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The grumpy thread


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^^ You're like me. I've been due an upgrade phone with 02 since October 2009...but I can't be bothered.


Similar. Orange were hell bent on getting me to 'upgrade' to an iPhone and on two occasions they've sent me letters. Don't see the point.


You'll never make it as a journalist if you don't have an iphone


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^^ You're like me. I've been due an upgrade phone with 02 since October 2009...but I can't be bothered.


Similar. Orange were hell bent on getting me to 'upgrade' to an iPhone and on two occasions they've sent me letters. Don't see the point.


You'll never make it as a journalist if you don't have an iphone



Well, I've just bought a Golf, so I'll buy an iPhone when you have a shave my dear. :shock:

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Well, I've just bought a Golf, so I'll buy an iPhone when you have a shave my dear. :shock:


WHAT? SRSLY? Now I'm worried about you!

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Well, I've just bought a Golf, so I'll buy an iPhone when you have a shave my dear. :shock:


WHAT? SRSLY? Now I'm worried about you!


Of course I R jessing. If I WON a Golf I'd sell the fucking thing and buy what I wanted.

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Well, I've just bought a Golf, so I'll buy an iPhone when you have a shave my dear. :shock:


WHAT? SRSLY? Now I'm worried about you!


Of course I R jessing. If I WON a Golf I'd sell the fucking thing and buy what I wanted.


Audi A3? :D

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on a slightly related note, all the silly "upgrade" offers by mobile phone companies can be turned into serious discounts off your bill. If you have a day or three to waste, you can read elaborate notes on them on the CHAVSPAYINGOFFTHEIRTELLIESEXPERT forums.

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I've given up for 7.5 hours, it's hard to chuff in your sleep :D


I gave up for about 9 months, during that period I got pissed off with something and bought some ciggies. I smoked one, but it was disgusting and chucked them away. I lost my job and started smoking again as it felt like a rebellion against something, I think. I tend to smoke when I'm frustrated or pissed off with something, there's nothing else that relaxes you like lighting up in those situations, even though it's just psychological

You won't give up on financial or on a whim, like they're costing too much, you have to be concerned about something like your health. I travelled recently for 13 hours straight and couldn't smoke and it was as if I depended on smoking, but my internal cravings didn't; I didn't feel like I needed one, but I felt I was missing out on the hourly fag.

I gave up because my lungs hurt in the morning, and because the government has this weird thing where they feign smoking, yet make a shitload of money off it. I didn't depend on any patches or chewing gum, although the tobacco flavoured stuff is very good, not because of the nicotine content, but because it's like chewing a cigarette. I brought over a 600 baht box of 5 x 50g Golden Virginia (which would've cost about 60 quid over here) and I'm on the last packet, so I'm going try again after this one.

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Well I'm not giving up for any health reasons, I couldn't give a fig about that. I was shocked how much they had gone up in the three months I was away (and smoking a $5 pack of Camels a day...) and I just can't really see the point of smoking at the moment. Not very good reasons but we'll see how it goes. Those of you that have met me and seen how much I smoke will understand what an odd thing this is for me to be doing... still, I've passed my first 24 hours no worries and last night we had a lock-in at the pub, everyone else was smoking and I wasn't really tempted at all. I think because I'm such a stubborn c*nt I'll probably see it through.....


Anyway, I'll be chucking the £15 or whatever a week into a 'shite fund' and by the end of the year should have enough to get a nice early P6 2200 TC or whatever it is I fancy at that moment. Makes much more sense to me.

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Really, the first day is a milestone, and then you'll be counting in weeks, and then you won't be counting at all because you will have forgotten about it.

I used to put a line on a dusty door where I used to smoke in work (I went down there to get out of the office) for each day I quit. Also, smoking give you a perpetual odour. My house stank as well.

Good luck, you really do notice the money savings, although I didn't notice any magical health changes.

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I'm not grumpy yet, but I suspect I might be soon ...


