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The grumpy thread


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Of course it could also be something to do with Britparts parts quality. I still remember fondly the glow plugs i brought off them which shot the middle out of all 4  after half an hours running leaving me with an engine with no compression. They refused a refund on this parts saying there was a fault with my engine! Never heard of a 2 1/4 diesel producing excess compression! A set of ngk replacements trundled on happily for 3 years to i sold it. Then there was the Britpart springs which collapsed after 3 months, and various other bits as well.

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I often have to wait for say 15 mins at the vauxhall garage while I wait for a part. That's not the grump. The grump is the "service department" the other day a lovely old woman came in saying my car needs a service, dumb bitch service woman says which one? This old gal didn't know so obviously she got the full whack major service plus coolant and brake fluid and that supa guard protected crap. She didn't even check or try and find out which one she needed.


Another time there was a bloke moaning as he had to have a steering rack done and other bits which I can't remember but I can remember it was meant to me 800 odd but ended up being 1600 and he was saying no one has rang me or even asked me if I want to spend 1600.


But today I overheard them saying about a car they sent to another dealership which the head gasket has gone, and this other garage wanted some dosh back but they was sending a email to them saying they must of done it etc etc and they was all sniggering.


FFS vauxhall why are you employing these dicks!!!


I have only been there a few times but I have seen first hand how crap they are.

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So it's not just around here then? That was going to be my moan of the morning - that no frost was forecast, no frost occurred, yet they still keep on gritting. Mind you, it hasn't rained since Monday morning, and there's barely been a cloud since so I shouldn't complain!

In fairness to the cooncil, we have still been getting frosty mornings and occasional snow. In the absence of a usable disco, I took the 'stro to the ski slopes last week and was driving through two inches of snow for about 10 miles. The old thing performed admirably.

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Of course it could also be something to do with Britparts parts quality. I still remember fondly the glow plugs i brought off them which shot the middle out of all 4  after half an hours running leaving me with an engine with no compression. They refused a refund on this parts saying there was a fault with my engine! Never heard of a 2 1/4 diesel producing excess compression! A set of ngk replacements trundled on happily for 3 years to i sold it. Then there was the Britpart springs which collapsed after 3 months, and various other bits as well.

No, it's everything to do with britpart's quality. The only thing I've had of theirs that hasn't failed so far are chassis and spring bushes. Apparently their steering relays are lethal, allegedly blah, blah etc.


Buy cheap, buy twice. I learned it the expensive way.

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No frost or snow here.... Non even forecast, but still piles of grit chucked over the only slight incline for miles around!

Our area being a haven for 'retired folk' I suspect that they write/ moan to the council/local paper a lot.

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FFS..just when you thought ebay had run out of ways of bumming cash from sellers they come up with a new one...



A fee will be applied to eBay auctions that have received bids and were ended early by the Seller. The fee will be calculated when the auction ends, as a percentage of the final item price, similar to a final value fee

Sellers that remove bids and then end an auction early will also be required to pay a fee. The fee will be based on the highest bid received before the auction was ended

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Works birthdays. Our team has this thing where we chip in a tenner at birthday time and get each other pressies which is a nice thing.


Last week I was responsible for one of the girls. Got her a bag and vouchers, she was made up with it. However the colleagues are being a tad tardy about shoving in their share the tight buggers. I am currently 50 quid down and a bit short as a result.


Not only that but it was my birthday today, I took in treats and all that mullarkey and the fuckers didn't get me anything at all. Shouldn't moan, first world problems and all that but FFS. Will not be participating with this shit in future.

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You're next mission will be a bit cheaper and will sort this once and for all:  buy her a pair of slippers and a vibrator, put them in a box with a message saying 'If you don't like the slippers, go and fuck yourself' and address it from the ones who didn't pay towards her handbag and vouchers.

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So it's not just around here then? That was going to be my moan of the morning - that no frost was forecast, no frost occurred, yet they still keep on gritting. Mind you, it hasn't rained since Monday morning, and there's barely been a cloud since so I shouldn't complain!

Probably 'cos it's the end of the financial year, so they're trying to use up their grit stocks or their gritting budget will be cut next year - then if we get a proper winter next time around they'll be screwed.

