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Group Buy: 1982 Ford Escort bASe. Purchased.

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  On 04/03/2021 at 16:57, Conrad D. Conelrad said:

Not only did Ford make these beautiful full colour range brochures, they printed them more or less monthly so that tragically brokebrain shutins like myself can collect them all and pour over several almost identical issues looking for minor detail changes. 


Now what kind of saddo would do that?


Incidentally, from memory the vans and base had the centre caps in black but the  L had the same wheels as the base but with silver centre caps. 

GL had styled steels and the Ghia had steels with chrome rings and centres. 

So an L centre cap and a satin black rattle can might suffice. 

  On 04/03/2021 at 19:50, Skizzer said:


I'm going to pretend they're the wrong size and we haven't seen them, since we've already bought a set of three in marginally worse condition.  That way I'll remain happy.

Edit: that said, I'm still happy anyway, because the wee Escort is a HONEY.


Try this then :



  • 2 weeks later...

Not a vintage weekend - I think lockdown is slowly sending me doolally. Limited progress with any motor vehicle this week, but did a bit of tinkering with the Escort.

Friday night it did the chippy run. Sadly the brake light decided to make itself apparent about a mile into my journey. I’d only recently checked the brake fluid so decided, in lieu of a puddle on my drive, that it probably wouldn’t kill me. 


Checked levels again and it looked good, probably got a good gulp in it though ( maybe 20 ml ) so we will see. 

Flung the trims yesterday, with my wife trying to understand “why I wanted to make my car even worse?”. It’s not a question easily answered, so retorted “doing it for men on the internet - stuff like this matters”. 



Annoyingly, I’ve bought seven wheel caps only to find that three were under the trims. FFS. Now have many spares and £25 less in the account. 

Other than that, very little progress. I will do a bit more rust chasing over the coming weeks. It will need a new front wing as the nearside has nearly nothing left at the bottom. Otherwise it looks to have been under sealed from new which might explain why it still exists. 


That looks loads better now, I loved poring over those base wheels on that diamond white hatch version in the 1982 Ford Cars range brochure.


Looks better with the wheel trims off.

If you want a spare wheel with a slightly rusty rim then you are welcome to this.


If you need wheel nut covers, I assume they are the same as Cortina, Granada and Capri from the era then I should be able to sort some for you. Not got much else for Escorts, the only wing I have is off a mk4.

  On 14/03/2021 at 17:36, BorniteIdentity said:




Your vet diversifying into fast food? It all tastes like chicken.

  On 04/03/2021 at 16:40, mk2_craig said:

I am absolutely certain that I have at least one of those black centre caps in the garage.  I'm buggered if I can find it though!


Had a good scout around - no black centre caps ( though I see you are now well stocked up with those ) but I did find a single solitary half width cap from a circa 1985 Fiesta Popular Plus. Which I believe is also correct for the Sierra Base - need one of those?

  On 14/03/2021 at 21:03, Shite Ron said:

Looks better with the wheel trims off.

If you want a spare wheel with a slightly rusty rim then you are welcome to this.


If you need wheel nut covers, I assume they are the same as Cortina, Granada and Capri from the era then I should be able to sort some for you. Not got much else for Escorts, the only wing I have is off a mk4.


Tyre looks better than the ones already on the car!

I think I'm good, but thanks mate.  From memory the spare that came with the Sierra was actually a 13" Escort Wheel! 


On the early shift this morning so done by 1000. Waited two hours for the rain to FRO before attaining +5 estate points and going for a cycle ride.


It fits pretty bloody well. Need to get some new struts because it’s really hard inserting your 23” monster whilst getting banged on the noggin. 


Saw some right old shite out on 7 miles around St Neots. 



That Delica is parked on arguably the best road in town. Gorgeous Edwardian villas everywhere and that. What a hero. 

I don’t even motorcycle but this looked nice. 


Working list:

Struts. Possible wheel bearing nearside rear. More rust fighting. Tyres are fucking lethal in the rain so will need to save up to get those done. Adjust choke/carb set up as it has to run on choke most of the time. 



From a local memories page about 1987, in period then....same spec?


  On 15/03/2021 at 17:48, egg said:

From a local memories page about 1987, in period then....same spec?



Black centre caps on the wheels suggest it is the same spec.

  • Like 2



No electric.

There was, so we drove off. And then, after 500 yards, there was not. So we didn’t. 

