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I look out of the window, and:



Oh fuck off. Some old woman used to live in this house until a few years ago, P-reg Mini Sprite in the garage, probably untouched inside since new in '62.

Recently the woman's family have sold off the house (she's either dead or in care), and now there's an X5 and a tradesman's van with Focus ST wheels outside.

The house is properly knackered so I bet they'll be there for weeks.

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I've had sparks fished out of my eye twice, both despite wearing goggles.


I wear one of these (less canister) to avoid sparks in my eyes.





Have scared the neighbours a few times in it.


Got some really thin discs a while back as they are quieter and they shattered on more than one occasion. I was lucky though and none wedged themselves in my head. Stick to the slightly thicker discs now, sod annoying the neighbours I would prefer not to look like an extra from Hellraiser.

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Tradesman van with ST wheels plus an X5 can only mean one of two things: either some half-a-haircut lot with caravans are moving in or, as seems to blight most streets these days, you'll end up seeing that house ring fenced with horrible wrought iron 6 foot high railings. Or both. Good luck.

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Warning. Old twat alert.

When I first started driving my insurance was with the Co-op and they had an office in town, which you were welcome to pop into any ypu I liked. If I was changing cars or what ever I'd go in there and they'd write me out a new cover note making sure to tell me I had 2 weeks gratis on my old car should I need to sell it or whatever. That's my only good experience of car insurance the rest have been complete twats.


Co-Op car insurance used to be so good. I was a sales rep for them 95-98 and like you say, free cover on the old car for a couple of weeks, £5 a week for an additional vehicle or driver (for up to 3 months I think) free business use, vans insured as private use were no problem etc etc. Only thing was all your customers had your home address and would turn up at all times of the day or night for a bloody cover note. I had to tell one to bugger off when he caught me at home on a Sunday getting ready to go to a wedding!

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Is there any chance of my insurer (M&S IIRC) keeping the cover going on my old car when I transfer it to my new car this weekend. There will be 24 hours (I hope) between picking up my new car and my old one going and I would prefer it if neither car got on the wrong side of ANPR in the interim. I know I could get day insurance but I'd rather not.

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The X5 is still there so I'm not sure it's actually relevant, but the van has gone now - after fencing off the house (which I find ludicrous), the one very scruffily dressed occupant (sides of head shaved, hair on top) took a few iPhone pictures of his handiwork*, got in the van (which was blocking a neighour's drive) and left, listening to modern shit dance music.

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the one very scruffily dressed occupant (sides of head shaved, hair on top) 


I did warn you. 

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How come I am having problems with two completely different companies about totally different matters but they both have the same trading initials MTMC. Amazing coincidence but I have had to write snotty letters about both this evening. I will know to avoid any combination of these characters in future.

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New  neighbours always worries me.....We are a chod-happy little lot in our close.    

Folks have new neighbours moving in directly across. That'll be fun, given the hilarious highlighter-pen 3 pot antics of their friends down the road. 

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At half 11 yesterday evening I decided to change the headlight stalk on the Disco - a nice quick job before bedtime, or so I thought. (Got to take advantage of the lack of rain!) All swapped over by 11:45, but then I noticed the little bulb which lights up the ignition switch had popped out and was merrily illuminating inside the steering column cowling instead. Being a slight perfectionist I probably wouldn't have been able to sleep knowing this, so I quickly opened it up again. That was my mistake...


The two halves sprang apart, firing the two screws into unknown places. Once I'd sorted the bulb I found one screw on the transfer box gaiter - the other was nowhere to be seen. Half an hour searching through the mud/gravel I've parked in, and no joy. I then look under the seat and I can *just* see it under the CD changer. A quick poke with a screwdriver and it's now out of sight. Bugger.


Various attempts with magnets and rulers, knives, you name it, are all fruitless so the CD changer has to come out. The recommended way is to remove the seat, but they weigh a bloody ton and I don't fancy that. So I struggle away and eventually get the thing out. Screw is nowhere to be seen. Peel back the soundproofing and it's not there either! A little more scratching my head and searching, and I found it embedded in the underneath of the soundproofing, after it had rolled between two sections. So I then reassemble CD changer, seat trim, carpet and steering column trim, and tighten the screw in its hole.


And then the bastard thing only goes and strips the thread in the plastic housing :evil:

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New  neighbours always worries me.....We are a chod-happy little lot in our close.    



We were deal lucky on one side at least: a young lady with a couple of kids moved in for about a year and we very, very rarely saw or heard any of them. Now there's a family with a teenage son and (young) teenage daughter and they're the same, you very rarely see or hear them. Couldn't ask for better neighbours really, especially when there's so many flats round here that seem to be ram full of gobby 16 year old girls (who are always pissed or drinking from cans and walk round in their pyjamas at 2.30pm) ) with two kids and spend their entire time playing music as loudly as possible and screaming at each other.