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No, it's everything to do with britpart's quality. The only thing I've had of theirs that hasn't failed so far are chassis and spring bushes. Apparently their steering relays are lethal, allegedly blah, blah etc.


Buy cheap, buy twice. I learned it the expensive way.


I bought some blue bag wheel nuts, thinking that surely they or their chinese suppliers would not fuck up making those.



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I'v had my cortina estate for a year now (BEV 823X), and i know it hadn't  been taxed for a while before me. For some reason i decided to check on the tax status..........unlicensed for the last twelve months. Bollocks, i forgot that sorn had to be re-declared wih a change of owner.

I take it i'm in for a bumming, but does anyone know how bad?

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FFS..just when you thought ebay had run out of ways of bumming cash from sellers they come up with a new one...

Bloody hell and look at the new fees there certainly isn't a recession on in ebay land. Not only have they decided to charge a fee on the postage cost (which you will lose stars for if you charge more to cover this cost) they have put the costs up by more than 20%. Although they have been generous and only increased the fee on motors to 3.5% (up from 3%) up to a maximum of 150 quid. Ebay used to be good for selling old junk but now all you get is hundreds of listings for crappy Chinese fakes.

Hopefully someone will try to compete with them and drive prices down (some hope)

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Fucking self righteous motorbike pricks.


One came zooming up behind me in a tight section of bends on my way home, towards the end of one section, where it was legal for Captain Cuntleroy to pass, I indicated and moved right over to the left to allow him to pass.


Instead he sat on my rear corner up until a crest in the road before roaring across a solid white line, pointing to his head whilst passing. He shot of a long way over the speed limit, I was sat just above it and he left me like a snail on tortoise back. 


It annoys me when bikers are ungrateful, it annoys me much more when they behave like utter cunts.

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Speaking of two wheeled nobs, Wankers who ride road pushbikes purposefully right in the fucking way of everyone infuriate me especially so because I like to ride my pushbike and occasionally I have to go on roads to get to actual places to ride. The self important three-abreast lycra clad tosspots who get all offended when people nearly knock them off turn public opinion completely against anyone riding on the road and make life so much harder for everyone else trying to ride to work as unintrusively as possible. Either accept the fact that roads are for cars and you are completely at their mercy, or get a bike with some tread on the tyres and do some proper cycling.

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Anyway, the grump I came here to write:



Last night I had the romantic idea of driving the van to work today. I had a lovely drive this morning, it was nice to pilot something with a bit of power and all went swimmingly despite it only having done about 80 miles in the last year. I went to macdonalds for a coffee and two separate people both said it was a lovely van, which was nice.






But tonight ended up in:




I got 200 yards from work, then 1st and 2nd gear decided to not exist any more - the gearbox had shat itself. 4 hours later I'm home with it. Wasn't so bad though, Our lass drove past on the way home from work, and stopped to give me some company for a while, and for once the AA were actually quite helpful (despite the usual 90 minute wait for someone to come out to "fix" a completely mangled gearbox before another hour wait for someone to tow you home like you asked for in the first place)



So it looks like I'm fitting a new gearbox this weekend out of my backup stash, choices are an early short ratio four speed which is unknown, laggs oil and will need a complete set of linkages changing for the early type, or a late 5 speed which will need most of the linkages changing, supposedly crunches into 2nd gear and will need the engine moving an inch. 


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I've just been trawling ebay for Classic Cars, filtering my search by distance (nearest first).  In ten pages I've got as far as 80 miles away and added two cars to my watch list.  Two, how disappointing.  Almost everything is miles over budget (so far away that I have no hope of ever buying a car that will carry me that distance), and those that are in budget are at least 90% utter shit described as projects, or they're early 90s Mercs or VWs, neither of which I would touch with yours.

Of course I really need to move the Volvo on before I buy, but even so... it's quite depressing.

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Cyclists that ride along the road right next to the cycleway that cost the taxpayer thousands .

Cycleways that cost thousands and aren't fit to ride on.  Seriously, if Bradley Wiggins and co want to practice for the cobbled sections of the Tour de France this year, come and try the cyclepaths around my area - the surface is awful.

