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The grumpy thread


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Oh, now I'm really really pissed off.


I taxed the MGTF yesterday because it's sunny and the laguna needs work. I was on my way to the dentists this afternoon when.....




someone drove into the back of the car!


I was turning right at a very new roundabout which has been installed replacing a single side road off a NSL single carriageway A road. The car behind me failed to avoid the back of the MG, and then also failed to stop and exchange details. I didn't even get the reg and by the time I'd done a full circuit of the roundabout to give chase the bugger was long gone. Happened (I think) because he was too close and not expecting me to slow and swing to the right.


It is very annoying mainly because of the hit and run, but also because of the damage to the car and also because if they hadn't put the damn roundabout in it wouldn't have happened! I'd have left the lane of traffic entirely and sat waiting in the marked box to turn right. What was wrong with that? No-one tried to turn right out of that entrance anyway because there is another exit from the village that already has a roundabout further down the road.


Only bright spots - I got a damn good look at him, and he was driving a scenic RX4 which isn't exactly a common car. The police say there is some CCTV on the road that might have captured his registration. The MG isn't badly damaged either. Worst part is that the exhaust is now hitting something.

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Now sat waiting for the AA to come and help me change a wheel, for the first time ever. Got the car jacked up and the wheel bolts out no problem, but the fucking alloy is proper welded to the hub. Tried putting the bolts back in a couple of threads and driving around the block, even bumped it up and down a couple of kerbs as hard as I dared without risking damaging the rim. The fucking thing won't budge.

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BMW X5 driving at 20mph on a clear stretch of the A13. No problem thinks I and pulls to the clear lane to pass him.


Whereupon he gets confused about lane markings and thinks he needs to aim for the middle of the White line. I can't pass on the left or right, he maintains a steady 20. Gradually drifts into the outside lane.....


So I swing onto the inside lane, get alongside him before his indicator flicks on and he starts moving over on me. One panic brake application and he missed me by an inch.


Now utterly fucked off I backed back, noted his plate and waited until he steadied himself in a lane. Yes, he's in this lane. Two cars go past incident free, right, my turn...


Any guesses for what the twat did next? Anyone?


This continued until we got to a red light which he just sailed though, oblivious to the traffic he just missed. I hope the cameras were switched on and he gets a fiscal reward for his driving efforts.

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What a day :(


Started with dropping off BIG BAD MERCEDEZ TESCO VAN off to Hartlebury, checked job off and consulted works phone to see if any follow-on jobs were sent to me. Nope, absolutely zilch. Phoned up office to find out what was going on. Seemingly someone had forgotten to send me any jobs, so I spent an hour waiting in a deserted train station in the middle of the sticks.


After a bit of to-ing and fro-ing I seemingly had a job waiting for me in Hereford to Cannock. Got to Hereford (eventually) and picked up car. Was done by 1pm but because of the middle-men we have to deal with in some of the jobs, the middle-man company couldn't let me take the car off site without a release code. They could only let me take car once they'd received my report on the car which for some unknown reason took no less 45 minutes. Finally got code and off I went.


Journey took no less than nearly 2 hours due to various roadworks/over cautious drivers/trucks and 50mph roadworks.


Upon arriving in Cannock I had another in Lichfield to pick up. But due to busses taking more than an hour to get there I simply couldn't have reached my second car as the middle-men company closes their phones at 5:15pm.


So now I'm residing in a hotel in Tamworth. :(


Wouldn't mind if I was far from home.

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Why didn't you call, Mo?  A lift to Lich would've been no problem...

I did think of that, but what with rush hour traffic building I thought it might have been in vain.


I still need to get to Lichfield tomorrow morning if you or Tamworthbay are around.... ;)

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When you see shit like that it's probably worth ringing 101 and reporting them as probably pissed or something.

id have been ringing them on 101 as id sat behind him - get wagons doing that and it pisses me off

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To be honest I was too busy shouting obscenities (both existing and made up) and not thinking clearly enough as I was sooooooo pissed off with him.


I have seen it before, I park near it most days so if I see him again I will ask if he was deliberately swerving attempting to cause me physical harm or if he was preoccupied with his phone and thus not in control of his vehicle.


It's times like that I wished I had a dash cam although I couldn't have submitted it to the Police as the excessively loud use of words such as "stupid motherfucker", "Tiny cocked badger molester" and "fuck me did Nico Rosberg teach you drive" might not have sounded good if it went for a prosecution....

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id have been ringing them on 101 as id sat behind him - get wagons doing that and it pisses me off

And end up getting done for using a phone whilst driving


That's the way it works

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Oh, now I'm really really pissed off.


I taxed the MGTF yesterday because it's sunny and the laguna needs work. I was on my way to the dentists this afternoon when.....




someone drove into the back of the car!


I was turning right at a very new roundabout which has been installed replacing a single side road off a NSL single carriageway A road. The car behind me failed to avoid the back of the MG, and then also failed to stop and exchange details. I didn't even get the reg and by the time I'd done a full circuit of the roundabout to give chase the bugger was long gone. Happened (I think) because he was too close and not expecting me to slow and swing to the right.


