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The grumpy thread


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I'm currently attempting to fill in a job application and have got to that dreaded section, "List your three main areas for development".  The annoying thing is that I filled in a similar form some months ago and came up with some pretty decent answers for that section, but I can't for the buggery of me remember what they were. :angry:


Thats your first answer .. now for two more.. 

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Think I made the right decision handing in my notice last week.


First, they had given me all of 48 hours notice that I was going onto 12 hour shifts...


Which is itself unlawful, absent proper consultation.

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Which is itself unlawful, absent proper consultation.


What about when I started my day shift on a Tuesday they then told me I was on nights that same Thursday and Friday? That was a bit of a blow, considering I had plans for the Friday evening, which ended up going out the window.


Admittedly, it was more than 48 hours' notice of the shifts. They told me on Friday that I was be on 12 hour shifts the following Tuesday. Perhaps not unlawful, but still a bit crap.


None of the above was ever in writing, either.

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Sorry to see you've lost your bearings, but you've been a good partner. Even if I've repaired the tail out of your back twice already.







E iss wif da angles now

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Dear people towing trailers,



2) Don’t get angry with me when I tell you your lights don’t work when we pull up together at the traffic lights.

3) Remember you are towing a 4 meter long trailer when you’re merging in front of me and nearly clip my car.


People’s towing abilities should be tested and recorded on their licenses before they can use one.

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Been on the car hunt for months, a few tempters came up but nothing i was too set on.


Finally something that ticks the boxes came up


Of course, it's in Fife. (folk might well remember me saying why i don't buy cars from Fife.... because i can't, if you can actually get in touch with the seller, it usually results in a merry-go-round lasting days of trying to find out where the car is in Fife, only for the seller to not tell you and find ever more ridiculous ways of avoiding answers, often leading in you having to try and triangulate a rough area where it could be based on distances they've gave you from places it isn't), but seeing as little else has came up, i gave it a shot.


Emailed asking if it's still available and if so, could i have a location and when would be suitable to view?- no answer.

Texted to check availability- no answer.

Phoned- no answer.


Ok... so far, so usual, but at least i've avoided the whole "Fife mate" debacle.


2 days laters, email from seller, 4 words




Oh fuck off.

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I'm not even replying to this.




Maybe if he'd managed to fit a 'to' in the middle I'd entertain it but I really can't be bothered with goons.


At least he spelled it 'today' and not '2day' I guess?

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It's a Scottish thing, right?  :mellow:


A Fife thing,


Only place in Scotland it happens in my experience.


For folk down South, to put it into context, it's like seeing a car ad listed as "Birmingham"


Fine, cool, What part of Birmingham?


Birmingham mate


Can i have a post code?




What part of Birmingham? if i'm coming to view, at least a street name would be helpful....


Birmingham mate


Where in Birmingham though?


45 miles south of Stoke


I know, it's Birmingham, but WHERE IN BIRMINGHAM?


About 30 minutes from Coventry...


etc etc etc.


It's not even just a car selling thing, met plenty of folk from there too through work etc


"Where are you from?"




"Ah where abouts?


Oh, it's erm.... nearer the east coast of Fife


Easiest just to drop the conversation at that point.

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Fife is actually just made up.


It's all an in-joke for us Scottish people.


Even when you're in Fife, you're not really "in Fife".


You could walk up to someone anywhere in Fifa and ask "where am i?", They wouldn't tell you anything but "FIFE MATE".


Must be a fucking nightmare for the AA responding to breakdown calls from Fifers.... probably why they finally started to use mobile GPS location!

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Fucking pissed off. Went up my local COOP at about 6.30 tonight. Was in 10 minutes and came back to find all 4 wheel trims gone! Course nobody seen anything or any cctv.


Worse part is it's my Mums car as mine in the garage after it failed the Mot yesterday.


I hope the scum who did it get there car wrote off by a uninsured driver or it catches fire preferably with them in it.

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I really must stop trying to discuss things with stupid people, trying to get the FiL to see that just because a programme he saw about far right terrorists only showed one bomb doesn’t mean they are the good guys and that his view that anyone Irish is automatically a terrorist who should be shot on sight is perhaps a little unfair. I appreciate his army training has brainwashed him to some extent but terrorists are scum no matter what flag they claim allegiance to but trying to apologise for far right cunts who kill others is pathetic how ever you look at it. In the end I enjoyed a bottle of hop house 13 in the garden.

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^^^ kin 'ell. Bastards can't keep thier hands off anything. What car / wheel trims were they?

They were taken from a MK4 VW Golf TDI Estate. I'd only replaced one a month ago for them too.


Here a pic of the style we had. 15 inch in size. If anybody does have a decent set I'd be interested.






I'm just totally fed up at the minute. We can't seem to catch a break. There some rather difficult things we are dealing with privately in are family which have added alot of strain and upset for everyone.


