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The grumpy thread

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I've not had feedback from the last eight things I've sold on eBay, that's unsettling because they're the first batch of items I've sent from a different post office than usual. I hope I've not been scammed by a fake post office. 


Thinking back, it did look like this and was staffed by a seven year old: 



I wouldn't worry, I reckon we only get feedback from about 40% of eBay buyers these days. Mildly annoying but not really worth getting wound up over. 


I don't really mind not getting the feedback itself, but I like the acknowledgement that the item's arrived, the buyer's happy and I don't have to worry about it anymore. 


You don't leave feedback when you shop in town, now that ebay is a just another on-line supermarket for just about anything I don't see why it should really be any different.


Back in the good old days when it was collectors trading stuff you needed to know how genuine the seller of a 30 year old electronic game was but feedback for mobile phone case/battery/charger/second hand book for £2 posted just ain't worth the time.


Isn't the money on paypal 'locked' til the seller gets positive feedback? I imagine that's frustrating for a private seller selling a high value item.


Isn't the money on paypal 'locked' til the seller gets positive feedback? I imagine that's frustrating for a private seller selling a high value item.




PayPal is changing its payment holds, meaning we can better safeguard sellers with good selling records and encourage new sellers to offer the same high fulfillment standards.

Starting on July 15th, access to your buyers’ payments in PayPal may be delayed by up to 21 days. This applies to you if you’re a new seller and you’ve been selling on eBay.co.uk for less than 90 days, you’ve made fewer than 25 transactions in total or you’ve generated less than £165 in total sales.

Your buyers’ payments in PayPal may also be held if you’ve previously been suspended or are currently below standard.

You can access your PayPal funds earlier by uploading tracking information and indicating when your item has been dispatched.

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I've noticed the last few items I've bought via paypal on ebay have said that the money won't come out of my bank until a certain date to allow the item to get to me, this is a pain as although I've bought the item the money won't come out of the bank until next week.


You don't leave feedback when you shop in town, now that ebay is a just another on-line supermarket for just about anything I don't see why it should really be any different.


Back in the good old days when it was collectors trading stuff you needed to know how genuine the seller of a 30 year old electronic game was but feedback for mobile phone case/battery/charger/second hand book for £2 posted just ain't worth the time.


Imagine that, one of those red LED displays above the door of every business displaying their feedback. Mandatory. If that doesn't keep people out of Arnold Clark, nothing will.  :-P


Anyway, I'm not one of those guys knocking out half a million iphone cases every day. I'm just selling my old stuff person to person and the typewritten address label and friendly handwritten thankyou note should tip off the buyer that the sale couldn't be any more personal if the Haynes manual they bought had been hand knitted by their grandmother.


Look what I found this morning.  Why do people do this? Tis only an 'old car' isnt it...


Soz. Bit emotional.  Spent last night in hosp with poorly Mrs.  Just heaps a bit more onto a crap day


Boot print is quite clear -so I drove striaght to the Rozzers. Its got a tiny 'smudge' where he twisted as he came off the door; thus SOCO cant 'use' it -because of that. ''No further action''.




Oh no, thats rubbish! What a twunt whoever did that is.


Hope the Mrs gets well soon too.


What tossers, more importantly I really hope Mrs Nigel pulls through for you, best wishes to you all.


What a stupid little idiot to do something like that, the mind truly boggles.


All the very best wishes and good luck for Mrs B.


Condolences, Mr Bickle, on all fronts.  I do hope Mrs Bickle gets better soon.


Not good all round Nigel. Hope things get better.


Hope Mrs Bickle improves soon. Why is it always your cars that get vandalised anyway?


Jealousy? Possibly. Or somebody from a broken home who needs counselling and shit, so they go out and smash stuff up because it makes them feel better and look hard in front of their pregnant, spotty, chainsmoking 15 year old girlfriend. There's only one word. And it rhymes with HUNTS.


Best wishes from Outlaw_Towers to Bickle_Acres Mr Nigel Sir, hope Mrs B improves.


...if the Haynes manual they bought had been hand knitted by their grandmother.


