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The grumpy thread

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For those who struggle, like the bell end in the blue A class this lunch time on Eastern road A27 roundabout.


The left hand lane on a roundabout is not for turning right!! It's even marked on the surrounding roadsigns and big fuck off white arrows on the road surface. How fucking hard is this!?


Oh, wait.


You knew what you were doing because your an impatient cunt and consider yourself above waiting in the queue like everyone else in the right lane so used the left lane and cut across in front of my van! WANKER!



I was so close to hitting this utter dick my heart was in my mouth for a moment! Why are there never any police around?

The funny thing is this twat is local and drives a very distinctive car, it's not the first time I've seen him doing such manoeuvres either.

Dashcam, nail the fucker next time!


Sent from my Redmi 4 using Tapatalk

  • Like 3

Dashcam, nail the fucker next time!

Sent from my Redmi 4 using Tapatalk

I've got one! I'm just so unbelievably lazy I've not bothered setting it up. I should really, it's not van but if I've got the camera and something happens I can prove my innocence beyond any doubt if it's on film.


For those who struggle, like the bell end in the blue A class this lunch time on Eastern road A27 roundabout.


The left hand lane on a roundabout is not for turning right!! It's even marked on the surrounding roadsigns and big fuck off white arrows on the road surface. How fucking hard is this!?


Oh, wait.


You knew what you were doing because your an impatient cunt and consider yourself above waiting in the queue like everyone else in the right lane so used the left lane and cut across in front of my van! WANKER!



I was so close to hitting this utter dick my heart was in my mouth for a moment! Why are there never any police around?

The funny thing is this twat is local and drives a very distinctive car, it's not the first time I've seen him doing such manoeuvres either.

I had a similar experience with a dickish driver of a big Merc 4x4 earlier on a roundabout, it came straight from the left hand lane and wouldve took my passengers wing out if I hadn't braked, so to the driver of V8 JET a big fuck you and learn how to use roads properly


For those who struggle, like the bell end in the blue A class this lunch time on Eastern road A27 roundabout.


The left hand lane on a roundabout is not for turning right!! It's even marked on the surrounding roadsigns and big fuck off white arrows on the road surface. How fucking hard is this!?


Oh, wait.


You knew what you were doing because your an impatient cunt and consider yourself above waiting in the queue like everyone else in the right lane so used the left lane and cut across in front of my van! WANKER!



I was so close to hitting this utter dick my heart was in my mouth for a moment! Why are there never any police around?

The funny thing is this twat is local and drives a very distinctive car, it's not the first time I've seen him doing such manoeuvres either.


This is a general behaviour issue globally methinks.......


Exact same episode just twice this weekend....... numbnuts in the new bmw 1 series trying to cut up as he clearly was far too important to wait like everyone else - I am truelly clueless as to why they think this is 'the norm'. Needless to say I give less fucks about my beater than they do about their financed repmobiles.


Worse (and to my shame I got all road rage on this one) was the absolute fuck-nugget who undertook on a semi-suburban street using the sodding parking spaces.... I'd seen the dick looking to jump through so half expected it, so already on the brakes (and horn). My son was dumbfounded...... and actually yelped when we almost hit his rear corner. I was livid.... but did hold out and watched as the bus a few vehicles in front blocked his F1 style jinks and dives for inside/outside lines.


This turd-weasel then had to turn across traffic so was stuck anyway by the lights...... at which he flipped me the bird. I'm ashamed to say that did it.... I pulled left - and reversed right up to his front bumper so todger waver was blocked in. I also got out - and promptly explained that if he ever endangered my sons (or anyones) life again in my sight, I'd be inserting limbs of his own into orifices they were not meant to inhabit after first bludgeoning him severely with them. It's the first time anyone has done anything that dangerous with my son in the car with me - I do understand that my behaviour/reaction was not to be done in front of him and then spent half an hour explaining why my rant was not acceptable behaviour as an adult. Ended up feeling worse than the mouth breathing fish worrier I'd berated........