If anyone like that ever moves next to me they're getting an axe through their front door at 2.00am and their possessions will be out on the street with a sledgehammer sticking out of the stereo.

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Some filthy scratter had stunk the bog out in the Shell service station, today.

I had to breathe that pungent filth in, whilst waiting to pay for diesel.

Sorry about that.

I'd had a couple of Scotch Eggs.

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Just had 2 days off work with the sick bug again. Monday was horrible, yesterday was ok. Missus was away with her friends pre planned for the 2 days. Now I'm back at work, I get accused of never wanting to spend time with her, never taking a sick day off for her, blah blah blah.


Thanks love, you've just ruined my sick days :(

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SWMBO ordered a new settee at Christmas from DFS. We've dumped the old one, new one was to be delivered today. Her dad was there for the delivery. Came, went, sorted.

Except it's not. She's just gone home to find they've delivered the wrong settee. Not even the same colour. She wondered why I refused to deal with DFS before...

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Mechanic has bailed on the Amazon again and now expects me to trailer it to his lodging garages 40 miles from where it is currently. 
The reason? His van won't start.


Physician, heal thyself! This is the strangest January completion date I've ever agreed on. He's got all the parts I paid for so I can't even finish it myself \ mither Pete-M. 

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Mechanic has bailed on the Amazon again and now expects me to trailer it to his lodging garages 40 miles from where it is currently. 

The reason? His van won't start.


Physician, heal thyself! This is the strangest January completion date I've ever agreed on. He's got all the parts I paid for so I can't even finish it myself \ mither Pete-M. 


You did specify which January didn't you?

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So several months ago a dumb bint hit the front of Mrs_L's car whilst I was driving. 100% her fault but she denied and said the opposite. After a lot of hassle our then insurer Direct Liars agreed that on balance of probabilities they considered that she was at fault as whilst there were no witnesses her story didn't make much sense.


So they contacted the 3rd party insurer to tell them they were considering their insured was liable. 3rd party insurer offered to go for  50% liability which I declined. Now they won't answer Direct Lines letters or emails and are generally giving them the runaround.


So today Direct Line tell me they are passing it to their solicitors and can I attend court if need be. Brilliant  :evil:  Whilst I should eventually see the £400 XS I have paid back and also the subsequent increased cost of this years premium it seems that this will probably end up as a right world of pain and drag on for ever and a day.


All because a stupid women in a cheap uniform couldn't / didn't use her mirrors and felt that using all the lanes on a roundabout was ok.

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So several months ago a dumb bint hit the front of Mrs_L's car whilst I was driving. 100% her fault but she denied and said the opposite. After a lot of hassle our then insurer Direct Liars agreed that on balance of probabilities they considered that she was at fault as whilst there were no witnesses her story didn't make much sense.


So they contacted the 3rd party insurer to tell them they were considering their insured was liable. 3rd party insurer offered to go for  50% liability which I declined. Now they won't answer Direct Lines letters or emails and are generally giving them the runaround.


So today Direct Line tell me they are passing it to their solicitors and can I attend court if need be. Brilliant  :evil:  Whilst I should eventually see the £400 XS I have paid back and also the subsequent increased cost of this years premium it seems that this will probably end up as a right world of pain and drag on for ever and a day.


All because a stupid women in a cheap uniform couldn't / didn't use her mirrors and felt that using all the lanes on a roundabout was ok.


I feel your pain. I ended up in court over something similar. In fact, it was just over my £150 excess as the third party's insurer had agreed to all my other costs! ie hire car, 2CV repairs. Was really quite stressful, and the court case was, helpfully, about 50 miles away from home. The magistrate happily believed my true version of events, but confirmed that a point of law meant this case shouldn't have come to court at all. Great!

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Managed to pull a muscle in my back when locating the oil drain plug on the beige Princess so I utterly failed to change the oil today.  Oh well, at least I didn't do it when I was halfway through the job with buckets of used oil everywhere.

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Why do people say "I could get more than that for it in parts"?


Fine! get off your fat arse and break it then but don't expect people to pay the value of every single part of a shitter coz you can't be arsed to pull it to bits!

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Direct Liars are hopeless, lying fucking wankers. Any other insurance company I may have been inclined to believe, but they're probably pissing you about into the bargain too.

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SWMBO ordered a new settee at Christmas from DFS. We've dumped the old one, new one was to be delivered today. Her dad was there for the delivery. Came, went, sorted.



Except it's not. She's just gone home to find they've delivered the wrong settee. Not even the same colour. She wondered why I refused to deal with DFS before...

Offer ends Sunday.


the day they don't have a sale on I'll stop driving shite

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