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Shitefest 7th -9th June 2019


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I'll look to make it, I've got courses around the last two set of dates so they'll be more difficult but still possible. Just got to choose whether to take the 93 or the Prelude!

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I think a double mattress would fit in the back of the Saab...

I've had a double airbed blown up nicely in the laguna latch and zx hatch before at shitefests. It works well because it blows up into the contours of the interior and wedges itself in.


However then you fumble around for your phone at twat o'clock in the morning and pop the stopper out and loose half the air before you can refit it. And then can't blow the thing back up as you'll wake half the forum!

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I think a double mattress would fit in the back of the Saab...

I've blown up a double size air bed in the boot using the 12v socket in the rear. We were visiting family and didn't realise that the only pump we'd packed was a car one until we got there.


We didn't look like twats in the car park at all...

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I’ll prob be in my unshite Ducato cos it’s got a lovely bed in it . Might chuck the Ke175 in the back and do some greenlaning while I’m up there tho

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I've had a double airbed blown up nicely in the laguna latch and zx hatch before at shitefests. It works well because it blows up into the contours of the interior and wedges itself in.



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All dates work for me. There will be exquisite cocktails and rough sex, right? 

If you consider lager, cider and blackcurrant cordial to be a cocktail, then yes. 


On the other part, maybe, when you least expect it.

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All dates work for me. There will be exquisite cocktails and rough sex, right?

We'll swap your kj for swafega if that helps entice you?
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Got the ok from the boss to pop over for this,either with cheap flights or possible delivery either way....who knows


Sounds like a Cannock mission to get you a car to drive home, but obviously you won't find out what till you get to shitefest!

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I've an event that runs every few weeks that I try to get to in London, and so long as it doesn't clash (2019 calendar hasn't been published yet) I'm not aware of anything that clashes with the proposed dates.


Roughly 150 miles from here so eminently doable.


So...Activa, camper or Invacar...

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I've an event that runs every few weeks that I try to get to in London, and so long as it doesn't clash (2019 calendar hasn't been published yet) I'm not aware of anything that clashes with the proposed dates.


Roughly 150 miles from here so eminently doable.


So...Activa, camper or Invacar...


your other half in the Xantia, you in the camper, and ill trail behind in the invacar?  :mrgreen:

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your other half in the Xantia, you in the camper, and ill trail behind in the invacar?  :mrgreen:

Sadly he's off the road for at least a year given the fallout from his stroke.


Realistically likely to be between the van of (assuming I get it roadworthy) the Invacar. Van most likely if I'm going to be staying somewhere given how stressful I tend to find staying away unless it's somewhere I know.


I don't do tents...played that game in my youth and decided it wasn't for me!

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from what I understand due to the gearbox setup your not supposed to tow an invacar


(glad to see im not the only one doesn't do camping/tents, I went camping once when i was smaller, ended up freezing my tits off at 3AM in my dads car)

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Tent? Pah. I'm about 6" and I sleep comfortably on back seats, give me a camping mat, a pillow and some blankets/a sleeping bag, and I'm grand.


My only quandary will be Civic/416. Now I have an ideal two car do-it-all garage I don't see myself changing cars any time soon - and I'm not sure which I'd take, as neither has an upside. 
Probably the Civic as the space inside is a bit more flexible having folding seats.

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Tent? Pah. I'm about 6" and I sleep comfortably on back seats, give me a camping mat, a pillow and some blankets/a sleeping bag, and I'm grand.


My only quandary will be Civic/416. Now I have an ideal two car do-it-all garage I don't see myself changing cars any time soon - and I'm not sure which I'd take, as neither has an upside.

Probably the Civic as the space inside is a bit more flexible having folding seats.

We had a 5* hotel last year upon our arrival in sunny Scotland! Was grand

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