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Your reaction is understandable.  Sometimes, pond life needs a mirror holding up to it.

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I think, sadly, it's just modern life.


So many people now run around in their day to day lives with an attitude of 'me first and fuck everyone else'. If they feel they can get away with something, anything, they'll do it in the belief it will put them one step ahead.

They also feel able to do as they please, particularly in this country, because there's fewer and fewer people of authority (police and law enforcement) to stop them or make them think twice before doing whatever it is.

You see so many people now it's becoming impossible for me to drive even a few miles from home without seeing at least one entitled arse hole doing something cuntish on the roads. Within the week I've seen people do what I ranted about above, use the hard shoulder to undertake traffic on a motorway, red light jumping so late I could have T boned them after pulling away at my green light, the list goes on and on. And to make it worse if you dare to challenge them or react against their actions they treat you as the cunt!! 'How dare you challenge me! ME!' It's breath taking.


On the subject of dash cams though, do people get prosecuted by the footage going on YouTube etc?

Just wondered? The police must see some of the footage people upload and it must be enough to get them for surely?

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I've often wondered about the dashcam stuff too - I did hear that Thames Valley plod accept it as bonefideeeeee evidence. I personally think a simple email address for all regional forces that your average joe can email footage to should be the norm.......

Sick of the arseholes and dangerous bahaviour of those on the road - get them points and they can help themselves off it...... nice postal of 3points and fine - along with site to download evidence video - job jobbed.

I know - the 'who was driving' argument..... but unless the named owner/driver drops the name of the 'real' person responsible - they take the hit. Not too difficult to tell the scrotes to stop 'protecting' their 'mates'.


ah - wishful thinking.......... never mind - nothing to see here.


edit - I haven't checked if this is in fact already in situ....... I know it isn't over here.

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There was definitely a case in France where a biker was prosecuted after posting dashcam footage on YouTube of himself riding like a cunt round the peripherique - not sure what the situation is in Belgique though.

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Yeah, sorry about that Dan!


Can't stand waiting behind vans........


UK: A colleague had some after dark dashcam footage of a bloke overtaking on cross hatching and clipping the front wing of the car in front of my colleague, then driving off. Police were notified immediately, they requested the footage some weeks later, took it and successfully prosecuted.


Sent from my BV6000 using Tapatalk

  • Like 3

Lenny Henry’s preferred hotel chain is annoying me today. They had to move me to another hotel because of an incident at the usual (6 weeks and counting) one - fair enough.


Automatically booked me one fucking miles away with no phone call or anything - wtf


Moved me to one much closer to work - result


Automatically debited another £450 from my card..... not so much!!!


Yeah, sorry about that Dan!

Can't stand waiting behind vans........


I didn't know you'd grown a nice hipster beard Nige!! I didn't recognise you.

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I am really uncomfortable about members of the public submitting dash cam footage for prosecution. NWP are really keen and have promoted it.


My problem is the lack of context, dash cam warriors seeking out incidents and bottom line treating Joe Bloggs and his dashcam as a replacement for trained coppers. Also who is it analysing the footage? Is that a copper behind a desk?


I'd like to know how long before & after the submitted 'crime' the police require. How often do you see stuff where someone is a tard & someone else has to do something that'd look dodgy on it's own to avoid them?

I still say dashcams today are like hats in the 90s, the sign of a driver to avoid.


Came home from work to find someone parked in my drive. Not across it, but on it. Couldn't even access my garage as she was parked so close.


As a result myself and Mrs P had to park on the street risking the wrath of traffic wardens.


When the owner came back, no apology or explanation. Just got in and drove off while I remonstrated with her about it.


The grump - Mrs P has the arse with me for shouting! Apparently it's not becoming. Wonder if she would feel the same if our cars had been ticketed??


And put For Sale signs on it. Preferably for a particularly derisory amount.

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Let their tyres down or padlock your gates shut & refuse to open them until the fee on the sign (that you just put up) is paid.


