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The grumpy thread

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Exactly - I've lost count of het graphics pointing out the amount of bods they have in place to chase the millions lost in benefit fraud - 1000's employed.

Chasing BILLIONS in TAX FRAUD - 500ish employees… those in power do not want their cronies lambasted and hung from the nearest legal yardarm.


But I'm getting political - sorry. the sad fact is - people in dire need are being slammed badly. That's just inhuman - no matter your political affiliation

In the early 90s I had a friend who worked for BA (Benefits Agency) fraud team (the same one who suggested opening an off licence with giro cashing service next door to the benefits place would cut down on the number of stolen giros no end). They were mainly involved with organised fraud, false claims from landlords on empty properties, people with multiple identities or variations on the same name on official documents signing on several times a day in different areas. Organised crime with false documentation to raise funds for criminal organisations. Workers being dropped off in mass to sign on by minibus then going off to work in the fields for cash....

If someone was reported and it didn't appear malicious then it would be looked in to.


Even for a budget of a couple of grand, the more 'regular' classic stuff on ebay is pretty dire, 'non-starter/runner, needs welding, needs to be trailered away'. Excellent condition for the year, hmm our definitions of excellent are not the same. £2k should get you something decent shouldn't it FFS? I'm tired of projects, I don't have the focus or the energy anymore, just want to get into something and drive the bloody thing. Rant over.

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Even for a budget of a couple of grand, the more 'regular' classic stuff on ebay is pretty dire, 'non-starter/runner, needs welding, needs to be trailered away'. Excellent condition for the year, hmm our definitions of excellent are not the same. £2k should get you something decent shouldn't it FFS? I'm tired of projects, I don't have the focus or the energy anymore, just want to get into something and drive the bloody thing. Rant over.



PM'd you......


One of my hard drives failed today.

Inconsiderate bastard. Good job I have spares.


Just have to re download my games from Steam again...


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I recently had to go through the reassessment process for PIP. I first got a letter about it about this time last year. I got citizens advice to fill in the form for me, I was sitting with the bloke while he did it. I asked for a home assessment as by their rules if you live more than 2 hours bu public transport from them then you get the home visit. I specifically asked to get plenty of warning so I could have a witness, my daughter, present as I have been totally fucked over by atos when I first applied for DLA 6 years ago. The next I knew, about 2 months later a knock on the door, Im here to do your assessment. Im afraid I was not very well and she was told I know fuck all about this so you can fuck off and write a letter to me. It took another 4 months for the DWP to phone me and said my money was bei g stopped as I refused to do an assessment. I managed to hold it together and the lady on the phone said dont worry then, we will tell atos to rearrange it and we wont stop your money. Then another couple months I did get a letter with an appointment between 8 to 12 am. I ipromptly phoned them and said thats no use, I need an exack time to get my witness here. After about an hour arguing with the guy on the phone, then his supervisor then his boss I got a time for the assessment. So it got done and it was only a few weeks ago it was settled. I have care at the higher rate and mobility at the standard rate, I should really het both at the higher rate. However I couldnt be arsed putting myself through more crap for 30 quid a week so just left it. I bet had I gone through all the shit I would have got it, buy I would only have gone and handed it over for a new car, and my 12 plate leon 1.6tdi with dsg box is working perfectly, I also have an 06 caddy 1.9pd for back up, a pug 407 coupe 2.7hdi for executive days and a xantia 1.9td, out of mot and going to be put up for roffle very soon. Also either the caddy or 407 going to be sold too. My head says sell the 407 because of its high running cost, the heart says keep it cos its absolutely lovely. My advice to anyone dealing with this atos crap is to get help dealing with it. My local CAB is brilliant but there are plenty charaties out there who will help. That lot gave me nearly a year of anxiety and panic attacks, which I cannot help and at times so depressed that I felt like I didnt want to be here, and I have days and sometimes weeks at a time I either lock myself in the house and speak to noone, or else go in the car and do a 2 or 300 mile drive just because I can.

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This is a wind up?

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Because im a toddler, I bought a pack of Freddo Caramels. (Taz-es surely) and a Spar chocolate milkshake.


I know they're garbage. But the milkshake had 54.2 grams of sugar. ????

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First race of the year on Sunday - up in mid wales . Of course I’m feeling rough as a badgers ass and the forecast is wetter than a dolphins handshake

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...I’m feeling rough as a badgers ass and the forecast is wetter than a dolphins handshake



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It’s the wife’s first Saturday at work today so, obviously I’ve been up to wake the birds to give her a lift in. Apparently I don’t understand how hard it is to go to work on weekends.


Yeah, you mean like the past 30 years of my working life, you mean.


It’s the wife’s first Saturday at work today so, obviously I’ve been up to wake the birds to give her a lift in. Apparently I don’t understand how hard it is to go to work on weekends.