Ms RT's AX dropped all its water out of the radiator on Sunday night. We managed to nurse it back home, but basically it needs a new radiator and a head gasket (which it needed before). Along with all the other stuff it needs, it's a candidate for a trip over the bridge now, so on Sunday night we had a browse through Ebay and found an 02 plate Subaru Forester with 10 months' MOT, some tax and a pretty comprehensive service history. No reserve, no "I reserve the right to end early as this is advertised elsewhere", and it was at £510 with half an hour to go. So we watched it until there were ten seconds left, stuck a bid in and won it for £550. Bargain!


Sadly, despite two emails and two phone calls, the seller hasn't responded. At the moment I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt, but if he doesn't respond at some point over the next 48 hours I'm going to be forced to the conclusion that he's got no intention of honouring the (admittedly low) sale price. The irony is that he mentioned in the listing that he's relisted it "due to timewasters"; however, it's beginning to appear as if he's not above wasting people's time himself. I do have his address though, since it's on the "pay now" page ... :twisted:


It appears I owe this chap an apology ... I had a phone call from him this morning and we've arranged for me to pick the car up on Sunday. 8)

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I gave up smoking ... errrr ... five months ago. I still miss it - for an antisocial habit it's a very sociable thing to do, and I really miss standing around with a few other drivers at work, chewing the fat and smoking rollies - but the upside is that I can breathe again and I'm cycling 20+ miles each way to work fairly regularly. I'd tried to give up before, but (and this is hard to explain) it's almost not something I had any control over. It was as if there was a switch in my head - "SMOKING: ON/OFF" - and once it flicked to "OFF" that was it. I just knew I'd stopped one day when my baccy ran out.

Everyone does it differently though. The important thing to remember is that you either smoke, or you don't. You can't have the odd one here and there, because you'll be back on them in a week or two. Good luck!

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Starting smoking is probably the best thing I've ever done. I'd strongly recommend it to anyone.

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I quit 11 years ago after meeting Edith Bowman at the Reading Music Festival. It wasn't her fault. I just got to the end of a packet and thought: "You know what? This is an expensive way to get sod all satisfaction." For a short while, I missed it in some instances. Hanging around in pubs suddenly became very unpleasant (I'd quit, but I still stank of fags after a night out!) and I missed it when I was driving - but I soon forgot about it entirely.


If you want to quit, you have to get away from thinking about it all of the time. Just focus on bad-mouthing the weak-willed who still smoke! Nowt like being a reformed smoker!

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Agreed, Mr Wat.

Punter decides today that I'm a "dickhead", "twat", "bully", a "Wanker" and a "cunt".

And then proceeds to tell me that if I ever go back there, he'll "knock me the fuck out".


Strange thing is, I've been dealing with Mrs Punter previously, and to be honest, you'd struggle to find a nicer person. I made the collection arrangement directly with her, I didn't have to do that, there was a fairly large bill outstanding, which I could have got properly arsey about, and demanded payment on the spot. Since then I've collected 10 monthly payments, and never had a spot of trouble, now, Mr Punter has really pissed me off. Mrs Punter apologised, "he's had a bad day", but to be honest I'm not bothered.

I'm going back in 4 weeks, and if he's there again, and starts, I will remind him that I'm not at work all the time, and that I know where he lives. :evil:

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Some dirty crackhead stole my camera at Putney station today, just after I had taken a few photos too. A bit gutted, considering I had hoped to keep it for a long time, and it was working again. To be fair, I had the chance to ask them if they had taken it, but I just thought the risk wasn't worth it, dunno if they had a knife or what not, but they did look the type. So, now I need genuine camera suggestions again, I have a few days to decide as well.

The most gutting part is the fact I had spotted both a Renault 12 and a B11 Coupe. I'll go back on Sunday however...

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Shit, that's harsh Sam. The lesson learnt here is to not put anything down for even a minute as some scrote will have it away.


