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The grumpy thread


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PVD, have you been to the docs before about it? If not, would be worth giving them a call. Don't be put off by thinking it's girly or whatever, it takes a lot of guts to go and talk about it.


I find it helps to make a list of where you want to be, (e.g house, career, cars etc) and then how you can achieve it, but make sure they're SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Timely http://www.yourcoach.be/en/coaching-tools/smart-goal-setting.php).


Sound corny, but writing down that you want to be a millionaire next week just leaves you disappointed if it doesn't happen. If you do bits at a time, you'll feel better for having seen what you have achieved and it will spur you on to go further.



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Tedious Minor grump-->I've just spent 45 minutes aligning a kitchen cupboard door.I executed several steps including altering it to make sure it was level and totally square.

I reset all the hinges, put the door back on and it's still pissing wonky. My blue philips screw drive was so frustrated by the process it just got up and fucked off.

I've no idea were it's gone. I had it in my hand 4 seconds before it's disappearance. I've now tidied up and I still can't find it.

Behind your ear?  I've done that more than once...

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Tedious Minor grump-->I've just spent 45 minutes aligning a kitchen cupboard door.I executed several steps including altering it to make sure it was level and totally square.

I reset all the hinges, put the door back on and it's still pissing wonky. My blue philips screw drive was so frustrated by the process it just got up and fucked off.

I've no idea were it's gone. I had it in my hand 4 seconds before it's disappearance. I've now tidied up and I still can't find it.


In the garage where you haven't been, or upstairs where you also haven't been with it. That's where mine always wander off too.

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I'd secure the wall bracket before it fell on the kids. 


There's still one wall bracket holding it the other fell off and it sank on one side. The wood was originally used in an attempt (failed) to secure the dodgy bracket to the wall with no more nails.

It's level now so you know. Fixed.

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In the garage where you haven't been, or upstairs where you also haven't been with it. That's where mine always wander off too.


That's the thing I didn't move. The screw driver handle is oval so it couldn't have rolled off either.

It's probably in the tumble dryer.

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There's still one wall bracket holding it the other fell off and it sank on one side. The wood was originally used in an attempt (failed) to secure the dodgy bracket to the wall with no more nails.

It's level now so you know. Fixed.


I'm all for a good bodge, but that's a bad bodge.

If its a solid wall you need longer rawlplugs, If its plasterboard.



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The problem with moving everything to this thread is I would never read it as there are so many posts that are too far beyond the "Grumpy" such as so and so just died or has a terminal diease or I just lost my job and I don't usually look at it because of that. Not that I don't feel for those people (I do) but don't think someone liking your post on an internet forum when your mum/dad/wife has died quite does it. I'm only on here as I got moved!

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I know how to fix it properly I just don’t want to have to remove that radiator , so it can just stay like that for now.

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a jack russel or a ferret would be more suitable for tackling a dirty rat.


it takes a vicious little bastard to get another vicious little bastard!

You need one of these to tackle a dirty rat




I wouldn't call him a bastard though.

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Plasticvandan.  Dan, I have spoken to you a couple of times in Reliant circles over the years and regard you as a friendly face when I hobble around such gatherings.  See if you can reduce  your financial concerns by following some of the suggestions.  Sometimes just considering the advice of others can help you to see your own way forward. A chat with your GP can also help.  You have quite a flair for fixing Reliants and motorbikes. While this may not pay bills, you are respected for these abilities and should take some pleasure from the fact that many are quietly admiring your depth and breadth of knowledge.  Spring will arrive eventually, making riding the MZ a real joy again.  I wish I could still ride a motorcycle.  Keep posting!

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Tedious Minor grump-->I've just spent 45 minutes aligning a kitchen cupboard door.I executed several steps including altering it to make sure it was level and totally square.

I reset all the hinges, put the door back on and it's still pissing wonky. My blue philips screw drive was so frustrated by the process it just got up and fucked off.

I've no idea were it's gone. I had it in my hand 4 seconds before it's disappearance. I've now tidied up and I still can't find it.


I have 22 of the bastards to fit tomorrow. I can feel the rage building already.

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PVD: You're a useful person, don't go doing anything stupid.  You've been bloody useful when I've been dealing with my hopeless old wrecks.  Drop me a PM if you need to talk at someone, I won't mind.

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One of the cats has been a real shitbag of late. I'm sure she has mental issues.


Does bugger all all day. Won't drink won't eat just sleeps. And sleeps. And farts. And sleeps some more.


Mrs Dustman comes home and the cat won't stop harassing her for food. Food & drink provided, it's not good enough.


I want a dog.

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One of the cats has been a real shitbag of late. I'm sure she has mental issues.


Does bugger all all day. Won't drink won't eat just sleeps. And sleeps. And farts. And sleeps some more.


Mrs Dustman comes home and the cat won't stop harassing her for food. Food & drink provided, it's not good enough.


I want a dog.


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I heard the cat flap click-clack last night. Then the unmistakable rhythmic sound of concertinaing vom ejection. Promptly followed by the click-clack of the cat flap.


He came in from outside just to vom on the stair carpet, before popping back out again. He's come in, just to be sick. On my carpet. From outside. W. T. F?


Cats. I'm not having another.

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Cats are dicks.



Juuust on the point of falling asleep?

I think now would be the ideal time for me to repeatedly attempt to jump from the windowsill to the top of the wardrobe.


Watching tv?

Look at my butthole. Look at it. No really have a look, up close, I will rub it right in your face, will I?


Working eh?

need to concentrate on that budget spreadsheet? 

This would be the perfect time for me to really loudly slurp at my minge for ten minutes straight.

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One of mine comes in for a piss. I live in the fucking desert, there’s literally no end of sand the little prick could use, but of course not. The other one chooses to shit in the neighbours flower pots, which is a bit embarrasing.

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I heard the cat flap click-clack last night. Then the unmistakable rhythmic sound of concertinaing vom ejection. Promptly followed by the click-clack of the cat flap.


He came in from outside just to vom on the stair carpet, before popping back out again. He's come in, just to be sick. On my carpet. From outside. W. T. F?


Cats. I'm not having another.

I guess if you're a cat, it makes sense to do that. As a cat, outside is dangerous and you need to have your wits around you with full attention. If you're being sick, then you can't do that and risk injury or halm.

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