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The grumpy thread


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Indeed. I remember being an enthusiastic 17-year old and I pulled this gorgeous blonde 18-year old in a pub one night. Turns out she was a 14-year old redhead! I blame poor lighting and I'm glad I did nowt illegal, but now I have a niece, I'm terrified to think what teenage girls were doing when I was a lad. The girls always seemed to be a few years younger than the blokes generally. Terrifying. But yes, pushing boundaries is not a new thing at all, though that awful story about the murdered girl certainly does remind you that there are some nasty bastards about. Just horrible.

Young man's defence.  S.6 Sexual Offences Act 1956: 

A man is not guilty of an offence under this section because he has unlawful sexual intercourse with a girl under the age of sixteen, if he is under the age of twenty-four and has not previously been charged with a like offence, and he believes her to be of the age of sixteen or over and has reasonable cause for the belief. 


Erm. But I'm not encoraging it, obv.

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Wasn't like that in my day (for me). My teenage years were much more like this


If only I could just get one of them to do it with me. I mean anybody. Just to do it with me. Just once. Just to find out what it's like. I mean look, look all around you. It's Friday night, and everywhere you look there's buildings full of people doing it. They're all doing it and doing it, and then stopping and having a fag and then doing it a bit more. There's not a single one of them saying "Hang on a minute. This really isn't fair. I mean, here's us doing it and doing it and doing it and there's poor old Richie and he hasn't done it. Ever. He hasn't got anyone to do it to. I'll tell you what, I'll pop down and do it to him for a bit, and then pop back up, would that be alright?" I mean it wouldn't hurt, would it? It'd be charitable. I mean, just think of all those acres and acres of ladies, all lying there saying "Go on darling, let's do it." And the blokes saying "Nah, I don't feel like doing it, the snooker's on." Well I could be filling in for him! Providing a service. I could even charge! Might make a bit of money

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A lot of what kids spout is absolute bollocks, they all just want to be popular, so I wouldn't be surprised if most of what was said didn't actually happen, or was an extension of the truth.


My sister went to an all-girls selected grammar school, and even if you think that they were meant to be in the top 25% brightest students, there would still be many tales of underage shenanigans. Seems like most of them were up to whatever when they were about 14. That being said, 1 of them did need to go get the morning after pill 1 time, and another there was a group of them in an abandoned school where I popped over to get something off of one of them to find 5 girls and about 10 boys running around wearing not very much.


In an unrelated story, I'm glad someone's brought up that 1956 act because I was in a well known nightclub chain one time (aged 22-23) at an Annie Mac gig and pulled someone who it turns out was 16! and quite obviously shouldn't have been there Whoops! My then housemate still rips me for that.

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Not so much of a grump, but more of a topic that gives me a knitted brow. There was a good short in Practical Classics about how driving a Citroen Ami has made the writer realise how drivers of new cars appear to buy into the notion that their cars take them from a to b faster than ever before. As a result, the authour feels intimidated. I feel exactly like this on my daily commute in my wee old car, but this also makes me angry, fucking fuming in fact. I end up at work with a big spike in my stress level for that day. Its only a matter of time before I get out of my car on one of these occasions and get myself into a situation that will only end badly for me, whatever the outcome. I need to find a way to manage my anger when some cnut in an Audi is on my arse. I have a sticker which says "YOU GET CLOSE-I GO SLOW" but it only diffiuses things to a point.


I've noticed the attitude towards old cars has changed a bit for the worse over the last year. Here in Surrey people seem to act like a cunt at any possible opportunity, but on the roads there is definitely an increasing tendency to try and do something something to put the shits up anyone in an old car. It's like they absolutely have to do it to make themselves feel better. The number of ridiculous overtakings is definitely on the up, even when I'm already breaking the speed limit. I've taken to forcing people who are hustling me to go past, then I become the hustler and they become the hustled. They soon get the message.