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Cycleways that cost thousands and aren't fit to ride on.  Seriously, if Bradley Wiggins and co want to practice for the cobbled sections of the Tour de France this year, come and try the cyclepaths around my area - the surface is awful.

bike lanes seem to be installed to tick boxes rather than to actually be used or to make the road safer for cyclists. It's a shit situation for all involved really, unless you're the guy who paints the road.

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Some of the designated cycle bits on the roads themselves are worse than useless. About a foot of room which, if you managed to avoid all the collected broken glass/debris/stones, sometimes have large bushes growing out at so you have to go on the road a bit.


On our local walkway/cycle path 99.99999% of the people who just seem to ride for a bit of enjoyment are brilliant, but sadly the percentage of the spandex gangs who are brilliant is about .01%. I'm willing to bet that before too long I'm going to have one of the two/three abreast riding wankers off, as they seem to think anyone not in their club should move out of their way and I'm sure as hell not doing that when I'm on one side of the path close to the edge.I do enjoy shouting abuse at them when they play chicken and lose though, it seems to upset them that someone won't be bullied by a few dickheads.

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Things have been getting better for cyclists round here. Some very wide pavements have been made shared use which is great, and some anti-car barriers which also inexplicably blocked cycles have been altered to let cycles pass through, which is even better. 


However the painted on cycle lanes are still counter productive. I'm convinced they encourage drivers to pass faster and closer than they otherwise would, because of the 'I'm in my lane and they're in theirs' attitude. Never mind that the cyclist has to dodge sunken drains, broken glass, parked cars and damaged tarmac in their narrow little lane. I also despise width restrictions. The cyclist must move out into the centre of the road and block traffic to prevent idiot drivers attempting an overtake in the width restriction with millimetres to spare. Contrary to the belief of many drivers, most cyclists don't enjoy holding up traffic. It's stressful. 

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Cycle paths are designed for low-speed use, and it's recommended that if you're riding quickly to use the road instead; I think 18mph is suggested which is pretty easy to maintain if you're on a decent bike and not a fat git like me.


It's a shame that 5% of motorcyclists give 100% of them a bad rep - but I too have been the victim of one believing he'd been "wronged" when he comes flying around a bend in a 30 limit at getting on for double that, to find me pulling away from the kerb and therefore doing considerably less speed than him. Yes, you leather-clad wanker, you're quite right - you could have been knocked off. But it wouldn't have been my fault, it's almost like they put speed limits in to help numbskulls keep themselves safe. 

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Shut up about pushbikes you lot, I'm trying to sell one on here :shock: 


Last night, I virtually got accused of being a timewaster for daring to ask if a car with no tax or mot was mechanically fit enough to drive home - or to a pre-booked mot to be precise.

The seller and myself parted on not very good terms after I told her to scrap the car, as 'I'm out'.


Is it too much to ask in these days of 'timewasters' to ask for an appraisal of the car's mechanical condition and for a few pictures of the car. :mad: 

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I've been off for the last couple of weeks, using up my 2013/14 holiday entitlement. Use 'em or lose 'em.

I was rather hoping to get another car sorted while I was off.



I'm back next Wednesday night.

I got a text last night from a workmate who sorts out the shunt rota.

There's six shunters (it's a big distribution centre), and I'm a driver/relief shunter.

The text said 'Dave, would you mind shunting Wed, Thur, Fri, Sat, please'?

So, four twelve and a half hour shifts coming up. Not much time to spend online. No fresh car sorted.


On the positive side, I haven't got to drive into Central London - mongsville.

And the overtime's good.

Would much rather be here talking cars though.

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I have made the mistake of going to a fancy Marstons pub for quick cup of tea. Something has arrived that looks like a scientific experiment but appears to have no taste. The alternative was Morrisons, which is worse (UHT milk and Morrisons customers).

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I have made the mistake of going to a fancy Marstons pub for quick cup of tea. Something has arrived that looks like a scientific experiment but appears to have no taste. The alternative was Morrisons, which is worse (UHT milk and Morrisons customers).

I see the problem you went to a pub to buy tea. I always though that pubs were places to buy beer. There again getting a decent pint of beer in a marston's pub can be a challenge as well.

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