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Ebay shite accessories and giffer trinkets

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Bollocks, that's another item to blight my search for Cowley parts.

  • Like 2

Giffer trinkets, you say? Look no further, squire.












Sadly I can't offer any of the items themselves (maybe worth a hoke in the far corner of an abandoned dealership for that Skoda pewter tankard?), but the catalogue can be yours for the price of postage...

  • Like 7

Okay, we found an even more half arsed clock.


Steady on there, that one has the hands in the middle and the picture is the right size.



I'm reposting this because I keep thinking about it, and the pictures need to be saved for posterity. 






I don't think there's another item in this thread with a higher shite density. 

  • Amazing tonal mismatch between car and style of clock face
  • shit photo of car
  • ...printed on the curve of the plate so it's distorted 
  • ugly bend on second hand to clear curve
  • acres of blank space
  • clock mechanism mounted upside down so you can't even hang the plate
  • baffling title including a mis-spelling of the word "clock" to keep it out of search results
  • seller doesn't know if it works, because how could such an item ever be tested?
  • listed in Men's Accessories > Wallets


I just took the time to mot check that Maestro. It needs a couple of plates on the sill for the mot. Its time is ticking.

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Presumably the PR hand-out for the 604 launch was boxes of Cohibas?

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How the heck are you supposed to hang that clock?


It looks as if there is a hook attachment for a screw/nail but it is


(1) at the bottom of the mech (upside down)

(2) not central


So if you do hang it using the integrated hook, the clock will be upside down and at an estimated 50 degree angle. It is so shonky I would expect it to catch fire when a AA battery is added (provided it doesn't just fall straight out)


VERDICT - One of British Leyland better efforts

  • Like 2

Come on then, who's going to buy the Meastro clock? It could be the prize at Shitefest that nobody wants to win.


If it were a 99p start I'd have a go, but the seller seems to think it's worth 10 quid minimum.

  • Like 4

 "wonder mauve light" 

I need this in my life


Front of an RS2000 grafted on to a mk2 Fiesta, which for some reason has had the rear wheels replaced with those of a quad bike or something?

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 attachicon.gifStereo security cover.jpg


Bloody hell, I think we used to sell those in Halfauds back in the day.


IIRC, they were nearly as much as a new stereo...


I've got something very similar in the Triumph, mostly as the modern head unit looks like shit and I've yet to get around to sorting a proper radio + 8-track player for it...


I've got something very similar in the Triumph, mostly as the modern head unit looks like shit and I've yet to get around to sorting a proper radio + 8-track player for it...




Awesome bit of kit, those Sakura radios. And you can select from Long-wave, Medium-wave, ummm... Mega-wave, Multi-wave and Micro-wave. Which ironically may make it more attractive to potential tea-leaves...


Agree with you on the modern head unit issue in older cars; at least electronics manufacturers seem to have got over their 'OMG it's the year 2000' trip and stopped making everything in silver plastic. Some moderns are reasonably unobtrusive, as well as amazingly cheap new (sub-£50 netted me a decent Pioneer last year). Do you have an era-correct radio and 8-track for the Doloshite?


Personally, I'm worryingly fond of the flip-down cover for the stereo in my Laguna. I just prefer not to see the head unit at all, if I can help it.

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 attachicon.gifStereo security cover.jpg


Bloody hell, I think we used to sell those in Halfauds back in the day.


IIRC, they were nearly as much as a new stereo...



when I worked there I remember selling plates that look like it was blanked off. Not sure what's worse, trying to advertise you had the poverty spec radio or no radio at all




Giffertastic-mods in the driver's door-bin of an originally 1960's-modified Mk1 Mini.

(You should see the rest of it).

  • Like 6

I hope they all do things like spray oil, fire machine guns, drop tacks on the road etc

  • Like 8

I bet it's an ignition "combination lock", with all the switches in series in a mystery combination.

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