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The grumpy thread

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Why do people ask this? It ought to be some sort of law that you have your hands placed in a 10 tonne press if you are found asking or texting or whatever an absolutely fucking stupid question like ‘What’s UR lowest price?’


I've started replying with a price way higher than the asking price


"yeh but ur only asking £450 on the ad"


"Exactly, "Only". Ask a daft question, you'll get a daft answer".


Anyone that comes straight out with a "Lowest price, mate" question isn't a serious buyer anyway IMO. Even if they showed up, they'd likely just start trying to re-haggle the already haggled price that wasn't for haggling.

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Maybe I’m a bit old fashioned. Car is 10 miles away so I’ll go and look at it, say it’s £800, bid him £700 and settle at £750 or whatever. Turn up and be polite, have actual money on me to pay for it, not be picking up on every minor scratch it has. Not rabbiting on chatting shit etc.


Strangely that’s not the done thing anymore. You turn up in a pack of four, conducting some sort of lost episode of Wheeler Dealers. But prior to all this you try finalising the price before you’ve even arrived. Thus providing a platform later for some aggressive bidding when you’ve found a scratch on a £300 car.


Maybe I’m a bit old fashioned. Car is 10 miles away so I’ll go and look at it, say it’s £800, bid him £700 and settle at £750 or whatever. Turn up and be polite, have actual money on me to pay for it, not be picking up on every minor scratch it has. Not rabbiting on chatting shit etc.


Strangely that’s not the done thing anymore. You turn up in a pack of four, conducting some sort of lost episode of Wheeler Dealers. But prior to all this you try finalising the price before you’ve even arrived. Thus providing a platform later for some aggressive bidding when you’ve found a scratch on a £300 car.


When i sold my Ignis sport, it was pretty much like that. It was taking up my lock up and i needed it away to get the space for something else, £350.


A boy from Aberdeen messaged me basically saying he already had one and wanted it for parts for his, £300, he'd have it collected, cash in hand, no worries. To which i agreed.


Collection day arrived, his dad comes down with a low loader... "£150 yeah?"... "No, £300 was agreed", "Nah mate, he's no paying that, it's £150", "It's not going anywhere for £150 buddy, or £200, or £250, It's £300 and if i'm not getting £300, you've wasted a trip to Dundee"


What followed was basically an argument, I let him take it for £280 in the end but some of the parts that were going with it mysteriously fell off it in between backing it out the lockup and going on the truck and stayed in the garage, so he ended up with a worse deal than if he'd just paid the £300.


When i sold my Ignis sport, it was pretty much like that. It was taking up my lock up and i needed it away to get the space for something else, £350.


A boy from Aberdeen messaged me basically saying he already had one and wanted it for parts for his, £300, he'd have it collected, cash in hand, no worries. To which i agreed.


Collection day arrived, his dad comes down with a low loader... "£150 yeah?"... "No, £300 was agreed", "Nah mate, he's no paying that, it's £150", "It's not going anywhere for £150 buddy, or £200, or £250, It's £300 and if i'm not getting £300, you've wasted a trip to Dundee"


What followed was basically an argument, I let him take it for £280 in the end but some of the parts that were going with it mysteriously fell off it in between backing it out the lockup and going on the truck and stayed in the garage, so he ended up with a worse deal than if he'd just paid the £300.

When I was selling a mazda 323 for £150 recently I still had loads of people asking what's the lowest I'd take until someone I'd bought a set of wheels from the previous week said they would have it for the £150 and would collect it later the next day.

When I turned up at my unit to do the deal they were already there poking at the car, there was the buyer plus 5 of his mates with two of them in a recovery truck.

I had thought it would be a straight forward transaction like when I had went to buy his wheels, I turned up, gave him the full asking price, took the wheels and fucked off, instead I got him and his mates poking at my cars, opening bonnets and the buyer comes out with "what's the lowest you'd take?"

Fuck off and die!


Sent from my G3121 using Tapatalk


Tell me whats the most you'd pay?


Well for that you can have the shell. the engine, and the steering wheel. But not the gearbox, brakes, or wheels.

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Maybe I’m a bit old fashioned. Car is 10 miles away so I’ll go and look at it, say it’s £800, bid him £700 and settle at £750 or whatever. Turn up and be polite, have actual money on me to pay for it, not be picking up on every minor scratch it has. Not rabbiting on chatting shit etc.


