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Vanishing motoring YouTube channels

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14 minutes ago, goosey said:

Polebarn Garage is quite good, no sponsorships so everything is done on a budget and he shows the good and bad. He’s the one who aquired the unrestorable square body Chevy from junkyard digs and restored it 

I quite like his videos too. He's a serious hack but I guess his aim is to show you can have fun with old cars on a budget.

His biggest expense must be self tapping screws.

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15 minutes ago, trigger said:

If I see another Carvertical advert... I'd love to know their advertising budget!

It must lose effectiveness at some point. It's so over saturated I just skip through it now.

From what I hear it's not even that great you could probably get the same from a £1.99 totalcarcheck. 

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Must admit I don’t mind the sponsorship and advertising from YouTube-ers, if it’s helping them increase their earnings then fair play to them. You can always skip past it or just ignore it for the few seconds it’s on.

Vice Grip is probably my favourite channel. Derek is a brilliant character and that goes a long way for making things viewable and helps people stick with it. His humour and stupid comments are all part of the entertainment. The revivals are my favourite part but he does some incredible builds too. Keeping Independence Chevelle going was a hell of an undertaking too.

Diesel Creek is another fantastic channel. Matt seems like a great guy, very normal and down to earth so you can relate to him quite easily. I love big plant equipment and trucks too which obviously helps! His AutoCar semi project is probably my favourite at the moment.

Dean of Machines is another good one, just because he loves old Volvo’s! Something I can relate to!

SleeperDude, again, brilliant channel and he’s a great character. I love how his family get involved too. Even the (many!) pets all get a look in! It’s always funny watching Rocky turn up in the workshop and start trying to eat everything. 
They get some absolute wrecks going again though. The saves from the forest scrap yard were great to see.

To be honest there’s very few British YouTube channels I stick with. Things just aren’t the same here as they are in the US, it’s like every element of fun and entertainment has been removed from us Brits! It doesn’t help that this country is so strict about things you’d think nothing of in the US I suppose.


Nothing to do with cars, but I remember my mate started watching a multi part (like 50 episode long) Youtube series on growing your own weed.

He started off all upbeat and the production values were pretty good, got his girlfriend to do the recording. Presumably what he was growing (and smoking) was clearly the good stuff (as in the properly illegal stuff), so by about episode 15 his girlfriend had either gone or was no longer helping out anymore and the videos and advice therein were becoming pretty vague and repetitive.  

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NoNonsenseKnowHow is another great channel too. Plenty of absolutely hanging rust belt revivals there too, but he does some other stuff too, old boats, tools etc etc. sometimes does road trips out to the dry states to pick things up. Part of it is also a bit of tourism in a way, just seeing places in the states that are interesting. Star of the show though has to be The Gus-man!

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missing ODFS at the moment too but I am really enjoying Tasty Classics old car ressurections.

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46 minutes ago, danthecapriman said:

You can always skip past it or just ignore it for the few seconds it’s on.

Get SponsorBlock for your browser - users flag sponsor spots and it takes the info and skips them for everyone automatically. You know it's good because mentioning it on YT is a ToS violation.

7 hours ago, Dyslexic Viking said:

The channels I follow and there are several all seem to be going well. But I've unsubscribed on some like Hoovie.

My favorites have to be Cold War Motors  Scott and the rest is a great bunch of people even though it may seem a bit rough and weird it is honest and real.

Vice Grip garage is also up there mostly because I like Derek, but some of his content can get a bit monotonous and boring. But I like how he revives cars where I get the impression he cares and doesn't try to ruin them something Junkyard Digs does too much.

I like Kevin and Mook from Junkyard Digs but he cares too little and destroys more than I like the recent Buick episode is a good example if this had been on VGG or Cold War Motors that engine would have got running without destroying something.

And of course I also follow Hub Nut and have done so for years.

These are the channels I watch the most. 

Vgg less so now as the finger flexing whilst childish speaking gets a bit off-putting.

PoleBarn garage is a decent watch,but you'll hate it Dyslexic Viking....the last convertible he slapped together. 

Haven't watched hubnut since he completely slagged off a car someone had lent hime,before even getting in it..


I watch mainly woodwork ones, so Ragandbonebrown, ProperDiY etc. Did used to watch Alan Howatt until he lost the plot and started ranting about conspiracy theories and emigrated to Thailand, it’s just not my boat that’s all, I wish him the best of luck though mind. 

  • Haha 3
15 hours ago, GregZX said:

I often wonder how they afford to do YouTube full time.  Jack of Number 27 fame must have some sort of serious private income as YouTube income can’t cover importing and rebuilding a De Tomaso Pantera never mind all the other cars he has including that Ferrari. 

I’ve thought the same about that Cletus McFarland channel. Fuck me they must spend some money but surely a YouTube channel can’t pay for it?

