway - you're just asking to feel reassured. If you can find one which has carried dogs but has been looked after by a specialist, mechanically, it could be a steal with the odd dog mark on the leather, wood and wilton.

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I know it's sacrilidgeous ,but have you considered an Arnarge ? For everyday use a £15/20k 4.4 seems an almost sensible proposition,. 20 mpg an almost realistic goal and you wouldn't have to repair the bottoms of the wings every time you went through a puddle . Even with the 7 series lump they still feel like proper Bentleys,unlike those hideous Phaeton coupes,, but without the hand built ( not a good thing) feel.

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Find someone you trust who knows the things and take it from there.

It's easy to buy things and then think what the fuck have I done? We've all done that, or are just about to do it.

But what really eats you is "I wish I had....."

Ther is this:http://finance.autoexposure.co.uk/classicdd.cfm?Account=SHD8011135&VehicleID=AETV49958659&Image=http://images.autoexposure.co.uk/SHD8011135/AETV49958659_1a.jpg

Not a Turbo, but I love the colour!

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Do it! Absolutely do it, and when the day dawns that you can't drive it any more,, the back of my head is a really nice view, and I like dogs... ;)

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