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I think it's just people in general, I've done 30-40k a year for the last 20 years and it has got really bad over the last 5, I got to the point where I was going to end up killing someone in a huge accident because I'd had enough of cocks trying to push their way in or just pulling out on me and I was quite prepared to crash into them just to 'teach them a lesson'


I changed jobs and now drive a 20 mile round trip down a country lane with hardly any traffic and I'm much more relaxed and happier as a result.

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On the same note, depending on my mood I either go via Birmingham or M4 when driving from Letchworth to Swansea (and vice versa). While you will always get the tools who drive at 90+ on any road, I've noticed that when going the M50/M5/M42/M40 route, they don't turn up in any great number until you're heading South on the M40. The last time I did that journey it was like someone had flicked a switch and the next thing I knew I was being passed by an S-Line everything, complete with His n' Hers mountain bikes on top. Same seems to go for the A1 when you get to around about St Neots... 


Someone said to me recently that a speeding ticket is like a middle-class ASBO ("Mate, how many points have you got on YOUR license?").  

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I've noticed the attitude towards old cars has changed a bit for the worse over the last year. Here in Surrey people seem to act like a cunt at any possible opportunity, but on the roads there is definitely an increasing tendency to try and do something something to put the shits up anyone in an old car. It's like they absolutely have to do it to make themselves feel better. The number of ridiculous overtakings is definitely on the up, even when I'm already breaking the speed limit. I've taken to forcing people who are hustling me to go past, then I become the hustler and they become the hustled. They soon get the message.


In Manchester there was a spate of 'let's see how well old the shit old Volvo can stop' type shenanigans for about a month, for reasons I know not. 


There was also the cast-iron donkey in his Wilmslow middle-mangement Jaguar XF who sat in the inside line of the A555, matched my speed (up to 100 mph) and refused to let me overtake (or pull in behind).  

This was a 50+ year old bloke with an XF on a private plate. Why? What is point? 


Is an Amazon slower than an XF, chinny reckon?

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I did some work, then played with the Nippa's steering wheel. Then went for a drive in the Nippa. Then bought some shoes. 


Productivity levels are low, but I'm still getting there. To be honest though, there's not been much let up lately. I could do with a rest. 

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In Manchester there was a spate of 'let's see how well old the shit old Volvo can stop' type shenanigans for about a month, for reasons I know not. 


There was also the cast-iron donkey in his Wilmslow middle-mangement Jaguar XF who sat in the inside line of the A555, matched my speed (up to 100 mph) and refused to let me overtake (or pull in behind).  

This was a 50+ year old bloke with an XF on a private plate. Why? What is point? 


Is an Amazon slower than an XF, do you think, chinny reckon? 


I think it's arrogance, plain and simple. Old = shit and a failure, in so many people's eyes. Unless you have the receipt to prove you paid a millionty-sheckles for it, in which case you're a success because you can spend money through the nose... I give up! 

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The thing I hate about working from home is that when you're ready to work, mo'fo... the rest of the world isn't. The second you think 'hmm, well, better go and do something else'... the world comes tugging at your sleeve. Afternoons from about 12:30-4 seem to be the worst. 

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Got a period Sharp radio cassette to go in the Maestro. Looks the part, and local car accessory shop are going to fit it tomorrow for thirty quid. That isn't the grump.

The grump is that when I replaced the broken ariel last year, I simply snipped the old cable in the footwell and drew the old one out. Of course when I went to fit the new one I found that the cable had to go through this tiny hole in the bottom of the A pillar (which is only visible from one awkward angle lying on your back under the pedals). So I gave up and have had no radio for the last year. Today, with the appointment booked for fitting the new radio, I decided to have another go. Try as I might, I couldn't get the cable down the a pillar. I even tried threading three different grades of wire down there, from both ends without success, it just gets stuck.

Yes, I now know I should have cut the cable at the roof and used it to thread the new one down. Does anyone have any ideas? It's not the end of the world as the whole idea of fitting the cassette deck is so I can listen to music via a tape adapter, but it would be nice to have the radio working as well.

