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V**hall Carlton 2.3TD. Insurance finally sorted!


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Usually my comute to work is boring and miserable, especially in winter. All of 4 miles doesnt even get the old girl warm. But yesterdays antics saw an audi Q7 side swipe me when he realised he was in the wrong lane and was too lazy to go back round the roundabout.


Now, I know this community is vast, and wide..... Ive found a drivers door in silver, but he doesnt have the rear. Has anyone seen or heard of anyone breaking/or a carlton in a scrappy thats silver? if need be, I'll get the door painted if its the wrong colour. Insurance have been informed due to the ill temper he had when we stopped... and the fact that he thought i was in the wrong when actually, I was right. (dash cams, i recommend them)


And yes, my old chod has been injured...... but she will live on!


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Carlton in a scrappy is wildly optimistic. You'll need to trawl specialised forums and Facebook groups to find what you want, or failing that, get what you have fixed. 

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What an arsehole. White Audi and angry... probably coked off his tits after a euphoric night celebrating another successful year selling double glazing or something. Hopefully you’ll find a decent used door, have you tried the owners club?

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I’ll be picking that silver door up sometime soon, he doesn’t have a rear door in silver and blue one he’s breaking is rotten. Rear door might be saveable but the trim is toast. Going a body shop tomorrow to see how much it’s gonna cost.


He followed me onto the dual carriageway and off at the next junction as it wasn’t safe to stop. He immediately blamed me, I blamed him etc etc.... I got his reg plate on camera then he drove off without giving me any details. Nearly ran me over too. Twat. Been over the footage and he’s 100% in the wrong lane.

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Rang the po po and they weren’t interested because I’d got his rego on camera. He’ll be pissed when my insurance gets a hold of him. More gutted about my chod really. She’s a lovely land yacht and deserves an easy life.

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That shows how much more useless plod have got. Years ago I got rammed by a moron, I reported that, along with is reg. Along with destroying his car by driving under a Land Rover he got done for failure to stop.

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What a depressing but predictable story. Minor bump/scrape on a busy road while commuting. Pretty mundane event, we live in a civilised country so swap details and let the insurance company deal with it. Yet your supposedly random fellow motorist gives you a load of verbal, flicks the v’s and roars off without giving you any details. To my increasingly cynical 43-yr old mind, that’s just modern Britain for you. Arrogant entitled ignorant gobshites shitting all over everything around them, plus an element of general unnecessary anger and of course the ubiquitous traffic congestion. Rude, angry people & traffic jams. Br***t Britain 2018 guys.


I think I’d just keep my eye open for a new bit of placca trim and do my best on the rest with rubbing compound etc rather than ring the insurance company, you just know when they finally catch up with him and he denies it all, it will turn into months of bickering, denial and delaying for a possible £500 (minus your excess) payout.

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What a depressing but predictable story. Minor bump/scrape on a busy road while commuting. Pretty mundane event, we live in a civilised country so swap details and let the insurance company deal with it. Yet your supposedly random fellow motorist gives you a load of verbal, flicks the v’s and roars off without giving you any details. To my increasingly cynical 43-yr old mind, that’s just modern Britain for you. Arrogant entitled ignorant gobshites shitting all over everything around them, plus an element of general unnecessary anger and of course the ubiquitous traffic congestion. Rude, angry people & traffic jams. Br***t Britain 2018 guys.

^^^ It's not universal.. fortunately. Mrs Squirrel was involved in a minor bump in Narberth recently; got swiped by a chap in his van when she was stationary and waiting to enter a car park. He admitted responsibility and couldn’t have been nicer about it. As the damage was minor we had no wish to involve our insurance, which he agreed to. I bought new rear lamp unit and paint to do some sort of repair to Mrs S’s elderly Aldi A3 and got a direct reimbursement from Mr silver van. His repairs were going to be a lot, lot more expensive.



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Arrogant entitled ignorant gobshites shitting all over everything around them, plus an element of general unnecessary anger.

You’ve met this guy before then?


Had he held his hands up and apologised, offered to pay for his mistake I’d be fitting a second hand set of doors and billing him for the paint if need be. But because he turned into a weapons grade bell end I’ll let insurance do the work.

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A few years ago I reversed into a Navara in a service station and damaged the bumper quite badly. Went in to find the owner, spoke to them and they had just been to get their 3-year old daughter out of hospital.


Needless to say I felt fucking awful and offered to pay for the damage. Gave them my details, etc. and apologised.


Never heard from them. I suspect because I was nice about it. I’ve adopted that policy ever since...


Anyhow. Sorry about the door. Hope it’s not too expensive to fix.

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Insurance have been informed due to the ill temper he had when we stopped... and the fact that he thought i was in the wrong when actually, I was right. (dash cams, i recommend them)


An ill tempered Audi 'blobbymobile' driver - quelle surprise. ;)

Good luck sorting it out. Hope the Audiot pays dearly for this and the Carlton is repaired soon.


Police seem more interested in going after people who call others derogatory names on social media these days. British Policing is losing the plot big time.

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J t Wade salvage nr Warrington had a white Carlton estate in a while back , he will likely still have it but sit down when u ask for a price ! They usually have awesome chod in there and almost worth a day out

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The police won’t be interested in this you can guarantee that.

The police have already said that because the reg number was captured it can go straight to insurance. They haven't really got anything TO do in this case as he stopped.
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The police have already said that because the reg number was captured it can go straight to insurance. They haven't really got anything TO do in this case as he stopped.

And in the unfortunate scenario where the reg plate hadn’t been gotten, they may have been interested....but what good they’d do with no details is beyond thinking about. Wouldn’t get anywhere.

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Swearing at someone while they get your reg number on a dashcam does not count as providing details. If he didn't give them to you, he's got 24 hours to report the accident at a police station or he's committed an offence.




The police bloody well should investigate. If they fail to they're not doing their jobs and you should complain. Even if the geezer only gets 5 points and a fine, that's far more of a fuck you than just losing his NCB, and one he would richly deserve.

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Got to say lads as someone who knows people in the job at differant levels, quite often there just isn't the man power these days to deal with everything. Online crime is easier to police because the evidence, ip addresses and such is clearly there so the same staffing levels aren't needed.

I know politics is banned but at the risk of being moderated, as a nation we support cuts to the police force (amongst other cuts) and didn't make much of a fuss. Unfortunately now we're reaping the benefits

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I have seen the guy who bumped into Steve in the past around the local area in his Audi I recognise the plate which he sent me a pic of, was driving like a dick then as well to be fair

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I used to think it was because most folk lease cars now. They don't own them so aren't arsed about them so drive like dicks. When you look at the penalties for damage etc on leases though my argument collapses. Maybe folk are just getting more selfish after all

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