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The channel itself definitely doesn't pay for it.  It's the associated sponsorships that do it and the stuff they do outside of Youtube.  You have to think of it as more of an advert for the other stuff they do really, Youtube is easy to find and view so that gets the eyeballs on you, then you can funnel people to the stuff that pays the bills.  Even really massive channels like Mr Beast rely on the videos to grab attention so they can sell their other stuff.

The one thing I often wonder is how Youtube makes any money, it must be data broker nonsense and advertising deals, pretty sure they're not covering their costs with Premium Memberships.

2 minutes ago, vulgalour said:

The channel itself definitely doesn't pay for it.  It's the associated sponsorships that do it and the stuff they do outside of Youtube.  You have to think of it as more of an advert for the other stuff they do really, Youtube is easy to find and view so that gets the eyeballs on you, then you can funnel people to the stuff that pays the bills.  Even really massive channels like Mr Beast rely on the videos to grab attention so they can sell their other stuff.

The one thing I often wonder is how Youtube makes any money, it must be data broker nonsense and advertising deals, pretty sure they're not covering their costs with Premium Memberships.

It's probably the same way TV used to earn . Companies want to sell stuff and youtube can place adverts in channels that should be relevant to that channel or the users who watch it. This doesn't explain why i get so many womens shampoo adverts while watching someone trying to jump start a rusty buick in a field in Idaho.

As you say the smart youtubers use it as a way to leverage something else that makes real money selling their own chocolate bars or pay per view crown vic demolition derby's. 

Mr Beasts channel is odd he takes what would be a traditional TV shows that would milk the life out of giving away $250,000 and condenses it down to 14 minutes with beyond TV production values. 

Apparently he charged some games company $3 million dollars to be on that squid games episode he did and still lost money on it. 

1 hour ago, junkyarddog said:

I used to enjoy watching BOM Project Binky,but that seems to be dried up now.

There was an update on the channel from Richard a month or so back that made it sound like regular vids were on the way back. The MG and the race transporter projects were mentioned. Nothing since.


34 minutes ago, 5speedracer said:

There was an update on the channel from Richard a month or so back that made it sound like regular vids were on the way back. The MG and the race transporter projects were mentioned. Nothing since.


I've kind of run of of steam with them. I've been watching on youtube for years and just when it looked like it was a video or two from completion it all stopped. The over complexity of it can get a bit tiring too, sometimes you just want them to get on with it. 

Another one is Ed China, he was very close to a million subs then stopped posting. He then started reposting old episodes, which pissed his existing subs off. Not sure if he'd targeted 1 million subs by date X and when it didn't happen he lost interest.


Now don't be spreading negativity, I'm now up to 1.46K subscribers! 🤣

5 hours ago, andy18s said:

Haven't watched hubnut since he completely slagged off a car someone had lent hime,before even getting in it..

Which one was that , out of interest?


I can only think of the Axiam truck which was a poor example of a shit vehicle that got a slagging, but I think that was justified. 

Ian normally seems over enthusiastic about some pretty lack lustre vehicles but I guess we all have a bias.


Grand Thrift auto is a real favourite of mine. Nowhere near frequent enough.  Presume the chap, Martin of this parish I believe, has a real job to get in the way. 

34 minutes ago, Timewaster said:

Which one was that , out of interest?


I can only think of the Axiam truck which was a poor example of a shit vehicle that got a slagging, but I think that was justified. 

Ian normally seems over enthusiastic about some pretty lack lustre vehicles but I guess we all have a bias.

I'm curious myself. Mk6 Escort maybe? I'm not immune to irrational disliking of vehicles. Mk6 Fiesta is another example. Not a common trait though. 

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Adverts adverts adverts.

Unless you want to pay for You Tube Premium then you have to put up with ads. Popular channels will get more longer ads stuck in the middle of their videos, so you get 20 second imposed breaks. If the poster does not put in section breaks then the ads appear randomly at any time. I find it annoying to the point I now only watch stuff that I like, and not just any old stuff. 

I have also found that some channels get a bit dull after a while because the content is pretty much the same, just with a different car. I remove these from my subscriptions so they do not bore me anymore. Johnny, I used to be on 5th Gear, Smith is one of those that just got boring. I watch tasty classics for a month or so, but his videos were just so long and boring, that I gave up.

Who's got almost 2 hours to waste watching a bloke paint an old Spitfire in a barn?

I started watching a Hub Nut video today about the Beaulieu Autojumble. After about 2 minutes I was scanning along the time bar to see what was coming up, tried a few more bits but no, it wasn't going to holding my attention for a full viewing.


Well over half the channels that other posters have mentioned I have never heard of, which kind of shows what the thing with YouTube is. There is so much stuff uploaded that you can not watch it all, and if you get bored with on thing then there is always something else to go and watch instead.

Anyway, this bloke always makes me laugh on a Sunday.


