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The grumpy thread


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I quite fancy a Mitsubishi Mirage, but it's hard to find out if it's actually bad or just the usual journo fapping over VAG products. What Car etc give it an absolute panning for a cheap interior and thrashy 3 cylinder engine (seemingly forgetting that it's a cheap economy car), the exact same things I found the VW Up! has but that gets 5 stars.


Have you considered going to a Mitsubishi dealer, trying one out and forming your own opinion?

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Say what you like about VW's, the Up! is quite stylish at least, unlike the Mitsubishi which looks thunderously shit, like a car made for developing countries

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PBK lad has an Up! He loves it and it is quite funky for a modern but it really is a city/commute car. Mind you, it will travel further afield without fuss.


Nice little thing and I might be tempted if I wanted/needed/desired another modern. 

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I believe the UP's TV campaign revolved around the fact that tall people could sit in it comfortably.


Well, whoopee fucking doo!


I could name many other small cars that allow the same, the Micra, the Twingo, the Colt etc.

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Have you considered going to a Mitsubishi dealer, trying one out and forming your own opinion?



TBH by the time I can get to a dealer, I'll have forgotten about wanting one. I'd just seen a few at work and my parents' Colt needed filling up with fuel so I took it on a little thrash. I hadn't really intended for it to be an all modern cars are shit, especially VAG storm, just that the way the mags single it out to rave on about the up, it's like comes with magic kittens in the glovebox, will solve world peace and suck you off on every journey but in reality it's a thrashy, cheaply made, slow city car just like the competition and there's no way one product deserves one star (I doubt anything on sale today deserves one star) and one five.

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Never saw the Up ads, I tend to ignore ads as a matter of principle. Did someone mention magic kittens? Where? Where?

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The fox was made in Brazil I think. VAG stole the idea of a cheap car that was designed to be cheap and not just made out of cheap bits from Citroen/Pugot/Toyota with the C1.  

We went to see an UP when Mrs C was replacing her car. I thought it was okay but the VW dealer was a right pompus twat. Oh you'll be lucky to get one of these there's a 9 year waiting list etc. All right then, jog on we'll buy something else.


We got a much larger and higher spec Citroen C3 with 5 drs rather than 2 for less money than the base UP in the end and it's been a pretty good car.


We're now poor though so when the C3 goes back in a few months she'll be getting an P reg Fiat Punto or something.

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I got held up yesterday by some knob in a Lupo so low he had to slow down almost to a halt on rougher bits of the roads.

Got level with him at the roundabout and it was a middle aged bloke wearing a beanie hat.


Must admit the latest Golf GTi doesn't half look a smart car, especially in black. I can see the appeal of them alright.

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If anyone has lost a 20mm self tapping screw in the South London region, it was in my rear tyre.


Happy to return it for the £27 Kwik Fit repair charge......

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What car are you selling?

A Ford Fusion I bought cheap to fix up an sell on. I mistakenly thought that something modern and boring would be easy to shift. I was wrong. I'm going back to shite after this goes...

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People's ignorance continues to amaze me. There's some jerk who recently popped up on a Facebook truck and trailer photo group and seems to have some problem with people taking photos as his interpretation of copyright law is completely and utterly wrong and he's absolutely convinced that copyright belongs not to the photographer but to the owner of the subject matter.


Here are some gems he's come out with recently:

"How does mr r w wilson have copyright on a picture when the lorry and wagon doesnt belong to him"

"i feel that no one can copyright a photo then sell for their proffit when they dont even own the lorries wagons in picture"

"If it was my lorry and wagon or machine i wouldnt be happy with it i had to pay for a picture once of my lorry and i asked who gave him the right to sell a photo of my lorry".


What a grade A ignoramus. I've told him in no uncertain terms that he is wrong and the law says otherwise so he should check the facts before commenting as he's making himself look foolish. What's the betting that if he's too stupid to understand the simple concept of copyright he's also too stupid to understand why he's being a twat?

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Coming out of Kwik-Fit-Up with a £27 bill must be some kind of under-charging record, I wouldn't complain about it.

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People's ignorance continues to amaze me. There's some jerk who recently popped up on a Facebook truck and trailer photo group who seems to have some problem with people taking photos as his interpretation of copyright law is completely and utterly wrong and he's absolutely convinced that copyright belongs not to the photographer but to the owner of the subject matter.


Here are some gems he's come out with recently:

"How does mr r w wilson have copyright on a picture when the lorry and wagon doesnt belong to him"

"i feel that no one can copyright a photo then sell for their proffit when they dont even own the lorries wagons in picture"

"If it was my lorry and wagon or machine i wouldnt be happy with it i had to pay for a picture once of my lorry and i asked who gave him the right to sell a photo of my lorry".


What a grade A ignoramus. I've told him in no uncertain terms that he is wrong and the law says otherwise so he should check the facts before commenting as he's making himself look foolish. What's the betting that if he's too stupid to understand the simple concept of copyright he's also too stupid to understand he's being a twat?



