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The grumpy thread


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Not sure that reaction to having a vacuum cleaner thrown through your home constitutes evil.


I hate the bastards, at least near home or work, but I can't call them evil until they're hungry in the autumn.

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My mate got stung about 100 times when he threw a hoover at a wasps nest. We were about 8 at the time I'll never forget it. Evil bastards. He ended up in hospital.

Liked for the story, not the hospitalisation.

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All mobile phones are shit.


Anyone else noticed that although phones are getting more and more clever and do more & more stuff, but as phones, they are shit.

Garbled voices that sound like they're speaking through a phlanger, and that's before they drop out & miss a            unk of conversati

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Anyone else noticed that although phones are getting more and more clever and do more & more stuff, but as phones, they are shit.

Garbled voices that sound like they're speaking through a phlanger, and that's before they drop out & miss a            unk of conversati



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Giving the Toyota a once-over in preparation for its MOT on Saturday, and I put a screwdriver through the back end of the driver's side sill.  Pissed off would be an understatement. ?

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6 minutes ago, wuvvum said:

And the F5 button on my keyboard is worn out.

I can’t beleive with all this upgraded trickery I can’t be confused and grumpy/sad at the same time...the wife manages it but I suppose she isn’t the Internet.

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On 4/30/2019 at 1:37 PM, barefoot said:

All mobile phones are shit.


Anyone else noticed that although phones are getting more and more clever and do more & more stuff, but as phones, they are shit.

Garbled voices that sound like they're speaking through a phlanger, and that's before they drop out & miss a            unk of conversati

No. ....




My Galaxy S7 is great..

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Having had to converse with the wife during the outage which was quite enough   but I had an angiogram on Tuesday that showed I'm  furred up beyond flushing with dishwasher tablets; it's the blood eagle treatment on the cards for me.  I can't see it being done that early but  it's got to be  after SF19

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I've been on the go since 8:30 this morning and still haven't managed to get a collection thread started. 

tramsport is is going according to plan but crappy phone signal, forgotten password and general incompetence around the new forum have conspired against me. 

and someone on this train has smelly feet :(

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Building a 3.77 English diff up today, old one was melted.  A while since I've done one.

Forgot to put the washer on the pinion shaft before the bearing.  Bearings are very tight.

Managed to angle grind it off without damaging the shaft.

Try again tomorrow with a new bearing.  The washer is on now!


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Two days in to being retired and fuck this shit for a caper.

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Bought a new suit off eBay for my cousin's upcoming wedding.  It arrived today and it's the wrong bloody size - jacket is too big.  It's an odd one though because it's just about right across the shoulders and it's tightish across the stomach, but way too baggy across the chest.  I think it's probably a young person's suit, designed for some 20-something gym bunny with a washboard stomach and 40DD pecs, which isn't me.  Strangely the trousers are pretty tight round my thighs, so maybe it's intended for the kind of young chap who spends all his gym time working on his upper body.  Either way, I now need to try and get a refund, and find another suit - otherwise I'll end up having to wear the pinstripe suit I wear when I'm working in London, which is a bit severe for a wedding, and also being 100% wool is probably a bit* warm for July in Annecy. 

Also, the 75 ran out of diesel as I was leaving for work this morning - just managed to limp it into the petrol station.  The stupid thing was that I'd put £10 of diesel in on Tuesday night and had only done 40 miles since.  It's the second time it's done that - funnily enough both times have been after I filled up at the same garage, and I think the same pump as well.  So one to avoid in future...

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I'd suggest you stop buying suits online and go to a shop where you can try them on!

I buy everything online apart from clothes, as nothing ever fits properly.

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I've rarely had a problem with buying clothes online.  If the jacket had been the size the seller said it was (38 long rather than 40 regular) it probably would have been fine.  Proper shops are great but almost universally more expensive - plus I have to either go in my lunch hour or fight my way in to Norwich on a Saturday, which is a pain in the arse.  I can do an online purchase whenever.

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Where's my signature gone?  It was a convenient way to find my project thread and now it's not there.   Was it lost in the update?

Apart from that, this update isn't as woeful as updates normally are.  I actually find the pages somewhat easier to read than before and it's familiar enough overall that I don't feel like a complete idiot.  Just going to take some getting used to.

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Ugh. Termites swarmed last night. 

Thankfully I saw a few about 8 in the evening flying around so shut all the outside lights off and put the blinds and shutters closed with all the lights off inside.

The things appear to mostly have passed us by, there are a few wings up in the attic and there was one aimlessly wandering around in the shower tray along with a handful of dead ones this morning.


I hate termites.



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Ordered a touchscreen panel from China last week. a 1mm thick glass panel for an 8" LCD - I need it for a £400 repair job that I need to get out of the door ASAP  to get some money in.

It arrived very quickly, in a plain envelope, in over 9000 pieces. I was going to order a few, I knew I should have. 

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My mechanic, well the one I use I don't own him, 'may' not get around to swapping my suspension today, It's been booked in for over 3 weeks now, this is starting to become a regular occurrence with him now. I'd not mind but he charges top rates for his work. No questions on the quality of his work he's a very good mechanic and I was happy to see 2 MGB's and an A60 on his car park this morning BUT this could well be another day my wife has been without a car and the job has not been done so will mean more faffing about dropping car off picking car up no car etc for another day. 


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20 hours ago, wuvvum said:

I've rarely had a problem with buying clothes online.  If the jacket had been the size the seller said it was (38 long rather than 40 regular) it probably would have been fine.  Proper shops are great but almost universally more expensive - plus I have to either go in my lunch hour or fight my way in to Norwich on a Saturday, which is a pain in the arse.  I can do an online purchase whenever.

Charity shop.................?

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Adblockers have been disabled in Firefox :(

Never knew that there were so many adverts.  Defected to Chromium until they fix it :)

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Just been to my lock up to tidy it up.

Opened the door & it looks half empty,there's around 40 alloys missing.

It looks like they've bent the door frame at the top & got on that way,the lock hadn't been forced.

Police gave me a crime number,& that's all.

Tried ringing a couple of local scrap dealers to see if anyone had weighed in a load of alloys,but no joy there.


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