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Because they can i spose

The Russians/Ukranians etc presumably own worse cars than us, so why bother?

Not that I know anything at all about hacking.

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Dear smart arse, snidey, smarmy doctor fuckwit bollocks. I am going to ignore your email 'cos you are a prick who seems not to give a shit about the patient that I triaged a few days ago and passed on to your shitty, up its own arse specialist service. The patient has a local GP you dickhead. So live with it.

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Several ice ages ago the controller board on my cnc lathe died. Worked out which chip is dead, n a mate has a bloke at work who can change it. Sorted!


Shame it was a month ago n he's done fuck all. 'Mate' thinks it's dead funny, LOL you can play games instead of working. Yeah, that'll really pay the bills...


Annoying thing is I've dropped everything before to get both 'mate' and his work out of the shit before. Cnuts the lot of them.

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The Welsh police want e cigarettes banned because they cannot tell the difference between those and real cigarettes that might illicility be being smoked whilst they are spying on people from a horsebox.   Phakt.

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MoT of Rover of d00m to expire on Friday, promptly it refuses to unlock the rear offside door.

It's the only one for which I don't have a spare door card.

I've got one but its in black

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The Welsh police want e cigarettes banned because they cannot tell the difference between those and real cigarettes that might illicility be being smoked whilst they are spying on people from a horsebox.   Phakt.

I think it was one of the AMs that started that off. he seems to think non-smokers will want to take up vaping, then go full house and start on proper fags. silly tit.

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Went to a hospital today for an X-Ray. It's a fairly new hospital. I think whoever designed the layout was drunk.


First off, you park up and enter on level one. I followed the signs to the X-Ray department. Down to level 0. Then up to level 2. WTF? After marching for what felt like hours, I eventually got there. Zappo on the foot, then I was free to go. Following the Way Out signs led me to doors on the opposite side of the building to my car. Great! Ignored that exit and bravely ploughed on. Got down to level 1, but where was the door back to the car park? I almost ended up in the kitchens so decided to drop another level back to 0. At this stage, I was sure that a back-combed David Bowie was laughing at me. I half expected to start seeing impossible staircases. 


Eventually, I found myself in A&E but decided my blood pressure was not yet at dangerous levels. I exited here, or at least tried to. There's a big button to press to open the first door, but you then reach the second door, which has a sign saying DON'T PULL! PRESS THE BUTTON. 


Which f*cking button?! Oh yes. The one situated next to the door you've just walked through. Obvious really! Not that the fun was over yet, as my car was on the level up. No signs, only warnings of doom telling you not to walk up the ramp for cars. F*ck you signs. I can see an Ambulance and could probably crawl to A&E if something hits me. I no longer care. 


Whatever happened to common sense and clear signs? A bunch of rabbits would have done a better job.

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You have my sympathy DW, but the worst hospital in Europe has got to be Tonnerre, in Burgundy (where Mrs Livered is from, so we go there every year). A great big modern hospital, a bit like the British ones but the corridors are all dark and deserted. You can walk for miles and miles around spooky dimly-lit and empty corridors before eventually stumbling into the morgue, which is full of all the other people who have lost their way trying to find some ward or other.

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Preston train station. Always seems to be ten degrees colder inside than it is outside. Not sure how this is possible.

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Possibly.... But it is just a big shed with open ends and warm trains. Even on hot, calm days in summer it seems to be windy and freezing cold!


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I got a call just after I left work from Mrs C saying the handle had burst off the kitchen tap and it was pissing water everywhere. The end had already burst off about 6 months ago andI fixed* it with a cable tie. 

I bought a new tap about a month ago but had better things to do like getting arm pits full of Cortina gear box oil so never bothered my arse. To this end I've just spent all evening with my head in a kitchen cabinet humfing a washing machine about fitting a new tap. I hate DIY

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Went to a hospital today for an X-Ray. It's a fairly new hospital. I think whoever designed the layout was drunk...A bunch of rabbits would have done a better job.


I'd love to see a hospital designed by a bunch of rabbits.

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I'd love to see a hospital designed by a bunch of rabbits.

Only a matter of time.

Our local council would be a strong contender. They eat all the carrots and spend a lot of time with their heads down a hole!

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Maybe it was the same designer? Seriously, this one doesn't seem to have a flat floor in the place. It's like the floors have subsided.


The floor in this one has shifted so much it seems to be doing a passable imitation of a wall.




Sorry Ian, for the repeat post!

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Having worked in a couple of hospitals, you get used to these sorts of signs and forget just how stupid they look to other people.  It's like reverse dyslexia or something... no, that's not quite right... I know what I mean, even if nobody else does.

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2 grumps in 1 day :(


Twunt on the end of our access road has started having fires. Lots of fires. Like every day whenever he feels like it. Methinks he's worked out it's cheaper to burn your business waste to get rid of it.


Do I:

A) report to council.


B ) throw a propane cylinder in his big pile of ash?


Twunt has a get out of jail free card, cos his ankle biter has a brain tumour so he can do anything cos won't somebody think of the children?

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The Russians/Ukranians etc presumably own worse cars than us, so why bother?

Not that I know anything at all about hacking.

Completely agree, they could just sign up and become instant heroes, that has to be more satisfying than hacking

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In fairness, the hospital I worked in was fairly easy to find your way around (and out of) and was reasonably pleasant inside, if you ignored the stains on the ceilings, and the fact that at least two of the lifts were always broken. Although it always struck me as odd that corpses were trundled through the main corridors throughout the day with only an elevated plastic sheet to cover them, especially as the porters would often place packages on the sheet so it sagged and the legs and feet showed through.

The most amusing* thing was that the staff in my office were constantly bo11ocked for having crafty fags outside the nearest exit from the main building, as there was a bereavement suite nearby, and clearly none of the relatives of deceased patients would want to see a fag-end on the ground. Interestingly though, directly opposite the entrance to the suite, and only around 10 feet away, was the clinical waste compound, with reeking yellow bins containing (possibly) the very clothing and bandages of their departed loved one. No-one in authority thought this was the least bit strange.

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2 grumps in 1 day :(


Twunt on the end of our access road has started having fires. Lots of fires. Like every day whenever he feels like it. Methinks he's worked out it's cheaper to burn your business waste to get rid of it.


Do I:

A) report to council.


B ) throw a propane cylinder in his big pile of ash?


Twunt has a get out of jail free card, cos his ankle biter has a brain tumour so he can do anything cos won't somebody think of the children?


The answer is A.


And - while, having been in a similar situation, I feel his pain - the medical status of his offspring is irrelevant.

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Ok, this car park is tight but I can get round this pillar. Just a little further.....a little more...a little more.....



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