Verdict: Take a picture of your knob and tell him his missus owns the camera.

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Verdict: Take a picture of your knob and tell him his missus owns the camera.

Nice idea - according to his logic, it's my knob so I own the copyright even if I claim his missus took the photo. I'll send him the photo and then I can charge him royalties for having a photo of my property :-D

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People's ignorance continues to amaze me. There's some jerk who recently popped up on a Facebook truck and trailer photo group and seems to have some problem with people taking photos as his interpretation of copyright law is completely and utterly wrong and he's absolutely convinced that copyright belongs not to the photographer but to the owner of the subject matter.


Here are some gems he's come out with recently:

"How does mr r w wilson have copyright on a picture when the lorry and wagon doesnt belong to him"

"i feel that no one can copyright a photo then sell for their proffit when they dont even own the lorries wagons in picture"

"If it was my lorry and wagon or machine i wouldnt be happy with it i had to pay for a picture once of my lorry and i asked who gave him the right to sell a photo of my lorry".


What a grade A ignoramus. I've told him in no uncertain terms that he is wrong and the law says otherwise so he should check the facts before commenting as he's making himself look foolish. What's the betting that if he's too stupid to understand the simple concept of copyright he's also too stupid to understand why he's being a twat?

Does he have a truck and trailer perchance? I feel its not photographed enough...

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People's ignorance continues to amaze me. There's some jerk who recently popped up on a Facebook truck and trailer photo group and seems to have some problem with people taking photos as his interpretation of copyright law is completely and utterly wrong and he's absolutely convinced that copyright belongs not to the photographer but to the owner of the subject matter.


Here are some gems he's come out with recently:

"How does mr r w wilson have copyright on a picture when the lorry and wagon doesnt belong to him"

"i feel that no one can copyright a photo then sell for their proffit when they dont even own the lorries wagons in picture"

"If it was my lorry and wagon or machine i wouldnt be happy with it i had to pay for a picture once of my lorry and i asked who gave him the right to sell a photo of my lorry".


What a grade A ignoramus. I've told him in no uncertain terms that he is wrong and the law says otherwise so he should check the facts before commenting as he's making himself look foolish. What's the betting that if he's too stupid to understand the simple concept of copyright he's also too stupid to understand why he's being a twat?


either tell him to fuck right off in really big capital letters so that even that mong gets the message, or just ignore him]


trolls and mouth breathing mong breathing retards like the attention that it gives them.


i think its like a power thing.

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There's a skip on their double drive while they have some work done yet again.

They're parking everywhere except the free half of the drive and the pavement outside their own house, instead they're double parking opposite our Civic, and further up the road outside everyone else's houses.

I just don't get their thought processes.


Earlier today I heard them complaining their "garage" was too small.


They had the house done up, had half the length of the garage converted to living space, and fitted a narrower than standard garage door.



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Thunderstorms can fuck right off. I'm extremely sensitive to electrical activity in the atmosphere and it makes me feel quite ill, and my head usually starts hurting a few hours before a storm rolls in. Headache started about 11pm but I eventually managed to doze off, only to be woken by the storm at 1am with a stabbing headache, sweaty hands and feet and a pounding heart. Couldn't get back to sleep for ages afterwards as I was still on edge and my head still hurts now so I'm starting my weekend tired, headachey and irritable.


It was a weird storm too. At one point the lightning was flashing so fast it looked like someone was welding outside my window and I couldn't tell how far away the storm was, but there was no rain - that came a bit later.

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The fox was made in Brazil...


...and had a parcel shelf made from recycled pineapples.



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People "selling" cars.


If you want to sell something, generally speaking you ought to cover a few obvious bases;


  • If someone wants to come and see the car, it is a nice idea to tell them where they can come and see the car.
  • If someone asks for your number to call you about the car, you should offer it to them (especially as I found it through your facebook now anyway)
  • If the car is obviously showing the incorrect mileage, you should just accept the fact rather then try and bullshit it.

I think I shall still be without a new car by the end of the day, she said she would email me in the morning about going to see the car, note I requested to see it in the morning and there is less than 2 hours of morning left.


No wonder it's been for sale for months, no one has ever seen the fucking thing.

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I had a UP! hire car in Spain, was quite a nice wee thing. Bit gutless and had to rev it a bit but i quite liked it. 

That is compulsory on all hire cars, apparently you have to hit the rev-limiter in all gears

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Forgot to add 'not interested in any what's your best price' questions on my Gumtree advert. Result: 6 out of 8 have asked what my lowest/best price is. I've messaged them all back saying 'what's your best offer' and got one reply, who wanted nearly 50% off.


Sadly, I haven't been offered an XBOX for my Clio yet (advertised elsewhere) but I'm sure that's going to happen. I've had a semi-decent offer for the alloys though, so that could be a goer.

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