17 minutes ago, MiniMinorMk3 said:

pay for You Tube Premium

I don't see a problem with that, it's not a huge amount and people pay the same or more to watch garbage tv series or movies.

Youtube premium also gives access to things in youtube music, which I use a lot.

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I'll never quite understand how CarWow got so big though. More subs than Top Gear and closing in on 4bn total views.

14 minutes ago, egg said:

I'll never quite understand how CarWow got so big though. More subs than Top Gear and closing in on 4bn total views.

I think the drag races play a big part. Clever, because most other YTers can't afford to do similar.

46 minutes ago, MiniMinorMk3 said:

Adverts adverts adverts.

Unless you want to pay for You Tube Premium then you have to put up with ads. Popular channels will get more longer ads stuck in the middle of their videos, so you get 20 second imposed breaks. If the poster does not put in section breaks then the ads appear randomly at any time. I find it annoying to the point I now only watch stuff that I like, and not just any old stuff. 

I have also found that some channels get a bit dull after a while because the content is pretty much the same, just with a different car. I remove these from my subscriptions so they do not bore me anymore. Johnny, I used to be on 5th Gear, Smith is one of those that just got boring. I watch tasty classics for a month or so, but his videos were just so long and boring, that I gave up.

Who's got almost 2 hours to waste watching a bloke paint an old Spitfire in a barn?

I started watching a Hub Nut video today about the Beaulieu Autojumble. After about 2 minutes I was scanning along the time bar to see what was coming up, tried a few more bits but no, it wasn't going to holding my attention for a full viewing.


Well over half the channels that other posters have mentioned I have never heard of, which kind of shows what the thing with YouTube is. There is so much stuff uploaded that you can not watch it all, and if you get bored with on thing then there is always something else to go and watch instead.

Anyway, this bloke always makes me laugh on a Sunday.


I watched that spitfire video 😂 And the others he does, love that channel! 

My own YouTube channel with my hoovers and 10.5k subs barely brings in £350 a month in ad revenue on average. It's a nice hobby but I make far more repairing the subjects of the video and selling them/being paid to restore them. But it's a VERY niche subject, there's maybe 20 videos that mostly make me that income out of the thousands I have



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10 hours ago, warch said:

Nothing to do with cars, but I remember my mate started watching a multi part (like 50 episode long) Youtube series on growing your own weed.

He started off all upbeat and the production values were pretty good, got his girlfriend to do the recording. Presumably what he was growing (and smoking) was clearly the good stuff (as in the properly illegal stuff), so by about episode 15 his girlfriend had either gone or was no longer helping out anymore and the videos and advice therein were becoming pretty vague and repetitive.  

It's the genuine experience at least.


Just for the record, I'm a horrible person and use uBlock Origin and have done for many, many years.  I haven't seen a YouTube advert on any of my computers in all of that time.  Google occasionally try to get around it but the developers always seem to fix it in a couple of hours.  I was fine with YouTube adverts for a while in the early days but it got out of hand very quickly and they've ruined it.

3 hours ago, egg said:

I'll never quite understand how CarWow got so big though. More subs than Top Gear and closing in on 4bn total views.

I think in the early days they reviewed everything. Like every new car or facelift that came out they reviewed it became a bit of an encyclopaedia for car reviews. If I'm looking at a 3-4 year old 2nd hand car I still go to them to look for the review as they'll likely have it.  The reviews are also clear and consistent. Once they built a bit of an audience then the drag racing stuff really worked for them  

Mat Watson is also quite good he communicates well but isn't totally humourless. 

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3 hours ago, egg said:

I'll never quite understand how CarWow got so big though. More subs than Top Gear and closing in on 4bn total views.

The videos are quite good.  Fairly comprehensive, lighthearted and well produced.  They get a bit grating after a while but they're better than most.

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21 minutes ago, GrumpiusMaximus said:

The videos are quite good.  Fairly comprehensive, lighthearted and well produced.  They get a bit grating after a while but they're better than most.

I quite like the '5 annoying things' and '5 good things' sections - they take the quirks and features idea and package it in 2 mins. Yeah, they do know their job has to be said.

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Marvelous Lara is a great channel i found recently - follows a young roadside mechanic around the South East in his shitty Citroen van. Very funny lads and its amazing to me some of the repairs they do without a lift. Also lifts the lid on some of the less honest parts of the motor trade.

I do like Jon Coupland’s channel too - not because of Jon himself but his dad is a proper old school engineer who gets stuck right in.

I do enjoy Not Economically Viable too. Mainly because he’s a total mechanical fuckwit but gets stuck right in with good results (I actually think he’d fit right in here). He also shares my hatred of car cleaning. Buying the cheapest, crash damaged L322 from copart and restoring it on his drive with limited kit and eBay parts was inspirational. He’s now also moving towards roffling off the finished rammel to fund the channel and to make more frequent vids, and good luck to him. 


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