On the replacement front, how about the cheapo £40 jobbie as seen on another thread. Seems like a bargain and good for carrying round and snapping stuff in the street without drawing any attention to yourself.....


....on the plus side though, you did see a Renault 12 :shock:

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the 'lovely man' who was supposed to come tomorrow and buy a scimiatr body off me has to go to london - work related - and so cant pick up until the 4th of july


what the fck?


i said i wasnt sure i wanted to wait that long, and i might have to chop it up - so he agreed to more money to keep it another 2 weeks, but its space rather than money thats the issue

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Some dirty crackhead stole my camera at Putney station today, just after I had taken a few photos too. A bit gutted, considering I had hoped to keep it for a long time, and it was working again. To be fair, I had the chance to ask them if they had taken it, but I just thought the risk wasn't worth it, dunno if they had a knife or what not, but they did look the type. So, now I need genuine camera suggestions again, I have a few days to decide as well.

The most gutting part is the fact I had spotted both a Renault 12 and a B11 Coupe. I'll go back on Sunday however...


Jeez, thats pretty bloody crap isn't it, what happened?


I've got an old camera I could send you to use for a bit if you are strapped for cash? You can send it back when you get a new one.

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I foolishly left it on the bench and they took it when they sat down next to me, because I got up and realised I no longer had it, and it was nowhere to be seen. Jokes on them though, the battery cover had broken off, so it's worth nothing.

Thanks for the offer RG, but I think I am buying a new one on Saturday and testing it out the day after. I have seen a Fujifilm JZ510 on Jessops reduced by £150 down to £99.95, and it doesn't appear to be on flickrs camera finder. Customer reviews look good, what does everyone else think? Sorry about the off topic nature of this post...


Oh and just to depress everyone further, this car has been scrapped, probably around two weeks after I spotted it. And I was so glad to see it as well:


1983 Austin miniMetro Hatchback. by bramm77, on Flickr

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Sample of phone conversation at work


Customer: Why can't I buy this TV online?

Me: What TV is it?

Customer : A big one. Full 109p.

Me: No, I need the model number please.

Customer: Panasonic.


Eventually five minutes shit themselves into the ether and I dredge the model number out of Clueless Chigwell Claart.


Me: OK, this TV can only be bought in store.

Customer: So why can't I buy it online?

Me: Because you can only buy it in store.

Customer: But I want to buy it online.

Me: You have to go into store to buy this TV, you can't buy it online.

Customer: But why can't I buy it online? I have the money and I want to buy it now.

Me: If you go into store you can buy it now, they have one in stock and it isn't reserved.

Customer: But I want to buy it online.

Me (losing the fucking will to live): The website won't let you buy it online.

Customer: Why?

Me: Because it's an in store offer. You can only buy the TV in store.

Customer (incredibly): But I want to buy it online.


Me: I've explained it to you every way I can think of, you cannot buy this TV online.

Customer: But there's normally a 'Buy Now' button online, I want to buy it online.

Me: I'm sorry but I'm going to end this call now.

Customer: Why? I want to buy this TV online and I want you to help me buy it.

Me: You have to go into store to buy it. You can't buy it online, I've told you can't buy it online because it's an in store offer and you have to go into the store.

Customer: I don't understand, I just want to buy this TV online.

Me: And I've just told you that you have to go to your local store. I can help you reserve it but you have to go into store to buy it and pick it up.

Customer: So I can't just buy it online then?

Me [cracks the phone against the desk]. Thank you for your call [slams the phone down].


That was the abridged version. Jesus man, it was cruel to the point of being abject. I seriously thought at one point that most of the words spoken had had their meanings inverted whilst I was out.


The rest of the day wasn't much better, if I'm frank.


*Throws the duck's bread into the White Hole*

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I'd have taken all her details, told her it would turn up in three days time, then gone mad with her address and card number on a mail-order hardcore porn website.

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