It is very annoying mainly because of the hit and run, but also because of the damage to the car and also because if they hadn't put the damn roundabout in it wouldn't have happened! I'd have left the lane of traffic entirely and sat waiting in the marked box to turn right. What was wrong with that? No-one tried to turn right out of that entrance anyway because there is another exit from the village that already has a roundabout further down the road.


Only bright spots - I got a damn good look at him, and he was driving a scenic RX4 which isn't exactly a common car. The police say there is some CCTV on the road that might have captured his registration. The MG isn't badly damaged either. Worst part is that the exhaust is now hitting something.


Best of luck getting any actual useful action whatsoever from plod.


About three weeks ago, my mate hears a crash outside his house about 6am, he's already up and about, looks out there's a most unusual colour Tigra reversing off mate's son's now smashed up old Civic (bloody nice one too), Tigra roars off down the road.

Mate lives in large village, goes outside and tries to give chase, course the twats long gone.

However mate has lived there all his life so know where the likely culprits, if local would be found, so drives around the likely area and sure enough 5 mins later finds said Tigra driven up tight to some garages and some bins put round it.

Stops, gets out goes to look at smashed up still warm Tigra....nearnderthal comes out blustering about going home to get his insurance...choice words exchanged.

Mate rings plod...has the other driver been drinking...mate not being a walking breath or blood chemist hasn't a clue...result plod couldn't give a tuppeny fuck and refused to attend, they did however give him an incident number.


Waste of space.


Result being mate's son is now using a credit hire accident weasel, matey's insurance contacted later in the week..can we offer you a courtesy car whilst we repair yours...too late mate already sorted via claimsRus...


I've already voiced my reservations about going down the credit hire route to my mate, cos the twat involved might counter claim anything and with plod being unfit for purpose so no official report worth more than wiping your arse on its likely going to be one word against another if Tigra twat lies through his teeth, which he will.


When did leaving the scene of an accident become acceptable to what used to be known as the police.

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Oh, I'm not expecting much help from them. Lets face it, when they turn up this evening (a full 16 hours after the fact, if they arrive when they say they will) I'll get a crime reference number and nothing else. I reported it only so that it was reported if you know what I mean. I won't be trying to claim on my own insurance either!

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Sorry mate, I'm not Belgian. I haven't seen any of my fellow countrymen here yet, thank goodness. :)

Ah cool, so where are you from/based then if you don't mind me asking?

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My window washers aren't working. It looks like a leak from the bottle may have shorted out the motor.


No noise from pump or motor when in operation.


Fecking fecksticks, they're like rocking horse shoite, so they are.

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RE the Police being worth less than fuck all in the case of motoring related incidents


Tell them you and a 'few' mates are going round to collect payment and you just wanted to keep them in the loop, see how suddenly interested they become then.

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This seems that be going as well as yesterday what with fucking peoe wasting my time. Today it's; twat at Portsmouth harbour, delivered a vehicle and promptly had my time wasted because he wants the FUCKING account number of whom the vehicle is going to. Yet you've done this job 12 years and have dealt with received vehicles before?


Due to this, I may not make my next vehicle in time which is in THANET, KENT



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There is a wanked out old Astra I see local to me fairly regularly, the exhaust must have been completely knackered for at *least* 3 years now, saw it the other day I thought to myself "I wonder how they get an MOT on it"


So today during a moment of boredom I had a look...answer is they don't


No insurance

MOT expired 2013




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Busses in Berkshire are yanking my chain right now. The last connecting bus won't be here for 1 hour. :angry:



Hmmm, Holland or France is what springs to mind regarding the Fantasio comics. I bet I'm wrong...

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There is a wanked out old Astra I see local to me fairly regularly, the exhaust must have been completely knackered for at *least* 3 years now, saw it the other day I thought to myself "I wonder how they get an MOT on it"


So today during a moment of boredom I had a look...answer is they don't


No insurance

MOT expired 2013




See all this talk of a police state and ANPR everywhere and yet stuff like this goes on.   Do they just drive locally and avoid the cameras?  

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I did think of that, but what with rush hour traffic building I thought it might have been in vain.

I still need to get to Lichfield tomorrow morning if you or Tamworthbay are around.... ;)

sorry mate, only just noticed this, but I set off walking to work at 7.30am so would have needed to be back by then so may have been too early anyway I suspect. Could of dropped you back yesterday though :-(


Would have preferred to drive around all day as found out our wonderful data system had puts a years worth of my entries in the wrong place and I had to transfer them all by hand. Several hours of mouse clicking later it's done but so is my soul.

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See all this talk of a police state and ANPR everywhere and yet stuff like this goes on.   Do they just drive locally and avoid the cameras?  

I live in the middle of nowhere and there are quite a few folk who run around on an odd mixture of no tax/no MOT/no insurance. I remember a co-worker coming up to me one day after a fag break and pointing out my car had run out of tax 5 days previously, he also said not to worry too much 'cause out of the 6 cars parked there 4 of them were in the same boat!