Pushed it home but - seriously - bollocks to the slope on my drive. Big hairy truckers bollocks to it.




That will be a broken battery earth strap then by the sounds of it...

Unless like me one day you discover you forgot to tighten up one of the terminals when you last had the battery out...Which I totally didn't discover at 70mph in the dark on the outside lane on the A96 one day when I lost all electrical power without any warning.

  On 19/03/2021 at 19:51, Zelandeth said:

Unless like me one day you discover you forgot to tighten up one of the terminals when you last had the battery out


I did that on a Rover 800 once.  It didn't lose electrical power though, it just started to wind the front windows up and down randomly.

  • Haha 3
  On 19/03/2021 at 23:40, wuvvum said:

I did that on a Rover 800 once.  It didn't lose electrical power though, it just started to wind the front windows up and down randomly.


This is why you need the bASe. If it starts winding the windows up and down by itself you need to watch out. Especially if it starts playing Duran Duran on the radio. It's the right color too.


There's a fusible link wire that's made from many strands under the scuttle that turns to powder after many years because the plastic* it's made from is slightly porous. It runs all the cabin electrics, including the ignition.


Battery terminal is much more likely though.



  • Like 2
  On 20/03/2021 at 02:46, PhilA said:

This is why you need the bASe. If it starts winding the windows up and down by itself you need to watch out. Especially if it starts playing Duran Duran on the radio. It's the right color too.


There's a fusible link wire that's made from many strands under the scuttle that turns to powder after many years because the plastic* it's made from is slightly porous. It runs all the cabin electrics, including the ignition.


Battery terminal is much more likely though.




Thanks man. I will look at this in a while because the terminals have been hammered and tightened, the earth looks fine and is on solid metal and nothing appears broken. 

I tried it with a fresh battery and extra earth and it’s still dead to the world. 

Queer how it was fine and then it wasn’t as we rounded a corner. It doesn’t help that the battery isn’t secured either, although a short looks impossible. 


There must only be 8 or 9 wires in the whole car, shouldn't take long to track down! 


Is there an earth connection between engine block or gearbox and the chassis/inner wings? I found that could be troublesome on Fiestas of the era. Also, check cables at starter motor. 


Not entirely helpful given its not workingness but I used to get brand new Ford wings for £15 with my employee discount. 

Bought them along with pretty much all the panels I needed for my S1 for about £150 back then. 

Never fitted of course, sold on as an ongoing project. 

Was rotten then at 9yrs old so that's done amazingly well. 


Oh, that’s unfortunate thing to have happened. 😒  As mentioned above, it could well be earthing.  Another possibility is water ingress somewhere , which might explain why going round a corner caused something to trip.

Time to get the multimeter out and trace where the 12v isn’t getting.  Fingers crossed you track it down quickly.


This is all very queer tbh.

Checked for continuity on both the body earth and chassis earth - all gravy. Doesn’t appear to be any fuse of any description on the positive wire from battery to box. Can’t find any voltage at the fuse box by poking about. No voltage on red wire up to the ignition. 

A nice 12v across the battery. 

I’m not an auto electrician but it’s very queer. There’s a slightly iffy looking connection on the wire at the battery so I pinched it up and stuck it back on as tight as it’d go. No fucking dice. 

It’s a bit of a rat’s next under the steering wheel but I’m certain nothing got knocked as I was driving along. 

I will swear at it more soon. Any suggestions and help, as ever, more than welcome!

  On 21/03/2021 at 18:18, BorniteIdentity said:

I will swear at it more soon. Any suggestions and help, as ever, more than welcome!


I would start with B*****ks and B***ard, piece of Sh*t, before moving on to F*** it,  F*****g car, F*** this. 

If that doesn't work then try some combinations, B****ks you F******g B*****d etc  etc. 

Then finally, the C bomb. 



You're welcome. 


Not something like an emergency switch in the event of an accident has tripped? I know some cars had/have these

  On 21/03/2021 at 20:06, dozeydustman said:

Not something like an emergency switch in the event of an accident has tripped? I know some cars had/have these


I think only the injection models had these but even then I think it was just the sierra but yes a very common fail point on those. 


when my dad's mk2 Transit randomly ran out of electricity it was the main +ve lead to the battery which had failed at the other end.  Have you tried checking you are getting 12v at the other end of that cable

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