This might also make the HBoL in question a damn sight more useful...  ;)


Nige, let me pass on my best wishes to Mrs Bickle and yourself, I really hope she pulls through mate


Hope Mrs NB gets well soon...


Okay so I came home from work just now and I'm really tired. But there is a party in full swing downstairs.


Downstairs has been TOTALLY unoccupied since December 2012... however as far as I am aware both the Housing Association and Housing benefits have been allowing this and it has been paid for for the past 6 months, and "reserved" or whatever for the low life wanker that used to live there.


Now it appears either my noisy bastard of a neighbour is back, or he is sub letting it to a friend (I heard that down the grapevine).


So how do I get this sorted and fast? Last year I lost my managers job in part due to the sleepless nights caused by the 12am to 7 am parties every bloody day, and it was a huge struggle to get the Police to listen, or a attend, and to get the Housing Association to do anything at all.


In the end I resorted to turning the electric to the flat off, knocking on the door with a hammer and having a fully blown barny with the idiots mother the following day. Her son is lucky she stood in-between us because I would have torn his head clean off and inserted it into her. I would never hit a woman but she was goading me to so she could use it against me or whatever, you could tell.


I bet they would be round fast enough if I killed them all.


I've though about it long and hard and really I think there may be better solutions to that which would see me in a prison full of worse people than them for the rest of forever.


But I get angry when my peace and quiet, that I am legally allowed is infringed upon.


If I could find an angle to implement the Housing Association - I am in direct contact with my Housing Officer's manager due to the problems in the past.


Have the Housing Association been negligent in their duties?


Allowing the place to be both vacant and paid for by Housing Benefits?


I went with this direct to my Housing officer and her Manager:



Julie/ Sharon

Surely (HOUSING ASSOCIATION) has been negligent in allowing XXXXXXXXXX to be unoccupied since December 2012 and, I assume to be paid for by Housing Benefits. And then allow the tenant to return 7 months later, and/ or sub let it to a friend, who is now having a party.
I want this sorting and fast.
I do not care what Mr XXXXXXX or his mother may have told you. Flat X has been completely unoccupied ALL YEAR.
He has not "returned on an evening" at all.
In fact his mother may have called round four times or so in the year and that is it other than XXXXXX on occasion, a tenant of the other block of flats.
This really is not on and I DO NOT want a repeat of last year, especially as I have just started a new job.
I lost my last job as a manager partly due to the problems I had with noise from downstairs.
I would like to go to bed now, I am tired. But I cant.
I expect (HOUSING ASSOCIATION's due diligence would involve NO LESS than taking the keys back, informing the benefits agency and possibly the Police. Am I right?
Thank you and I apologise for the abruptness of my email but I am certain you can understand, if you cant please come and live here, be kept awake ALL night and then try and do your job.



Sorry to hear of that Samba. Be careful about loosing your temper though. I did today and as a result lost my job (although it happend outside of the workplace with someone who doesnt work there) and the Police may be involved. Suffice to say its actually blown more out of proportion that it actually was.


Work grump. To fund the start up of Warcraft Tyre Company I'm having to slave for 15 hours a day tramping in a truck. Yesterday I was in Bristol and tonight I'm stuck in a side street in Hull. Fuck knows where I'm going to be sleeping tomorrow. I'm living an unhealthy life of too many cigs, cups of coffee and Pot Noodles. The company I'm working for actually has a waiting list of people wanting to do this for a living! I'm going to be so fucking glad when my two weeks of solitary confinement are up and I can go home.


Samba if they have been sub letting then the H.A. should reclaim the flat, though this requires proof.

i had kinda the same problem with my son's H.A. who wanted his flat as they had said it was being sub letted. but i got the H.A. to check with the power companies gas/elec and it showed no top- ups for usage had been made for a year so nobody could have been using the flat so we won the right to keep the flat...... so that might be a way that you can go to prove that the flat hasn't been occupied since dec 2012.

and record the level of noise from the flat and give that to your H.A.


perhaps even mention that you will air your grief and their lack of helpfulness in the local rag.. may also make them do something.


good luck... nothing worse than fuggin inconsiderate noisey neighbours.

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