Strangely that’s not the done thing anymore. You turn up in a pack of four, conducting some sort of lost episode of Wheeler Dealers. But prior to all this you try finalising the price before you’ve even arrived. Thus providing a platform later for some aggressive bidding when you’ve found a scratch on a £300 car.

I'm the same, if I'm selling a car and someone arranges to come and see it without any of this best price/lowest offer nonsense beforehand, they turn up on time and are polite I am more likely to sell it at a lower price if they make a bid.

I find its the same when buying a car, you know that the seller has probably had loads of "best price m8" messages and will probably be incredibly frustrated with the whole ordeal so when you turn up, assess the car and make an offer you're more likely to get somewhere rather than being told to fuck right off.


Sent from my G3121 using Tapatalk

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Strangely that’s not the done thing anymore. You turn up in a pack of four, conducting some sort of lost episode of Wheeler Dealers. But prior to all this you try finalising the price before you’ve even arrived. Thus providing a platform later for some aggressive bidding when you’ve found a scratch on a £300 car.


IME the ones who try and negotiate the price down (I use this phrase loosely) by sending messages like '200' are the ones who invariably fail to show up.


This place aside, the world of sub-£500 motors is replete with some of the most monumental gene pool rejects you could ever hope not to meet, and I simply can't be arsed with it anymore.

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Usually the ones who travel the furthest are most likely to buy without pissing about. Those that decide 'no offers' doesn't apply to them are either going to pay the full price, or go home empty handed. It's only their own money they're wasting g.

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When I sold mine a couple of weeks ago I got into a long drawn out email conversation with a guy about 2 miles away who turned out to be a total timewaster, on the morning he was meant to be coming to see it messaged me with the old "I've only managed to lift £xxx from the cash machine, that's all I've got" line, so I told him to FRO.

Next weekend a bloke came up from Ayr (about 40 miles), had a quick poke round and drove the thing away after a civilised bit of haggling which saw me get more for it than I was expecting.

No wonder so many old cars get scrapped when people simply aren't willing to stand in front of you and make a spirited bid on something.


I had the opposite problem when trying to sell a false beard for 20 Shekels. Chap just game me the full whack and didn't even haggle. Bert couldn't believe it. I ended up chucking in a gourd that was worth at least 10 to make up for it.


One born every minute eh?


Work. Work is pissing me off. Office manager trying to accuse me of not doing certain set tasks yesterday when in fact they were not actually there yesterday.


the local council fuck wits are chasing dog owners for fixed fines for walking on unsigned  "pitches" , play areas or  not using a lead ...



living next to the farmers fields and footpaths , the dog has spiced up your spuds and carrots today !!!


Whats making me grumpy at the moment?

The shitey weather

Fuckwit boy racers in their fart boxes at stupid o’clock

Crappy mental health

And today my back went ping in spectacular fashion, it currently hurts to even breathe. Supposed to be going out for dinner tonight with some of my blokes friends but looking likely I won’t make it.


Why do people ask this? It ought to be some sort of law that you have your hands placed in a 10 tonne press if you are found asking or texting or whatever an absolutely fucking stupid question like ‘What’s UR lowest price?’



I wouldn't bother with hands.............


You think that's bad?


A mate of mine entered a Viagra eating competition and it was going really well,



Up until he was beaten off by some stiff opposition.


I've heard the Viagra eye drops aren't any good. They just make you look hard...


^^^This was done at a previous work-place.   Caused a fuckton of shit, not least because said manager's wife found the text messages - at a time when he was already in hooky for playing away.   (almost) felt sorry for the cunt.


Work. Work is pissing me off. Office manager trying to accuse me of not doing certain set tasks yesterday when in fact they were not actually there yesterday.

So, because I decided to sit up and actually defend myself, it looks like my days at this job are numbered. I said as much to the owner who frankly is a bit of a half-wit. The manager is well protected, she can swan around and do as she likes, accuse people of what she wants. Yet you stand up for yourself and defend yourself, its as if you've physically chucked shit in thier face. I wonder why the fuck I bother sometimes.


Post said managers phone number on a dating website.

I don't have her phone number.


I swear if I was on an uninhabited island that happened to have a kitchen my wife would tun up and want to get into he fucking cupboard I was standing in front of, i'm trying to prepare dinner and she's hovering behind me fucking about every time I pick up something sharp or boiling hot.


