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The grumpy thread


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I havent seen anything to do with F1 this year at all.

Is it true that there is a thing where the audience can phone in during the race to make a car go faster? I read that somewhere and wasnt sure if they were taking the piss or not.

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I havent seen anything to do with F1 this year at all.


Is it true that there is a thing where the audience can phone in during the race to make a car go faster? I read that somewhere and wasnt sure if they were taking the piss or not.


Thats one of the gimmicks for Formula-e I think, some kind of tweet-based 'boost' to encourage audience participation

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The French (wait, there's more) should stop being allowed to design brakes.  They're really bad at it.  Or rather, they're very good at making brakes that are good, but they're very bad at making them easy to work on.  Stupid Renault.

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Renault not alone in that set up

Others I can think of offhand


Ford transit

Hondas inc prelude and accord ( rover 600 )

Toyota hilux


Prob loads more

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I set about doing the yearly block paving pressure wash Friday. Jet wash operational - check. 6 bags of kiln dried sand - check. Kids off out - check. Sun shining - check.


19p weirdly sized skinny O ring specific to this Stihl pressure washer failing after 3 minutes - check. BALLS. Still they ordered me 5 (check me out 95p!) quite happily with no minium order whinging.

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An hour or two ago I was cooking my tea (as in evening meal - I'm old-fashioned) and my son was in the other room watching television.  His taste in programmes differs from mine, so it was not too unusual for me to ask him to turn it down a bit. Whatever he was watching was bloody irritating. He was surprised, and said "but it's Top Gear," knowing that I was one of the few* people who found the previous trio highly entertaining, to the point that it was the only programme I made an effort to watch.  I carried on cooking but listened more intently.  It sounded like a very tense presenter who was trying much too hard.  My irritation did not subdue.  After 15 minutes my son exclaimed "Rubbish. I'm not watching that" and switched to another programme.  Relief!

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you both managed to watch more of twatgear than we saw.


cos we were in the pub, we didn't see any of it.


but its no loss, we couldn't stand the program when the 4 stupid twerps were presenting it.

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Have had an earache (and no sleep) for 36 hours, which destroyed my plans for the weekend. Pain subsided now but still partially deaf in it. 

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you both managed to watch more of twatgear than we saw.


cos we were in the pub, we didn't see any of it.


but its no loss, we couldn't stand the program when the 4 stupid twerps were presenting it.

The last time I can remember four people presenting TG was Clarkson, Goffey, Wilson and Needell.
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Have had an earache (and no sleep) for 36 hours, which destroyed my plans for the weekend. Pain subsided now but still partially deaf in it.


I was expecting a "but it was still more enjoyable than top gear" type comment when I started reading that

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Been having a 'funny day'. Young chap up the road (son of the horrible, loud mouthed bitch. Lad got kicked out of the army for being: Thick and violent!) hung out of his bedroom window (at midday) so he could shout at me for letting the dog pee on his wheel. Obviously, SHE didn't  she peed on the road where she has been told to go, but he wasn't having that so went on a rant about the dogs peeing and pooing everywhere and if I want to walk them I should take them to a park because they are disgusting...


I always pick up after them, always. Phoebe always pees and poos in the road/gutter and Chester only poos on grass... granted he pees wherever he wants! I always take them to the park every day for at least an hour.


Then we got to the 'real' reason: the Bentley! 'You're always washing that great fucking thing and making the road wet... and messy and taking up space....' At that point, I wandered off.


Then, it's a Bank Holiday, in Torbay which means that, as the weather is glorious, the fucking place is rammed! Cars parked both sides of a narrow road (about half a mile long by the green) and a fucking coach trying to come down through the middle! That was fun.... Nowhere to park obviously, and everyone being an utter shit/in a pissed off bad arse mood.


Oh, and Windows 10 is crap and I hate it!

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Its frustrating not to be allowed to slot a small quota of irritating chav lowlife bastards each year. You know it makes sense.

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Yep, freedom from prosecution as long as you only slot specific well-known lowlife scum-sucking knuckle dragging arsewipes. However, bonus options for anyone who calls you 'bruv' or 'blood'.

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I bought one of these HG detection block tester kits off eBay. The idea is you jam the thing in the radiator outlet then sook through any fumes in the system and if there's exhaust gases in the system the blue liquid inside turns green. Problem being the thing is puking out so much water and steam it blocked the filter in the tester so can't draw ant gas through. Brilliant.

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Not had a fag for an hour. Now, that's pretty good going for a weak willed twat like me - I've bought a vaper thingy but it's just not the same. 


No fags in the house - I may have a couple of emergency tabs in the garage, but only time will tell if I can resist. 


It's blowing a fecking gale at the mo, not sure if I can be arsed.


And if I can't resist, that's another thing I've failed at, so I can beat myself up some more for being a worthless fuckpuddle.


Ho hum. Might go to bed.


Or eat something.....something with lots of mayonnaise. 


Am I pregnant? :shock:

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I was down in London yesterday for a football match (the result of which is a separate grump entirely), but it saddens me to see what a dump the capital of our nation is becoming. Admittedly I only saw one suburb and rarely visit the rest of the area unless I have to but it was horrible.

The chaps sat at the back of the mcdonalds on the high street looked as if they had a greater stock and wider range of pharmaceuticals than the branch of boots a few doors along.

This is all before I get onto the £5 a pint for piss awful lager....

Ah, another Wednesday fan I presume!


Great day out but disappointing result, Hull deserved it.


I know what you mean about Wembley though...

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Xtriple what car does he drive??

It seems to vary as he kills lots of cars, at the mo' it's a 51 reg MINI Cooper. He did have a lovely Renault Clio sport thing (quite new 58 reg) in dark blue it was nice... then got a rather large dent in the door, that never got repaired and just went downhill from then. Had a BMW something that died and was sold for peauts again, quite new, rather nice until ruined.

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