So while this is not the worse thing to happen by a long way of late it just another kick in the teeth. I'm finding it hard not to feel bitter and angry about it all


It just seam's like we hitting a real low point in this country and nobody cares while the idiots and scum are taking over.

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They were taken from a MK4 VW Golf TDI Estate. I'd only replaced one a month ago for them too.

Here a pic of the style we had. 15 inch in size. If anybody does have a decent set I'd be interested.



I'm just totally fed up at the minute. We can't seem to catch a break. There some rather difficult things we are dealing with privately in are family which have added alot of strain and upset for everyone.

So while this is not the worse thing to happen by a long way of late it just another kick in the teeth. I'm finding it hard not to feel bitter and angry about it all

It just seam's like we hitting a real low point in this country and nobody cares while the idiots and scum are taking over.

Don’t let the bastards grind you down, the car still drives, you are all as you were before, they have a big karma punch on the way. Don’t let the little things get you, you are better than them.
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I really must stop trying to discuss things with stupid people, trying to get the FiL to see that just because a programme he saw about far right terrorists only showed one bomb doesn’t mean they are the good guys and that his view that anyone Irish is automatically a terrorist who should be shot on sight is perhaps a little unfair. I appreciate his army training has brainwashed him to some extent but terrorists are scum no matter what flag they claim allegiance to but trying to apologise for far right cunts who kill others is pathetic how ever you look at it. In the end I enjoyed a bottle of hop house 13 in the garden.

Nice to see that you had a bottle of Hop House as an antidote to the anti-Irish bias.


Like + eleventy.

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Don’t let the bastards grind you down, the car still drives, you are all as you were before, they have a big karma punch on the way. Don’t let the little things get you, you are better than them.

Thank's your right of course. I'm just feeling negative in general about things but it will pass.


I think I'll join you on drinking a beer tonight and I'll watch some Car related TV. Hopefully that will help make a start on restoring some good feelings.

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I've just had my renewal offer through from Adrian Flux.


1996 Xantia Activa.

Social & pleasure use only as I do not commute.

Manual boost controller and V6 spec brake upgrades declared.

7K/year limited mileage.

Parked off street.

Maxed out NCB.

Squeaky clean licence and history (last incident in 2006 and that was non fault).

Just me driving.







I think not!


Absolute robbing gits.  


They've removed the driving other vehicles provision as well just for giggles.


£300-400 looks to be the going rate based on sixty seconds looking just now.


Looking forward to telling them where to shove their renewal.

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Most quotes frtom AF have resulted in me laughing at the person at the other end of the phone. They seem genuinely dismayed that I feel their quotes are firmly embedded in the WTF region of ridiculous.


Sheefag: E iss wif da angles now


That just made me spaff my breakfast cereal over my work keyboard. Cheers :)

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Nice to see that you had a bottle of Hop House as an antidote to the anti-Irish bias.


Like + eleventy.

I occasional take copies of the guardian and private eye around to my Right wing Xenophobic in laws, and hide their Daily Mail.


I thank god that they are not on the internet.


At least they are not God bothering born again Christians like my own parents.

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My grump is that 

they have a big karma punch on the way

There is no such thing.


Looking forward to telling them where to shove their renewal.

They literally don't care.  You never get to speak to the right people, so you end up taking it out on the wrong person. 

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Last time I drove the 2CV in the pissing rain the indicators shorted out on the passenger side.


Today it’s pissing down rain


And I need to drive the 2CV


To its MoT.


Hoping it doesn’t happen today....

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There is no such thing.





Maybe not in a a god firing lightning way, but I am a firm believer in what goes around comes around. People who are arseholes generally have shit lives as people won’t bother with them. It may happen quickly or slowly but it usually does sooner or later.
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Last time I drove the 2CV in the pissing rain the indicators shorted out on the passenger side.


Today it’s pissing down rain


And I need to drive the 2CV


To its MoT.


Hoping it doesn’t happen today....


Isn't that what flip-up windows are for?!  :-D

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Last time I drove the 2CV in the pissing rain the indicators shorted out on the passenger side.


Today it’s pissing down rain


And I need to drive the 2CV


To its MoT.


Hoping it doesn’t happen today....

Find an mot station that only requires right turns to get there, or pretend you're driving an Audi/BMW (other stereotypes available) and don't use the indicators on the way. Hopefully there will be enough electric left that they work without shorting out. And give everything a squirt with WD40.

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Well I've discovered why my driver's side door speaker is making funky noises.
Focal brand, only been fitted since November last year.



She's done dickered.

Plan A, Mr eBay seller sends me a new one.

Plan b I cut that cable out and bodge in a new one.



Plan b is already started sssshh

Sent from my VFD 710 using Tapatalk

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Find an mot station that only requires right turns to get there, or pretend you're driving an Audi/BMW (other stereotypes available) and don't use the indicators on the way. Hopefully there will be enough electric left that they work without shorting out. And give everything a squirt with WD40.

Thankfully the rain desisted for a brief spell in time for me to get to the test station. Indicators were working fine when I left guv...

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