I am a tad grumpy today apparently, tis true......I am    :-(


the wife went out , so I pulled the cooker out and cleaned all behind it , the cooker , the toaster , even the dogs bowls ..


.that's right , bowls  , even the dog misheard me


just got to wait and see if its noticed



had to point it out !!


Went to top up the levels on the land Rover.... No water in header tank! Throttle heater has shit all over my lovely painted engine causing a big red sticky mess. Fortunately I anticipated the failure of this part again so had one in stock. Pesky little bugger to change and I said to my daughter "you watch, I'll fix this and something else will break...".

Sure enough the plastic bleed screw in the top hose split and started spewing up. The sealing washer has compressed leading it to be overtightened and eventually I've over done it splitting the threaded bit of plastic. Nothing in my mountain of bolts and crap comes close, so I broke it and glued it back together, doubled the washer up and fudged it back into the top hose. No leaks. 


It'll buy me time until the new screw arrives... The new screw that comes only with all the top hoses for £40 posted! Bollocks...


I swear if I was on an uninhabited island that happened to have a kitchen my wife would tun up and want to get into he fucking cupboard I was standing in front of, i'm trying to prepare dinner and she's hovering behind me fucking about every time I pick up something sharp or boiling hot.


I am a tad grumpy today apparently, tis true......I am    :-(



You are not alone here, it's happened twice whilst tapping out a post just now. Try it with 4 kids in the house too!


young girl we know ... pre teen , has had cancer ...now she has a lump again


doctor said needed seeing today asap ..


that was  6 weeks ago


and  the hospital has sent her to the wrong place ..more delays ..


sometimes you could scream for some else's sake


So, because I decided to sit up and actually defend myself, it looks like my days at this job are numbered. I said as much to the owner who frankly is a bit of a half-wit. The manager is well protected, she can swan around and do as she likes, accuse people of what she wants. Yet you stand up for yourself and defend yourself, its as if you've physically chucked shit in thier face. I wonder why the fuck I bother sometimes.


In all seriousness, look for another job, hang on in there for now for the money and the second something else comes up, walk.


It's not worth it and you'll feel a weight lifted when you go.


Management issues are a difficult thing to tackle and not something non managers will ever fix. At the end of the day, owners, HQ or whoever have these people installed to look after the company affairs on site and companies would rather go through 300 regular staff members all saying the same thing about management than change the management and bring a new variable into the equation. It always takes many years of the same failures on top of the issues being highlighted by others before any company or owner will take action v a manager. If they owners are happy with the numbers being produced from wherever you work, then sadly, said person there is borderline unsackable. (and they know it).


For example, my last place of work was a real shit show, incompetence beyond belief to the point of being dangerous. There was bullying, racisim, theft, fraud all occurring. We had staff walking out on a weekly basis and management didn't care, they were lining their pockets and had their pals working with them, everyone and everything was expendable. Question anything, you were hounded out. HQ were informed multiple times but to this day, the same manager is there for the simple reason the numbers on the spreadsheet look fine.


They're all fake (they know what boxes to tick and how to massage the figures to keep HQ off their backs), but they're cool with it. They know what they're getting with the current boss, the reputation of the place is about as bad as can be, but they'd rather that than someone changing things and risk numbers being 0.1% worse (even if in reality they were better because they were real and actual procedures were followed to meet them).

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I don't have any credit cards.


Called him as soon as I opened it - "Nowt I can do, mate."

Isn't that your line, albeit one adopted involuntarily? By the time he works through the MCOL hoops it will be the end of April and you'll be paying him anyway, threatening broken legs is both illegal and sooo 20th century.

the wife went out , so I pulled the cooker out and cleaned all behind it , the cooker , the toaster , even the dogs bowls ..


.that's right , bowls , even the dog misheard me


just got to wait and see if its noticed



had to point it out !!



Today is the day i finally snapped.


10am this morning


"£200 for ur Discovery"


"Sorry, no"




"200 for ur Discovery"


"No, sorry"




"200 for ur Disco"






"£250 for ur Disco"


Not a chance, sorry.




"200 for ur Disco?"


Look, no. I'd make more scrapping it.




"200 for ur Disco"


As said, no. Please stop daft offers, you're not getting it for less than £450.




"200 for the Disco?"


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Nah. He's not that shallow.

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