Second Maestro related grump; went to Homebase, parked in the car park and when I came out there was a newish Mondeo literally embedded in my towbar, with quite a bend visible in its giant plastic front bumper. I mean, seriously. I don't know if it was due to poor driving skills, a couldn't give a toss attitude, or both. I know there was no damage to my car, but I did wonder what kind of driver would do that, and not at least back up a bit upon having bumped into the parked car.

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I don't think it's an old car thing, I get the same treatment in a modern generic blob. There might be a bit of "I don't want to be stuck behind that" but people just seem to be looking for a fight over nothing. Tailgating is REALLY bad nowadays.


I sometimes wonder what the effect of commercial radio is on driving. Even if you like the likes of Capital, the adverts are designed to be as irritating as possible so you remember them. Imagine sitting at a busy junction after a hard day and there's some wanker repeating the same three words over and over with a pneumatic drill or alarm clock or whatever in the background that you've already heard 30 times in a 45 minute journey. I wouldn't last 15 seconds before switching the radio off, that shite doesn't even get tuned in in my car.

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I've tidied the kitchen, been to buy some coal and wood for warmth, got my central heating working nicely with my smart hub stuff, had a coffee to get out the house. Nothing there is work related!


I will probably dip in and out of my to do list until about 8 to stop me feeling guilty. The worst bit is Mrs_P works from home too and she gets loads done! Mind you, she was first so has a desk which means I get the sofa. And the TV. And the Xbox.


In summary....


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I think it's arrogance, plain and simple. Old = shit and a failure, in so many people's eyes. Unless you have the receipt to prove you paid a millionty-sheckles for it, in which case you're a success because you can spend money through the nose... I give up!

I often wonder if its the opposite - they see old and think shit, he looks happy in that thing. Why I am I not happy? I work my bollocks off to pay for this, suck my bosses dick and get crap off the missus for buying/leasing it. That bastard drives that shit and probably pays pennies. I bet he gets laid more than I do, too....Feck, I'll put the wind up the bastard, you see I will.

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Ours is just over 10 weeks old, and the little bastard insists on pissing on the living room floor (different place each time) if he's left in there unattended. When shut in the kitchen with the dog, he's clean as a pin (hopefully long may it last.) The floor is clean, it is only about 12 month old laminate and doesn't smell of other cats.

Plenty of FFS moments currently.

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I often wonder if its the opposite - they see old and think shit, he looks happy in that thing. Why I am I not happy? I work my bollocks off to pay for this, suck my bosses dick and get crap off the missus for buying/leasing it. That bastard drives that shit and probably pays pennies. I bet he gets laid more than I do, too....Feck, I'll put the wind up the bastard, you see I will.


I'm sure that's part of it, and our total lack of being impressed by such people and their trophys must piss them right off, so they fuck others about to prove their superiority or how clever they are?, i dunno.


If you look at we're total opposites, we couldn't give a shit what crap they're paying for weekly or what plush restaurant they pay through the nose to dine at with the right fiends, which greasy effin pole they've managed to ascend in their massively important careers, these twats will never understand us any more than we can them, and i wouldn't swap lives with them for anything.


We took the dogs for a walk today, and we're sitting together running through the TV series 'The Last Ship' on Putlocker, simple pleasure of life in the company of a woman for whom money and materials mean fuck all and is happy as a pig in shit with our ordinary loving companionable life, they can stick their careers and the drinky poos and the Christmas parties licking the bosses arse right where the sun don't shine.

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Need to superbleach that if you can. If it smells of piss he'll keep pissing there


Yep, been there, I've found the best way to solve it is not to have any more cats.

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I was browsing the ebay tat thread earlier and spotted this sorry-looking 1100 on there.






Sad that some pond life think it's fun to do this to a car. Makes me very upset indeed. If I had the money / time etc...

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Need to superbleach that if you can. If it smells of piss he'll keep pissing there

Thing is, he pisses in various places, and most of the time they're 'new' without his scent anywhere. He's basically a little shit.


Yep, been there, I've found the best way to solve it is not to have any more cats.

I am starting to wonder that. He's due to have his knackers removed in a few weeks, so hoping that will help sort him out...
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