If I avoid the larger towns I can easily go a few weeks without seeing a police car despite driving 45 miles a day.

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Just.....I dunno.

Fix one thing, something else breaks. Fix that, some other part fails....cars, house, tools, job related.....


Fed up of constantly fixing things.



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Mo,there is a reliant garage 2 mins walk from the hartlebury station,if your there again it might give yoiu something to go look at insdteasd of waiting lol

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Oh, now I'm really really pissed off.I taxed the MGTF yesterday because it's sunny and the laguna needs work. I was on my way to the dentists this afternoon when.....someone drove into the back of the car!I was turning right at a very new roundabout which has been installed replacing a single side road off a NSL single carriageway A road. The car behind me failed to avoid the back of the MG, and then also failed to stop and exchange details. I didn't even get the reg and by the time I'd done a full circuit of the roundabout to give chase the bugger was long gone. Happened (I think) because he was too close and not expecting me to slow and swing to the right.It is very annoying mainly because of the hit and run, but also because of the damage to the car and also because if they hadn't put the damn roundabout in it wouldn't have happened! I'd have left the lane of traffic entirely and sat waiting in the marked box to turn right. What was wrong with that? No-one tried to turn right out of that entrance anyway because there is another exit from the village that already has a roundabout further down the road.Only bright spots - I got a damn good look at him, and he was driving a scenic RX4 which isn't exactly a common car. The police say there is some CCTV on the road that might have captured his registration. The MG isn't badly damaged either. Worst part is that the exhaust is now hitting something.


Not " liked" the incident, but that you've got details.

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Oh, now I'm really really pissed off.


I taxed the MGTF yesterday because it's sunny and the laguna needs work. I was on my way to the dentists this afternoon when.....




someone drove into the back of the car!


I was turning right at a very new roundabout which has been installed replacing a single side road off a NSL single carriageway A road. The car behind me failed to avoid the back of the MG, and then also failed to stop and exchange details. I didn't even get the reg and by the time I'd done a full circuit of the roundabout to give chase the bugger was long gone. Happened (I think) because he was too close and not expecting me to slow and swing to the right.


It is very annoying mainly because of the hit and run, but also because of the damage to the car and also because if they hadn't put the damn roundabout in it wouldn't have happened! I'd have left the lane of traffic entirely and sat waiting in the marked box to turn right. What was wrong with that? No-one tried to turn right out of that entrance anyway because there is another exit from the village that already has a roundabout further down the road.


Only bright spots - I got a damn good look at him, and he was driving a scenic RX4 which isn't exactly a common car. The police say there is some CCTV on the road that might have captured his registration. The MG isn't badly damaged either. Worst part is that the exhaust is now hitting something.

Hope he gets the shoe-ing he deserves

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Mo,there is a reliant garage 2 mins walk from the hartlebury station,if your there again it might give yoiu something to go look at insdteasd of waiting lol

Sweet! I live 5 mins from Hartlebury anyway so I'll pop down and have a look at some point.

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This seems that be going as well as yesterday what with fucking peoe wasting my time. Today it's; twat at Portsmouth harbour, delivered a vehicle and promptly had my time wasted because he wants the FUCKING account number of whom the vehicle is going to. Yet you've done this job 12 years and have dealt with received vehicles before?


Due to this, I may not make my next vehicle in time which is in THANET, KENT



PM me if you're ever stuck in Portsmouth, I've a spare room you're welcome to crash in.


Sent from my SM-N910F using Tapatalk

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attachicon.gifcat stairs.gif





Just.....I dunno.

Fix one thing, something else breaks. Fix that, some other part fails....cars, house, tools, job related.....


Fed up of constantly fixing things.

Man, I hear you there. Was going to take a week off  work to catch up with just fixing shit, like I did last year and the year before, before realising how depressing it sounds. My desktop computer is fucked... again... has been a lemon since I built the damn thing. Even a Laguna II's electrics are better than this POS. Was so close to just taking the thing outside and smashing it to smithereens. I got as far as smashing the keyboard and mouse to bits before reconsidering the rest. If I'd had the cash spare to replace it, it would have been a gonner.

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Royal Fucking Fail. I ordered (and received) an iPhone 5 battery from a 100% feedback eBay seller. So good was it, I ordered another one for my spare phone. From the same seller, who posted it in the same sort of envelope as the first one, and at the same Post Office. For some reason, known only to themselves, Royal Fail went to OMG DEFCON 1 and destroyed it because they thought it was a hydrogen bomb. Or something. The email I received from them (below) raises a question or two: are all lithium batteries regarded by them as apocalypse-inducing, and they just missed the other dozen or so that I've bought from eBay over the last 12 months? Or, as I suspect in this case, the person who scanned/x rayed the parcel was just a fuckwit?


As a native of Northern Ireland, I can tell you all that iPhone batteries are no good for making bombs - not enough kick :D




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