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The grumpy thread


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I definitely won't. I dumped my polling card straight in the bin.


Thing is, I'm 35 years old this month and never voted in my life, not for local, national, European or anything.


With the threat of UKIP getting in, I might start voting for someone -anyone- else. I wonder if this is a ploy to get the lazy into polling stations!

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Fuckin angina,had it for 3 days now along with a bad cough & runny nose.

Feel like shit,hurts to stand or sit,but cant lay down cos get too clogged up.

Bored silly cos i cant concentrate on anything.

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My car is borked. I have a hire car. I'm not one to look a gift horse in the mouth (my employer are footing the bill even though they don't have to), but the 2013 Yaris is a bunch of shit.


Good points: the radio is quite funky.

Bad points: everything else.


It's gutless, uncomfortable and tinny. The plastics look like recycled pound-shop toys. It has 6 gears that as far as I can tell offer 6 identical ratios, and it's not a useful one.


Understandable if I was comparing it to a 1974 Jag or something, but compared to a 2009 Ford it's shocking.

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Couldn't agree more. Modern media manipulation combined with gullible non-thinkers is not a great recipe.

The jury system seems similarly flawed to me.



OAN, I'm not one for sweeping generalisations but after recent hitch-hiking attempts I have to conclude that EVERYONE IN SURREY IS A C#NT.


Not everyone in the UK follows the media it just the media pretends, as do politicians, to represent everyone and but with less than 50% of voters going for the government and less then 50% of voters reading the print media neither "represent" the UK.  OH!! how I love Cuba and wish I was back there.....where it is mandatory to pick up hitch hikers whereas living in Surrey I now avoid them..

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^^^  OBV all shiters are exempt from any Surrey/c :-) nt correlation.

Unless you were one of the 100% of people who drove past me, shouting abuse and offering unhelpful hand signals.

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I've  never understood people who deny that sort of thing. I was once in a car park with about 14 other 2CV owning friends. A Clio drove in, scuffing the back wing of one of the 2CVs. When we pointed out what she'd done, the driver just denied it, despite 15 witnesses! Her bumper may have ended up slightly damaged after that. Peace and love my arse!



I think it's human instinct to deny wrong doing - same as a child will deny eating sweets with the wrapper right next to him

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^^^  OBV all shiters are exempt from any Surrey/c :-) nt correlation.

Unless you were one of the 100% of people who drove past me, shouting abuse and offering unhelpful hand signals.




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I've just watched a party political broadcast for the English democrats! Wtf!!!!


They make ukip look like normal and sane people.

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I've just watched a party political broadcast for the English democrats! Wtf!!!!


They make ukip look like normal and sane people.

Very weird lot, they are. They're like our answer to the SNP, but thankfully less successful.

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Thing is, I'm 35 years old this month and never voted in my life, not for local, national, European or anything.


With the threat of UKIP getting in, I might start voting for someone -anyone- else. I wonder if this is a ploy to get the lazy into polling stations!


They won't get in, and if they do at least they will be better than the Lib-Dems.

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At the end of a transaction, or upon receiving a service, I say thank-you. Sometimes the person's response is "no worries". But I'm not worried, and hardly likely to get worried over a book of Rizla papers!


It's just another change in the language, which is always changing, yet I can't help but question some of the changes!

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The battery in the Supra has decided that 11.3 volts is the optimum output and now it won't start. New battery time = expense.


The clutch on the Lancia has gone from 'a bit high' to 'seriously marginal' in the space of one gear change. This is a problem as the throttle is so sensitive, it really is needed to stop it hurling itself into the car in front each time you set off in traffic.



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Phil (ibusmo), I find local breakers' yards ace for batts... £10 or £15 should see you perfectly re-electrified.

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Bad news from the long running 306 MOT saga. They have gone to fit the rear seat belt and theres nothing to fix it to, its rotten to bollocks. I dont really get attached to cars but that bloody thing hasnt half done me proud, been all over the shop in it. Anyway they reckon launching rear seats and belts mean they can fix it up as a van basically, so I ve to go and see them and discuss the options as to whether to fuck it off or go for it.


I can obviously take engine, box and Speedlines off and hoy the rest at a scrapyard, but itd be like having my cat put down because I cant afford the vets bills.

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Dont think i'll be selling wifey's fiesta.


I started going around it, touching it up, oiling hinges etc.


I then realised that i would struggle to get anything like it with the mileage (52k) and i would be better spending £200 on a timing belt and keeping it - the car only does 3k a year, and is a ghia - aircon, elec windows heated screen etc.


Plus, i cannot be doing with dealing with the kind of world class turds that would be after a 12 year old fiesta.

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Dont think i'll be selling wifey's fiesta.


I started going around it, touching it up, oiling hinges etc.


I then realised that i would struggle to get anything like it with the mileage (52k) and i would be better spending £200 on a timing belt and keeping it - the car only does 3k a year, and is a ghia - aircon, elec windows heated screen etc.


Plus, i cannot be doing with dealing with the kind of world class turds that would be after a 12 year old fiesta.


I had a similar discussion with a friend who told me to sack my C4 off because it needs a timing belt. He reckoned it was knackered and that I should get a new car. Funny, all these new VWs and Audis driving around - I didn't realise you could buy them outright for £350. What have I been missing?  :mad:

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Loosing my job Thursday,found out today,company going bust.fucksticks.

Sorry to hear that - hopefully you will get something else soon.

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I really should come off some of these Facebook car groups, I'm continually finding myself getting more and more pissed off with some of the utter shit and crap people write and post on them. I know it's pathetic really but it gets right on my tits sometimes.

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Your not wrong, it's now full of modern and even new car posts or photos of 10 year old Fiestas with people going "Look at this shite LOLZ"... There's a couple of people on there who get my goat too. It's an embarrassment to the forum IMHO.


I've clearly woke on the wrong side of the bed this morning!

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Another one recently was the 600 post thread on "oldclassiccars" about whether the Triumph Acclaim was a classic or not, honestly some of the replies was ridiculous.

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