Oh & report it as dumped to plod, if you can get the fuel cap off it has to be removed within 24hours if it stays that long.


Or order a couple of tonnes of gravel to be left on the drive.

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Upstairs putting the kids to bed I hear a crash from the kitchen. Calling downstairs to ask if she's OK, she said she is, but my Tigger mug isn't...


Ive had that mug since I was 15...its nice and big... Tea doesn't taste the same without it. It's got a fucking ace patina that you only get from 14 years of tea and coffee with only a rinse inbetween... Holding it together for the children's sake but I'm welling up inside...


Remove the numberplates, and replace them back on the car with blutac. (tip for next time)


I read recently that if you touch the car it's criminal damage and they can sue you! I wonder what the law would say about locking your gates with the car in place?


For those who struggle, like the bell end in the blue A class this lunch time on Eastern road A27 roundabout.

The left hand lane on a roundabout is not for turning right!! It's even marked on the surrounding roadsigns and big fuck off white arrows on the road surface. How fucking hard is this!?

Oh, wait.

You knew what you were doing because your an impatient cunt and consider yourself above waiting in the queue like everyone else in the right lane so used the left lane and cut across in front of my van! WANKER!

I was so close to hitting this utter dick my heart was in my mouth for a moment! Why are there never any police around?

The funny thing is this twat is local and drives a very distinctive car, it's not the first time I've seen him doing such manoeuvres either.

Someone did that to me on th way home this evening. Mini roundabout I'm turning right, car behind accelerates hard behind me in the left hand lane and drives straight onto the roundabout ( nearly hitting a car coming from the right which I was slowing for). Didn't indicate and turns right.


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That's just WTF. Should have blocked them in.



Someone I  know did just that. Lived near a school and some ignorant bint parked their Corsa on their drive whilst they went and fetched their brats. There were cars everywhere and as soon as the one outside their house moved, he parked his tatty old SWB Sprinter right outside, blocking the drive. It was a Friday and he didn't move it for three days. 


Why are there never any police around?



Because road policing is achieved exclusively by Gatso and ANPR nowadays.


Were I not of a generally law-abiding disposition, I am confident that I could get away with riding any untaxed, uninsured and un-MOT'd heap on my commute here in the sticks. I haven't seen a cop car in over 12 months of doing it, and I dare say I never will.

  • Like 2

For those who struggle, like the bell end in the blue A class this lunch time on Eastern road A27 roundabout.


The left hand lane on a roundabout is not for turning right!! It's even marked on the surrounding roadsigns and big fuck off white arrows on the road surface. How fucking hard is this!?


Oh, wait.


You knew what you were doing because your an impatient cunt and consider yourself above waiting in the queue like everyone else in the right lane so used the left lane and cut across in front of my van! WANKER!



I was so close to hitting this utter dick my heart was in my mouth for a moment! Why are there never any police around?

The funny thing is this twat is local and drives a very distinctive car, it's not the first time I've seen him doing such manoeuvres either.

I can better that round here they get in the right hand lane then turn left.

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Came home from work to find someone parked in my drive. Not across it, but on it. Couldn't even access my garage as she was parked so close.


As a result myself and Mrs P had to park on the street risking the wrath of traffic wardens.


When the owner came back, no apology or explanation. Just got in and drove off while I remonstrated with her about it.


The grump - Mrs P has the arse with me for shouting! Apparently it's not becoming. Wonder if she would feel the same if our cars had been ticketed??


Had that been my driveway the cheeky fucker would have returned to find her car sitting on its hubs.


Had that been my driveway the cheeky fucker would have returned to find her car sitting in the middle of the road with a police aware sticker on or already being towed from said road


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have left the laptop-a-ma-bob at home so am trying to read and post on forum using the mobile instead

which is crap as i can hardly see the friggin' screen



have left the laptop-a-ma-bob at home so am trying to read and post on forum using the mobile instead

which is crap as i can hardly see the friggin' screen



Is this any better, Jo...?



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