Yeah, you mean like the past 30 years of my working life, you mean.

And you didn't understand how hard it was for her when you used to put working ok n a Saturday before spending time with her at the weekend.


Women, you'll never win.


In the last 24 hours I had 2 conversations with my wife which makes me chuckle.


The first. We need to buy some lined paper. It needs margins and some coloured ball point pens. Not gel pens. She won't go to Tesco.

I say go to Waitrose. She insists they won't have them. We'll have to go to Asda. Only 12 mile round trip rather than 1 mile.

I say "well if you are certain, that's what we will have to do"

She says "I know you don't believe me, but you should trust me. I don't lie"

I say "I didn't say you wee lying, I just think it's a long way to go if you are mistaken"

She says" Well go and prove me wrong"


15 mins later I come back with said stationary. She inspects it.

She says " You left me all alone just to prove a point. "

No I left you alone cause you told me to prove you wrong


Later we had a conversation about why we can't go to a wedding of a distant relative I've met twice in the last 30 years. Neither of us want to go, but it clashes with other stuff.

She says "There was another reason"

If you say so. I've no idea

Think. You are not even trying to think

We haven't had a discussion about another reason.

We have. You are too.lazy to think

.....I go to the loo.

I come back

.....We are looking after Lynn's dog that weekend....

Yeah, you never told me that.

It's on the calendar. It wasn't you I spoke to.... it was Lynn...But You should know. It's on the calendar.......

Yeah I should look at June just in case there's something I might need to worry about in March?


I did get a sort of apology on both.

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Women, you'll never win.

It’s not about winning or loosing, I just wouldn’t mind one of those “well, at least you tried” medals they give to fat kids who come last on sports day.


It’s not about winning or loosing, I just wouldn’t mind one of those “well, at least you tried” medals they give to fat kids who come last on sports day.

You should listen to Frank Turners song THE Eulogy


The words


But on the day I die, I can say, at least I fucking Tried.


...those “well, at least you tried” medals they give to fat kids who come last on sports day.


I think I've still got all of mine somewhere.

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medals they give to fat kids who come last 


If only.


I think I've still got all of mine somewhere.

Alas I came from the era of “you came last. You’re no fucking good - deal with it” school of appreciation.

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Forget White Audi man, there’s a new scourge to the roads. It’s ‘sub prime finance Insignia Chav’


I’ve encountered several instances lately of these being the chariot of choice for the Chav being driven like it’s on the Nurburgring or festooned with shit mods like those stickers saying ‘...because Insignia’ or the alloys being painted black with some aerosols from Poundland.


Forget White Audi man, there’s a new scourge to the roads. It’s ‘sub prime finance Insignia Chav’


I’ve encountered several instances lately of these being the chariot of choice for the Chav being driven like it’s on the Nurburgring or festooned with shit mods like those stickers saying ‘...because Insignia’ or the alloys being painted black with some aerosols from Poundland.

Don't worry, it won't be long before they're off the road ... due to a failed oil pump taking the engine out.


Equally they will have knocked some bird up in a couple of years and be trapped in a financed Juke....


Equally they will have knocked some bird up in a couple of years 


{adds Insignias to eBay search}

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The gearboxes aren't too clever in the petrol ones, either.


If you catch the CDTi ones in time (i.e pretty much as soon as the oil light comes on) you can save them by replacing the seal in the oil pump, and later (I think someone said 2016 on) ones had better ones fitted from the off.


Driving back from Lancaster yesterday, skirting Bradford, hellish in rush hour. Somebody pulls out from road on left, through gap in standing traffic inside lane, and through the middle lane, I was coming down, not even looking. Had to slam on brakes, road atlas n CD on passenger seat fly onto floor, thankfully stopped in time. Matey in golf (?) with blacked out rear windows sails on oblivious. Narrowly avoided being rear ended myself.

Where do these idiots come from?


So I called the DVLA about a car I sold last year as they kept charging me for the road tax. Got a cheque.


I've been charged twice for it since.


I've also had (one of) my accounts black listed by them so they won't accept monthly DD anymore.


Double standards.


Driving back from Lancaster yesterday, skirting Bradford,

Where do these idiots come from?

Keighley or Steeton ?

Or Bradford ?

Maybe Leedz?


So I called the DVLA about a car I sold last year as they kept charging me for the road tax. Got a cheque.


I've been charged twice for it since.


I've also had (one of) my accounts black listed by them so they won't accept monthly DD anymore.


Double standards.


If they're still taking money out of a DD for a car you've notified them about, your refund comes straight from the bank under the DD guarantee. 


Driving back from Lancaster yesterday, skirting Bradford,

Where do these idiots come from?


Hmmmm.... nope, never mind.

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