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Best and worst names for cars

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Not good or bad cars, but good or bad names


For me, Good:

Capri (obviously)








Astra Belmont

Golf (Rabbit is even worse)




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Jeez there is a face only a mother could love

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I mean Bora.


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Jeez there is a face only a mother could love


Nowt wrong with the name, though.   Edsel is as cool for a car as it was for a kid.   Lot better than Utopian Turtletop, anyway.  


My favourite car name is Zodiac.  Thank God Ford let it die on a big battlecruiser instead of a fucking baby van. 


I dislike all the made-up shit these days but particular venom is reserved for Qashqai.   Just where are the 'U's?   


Mokka is indeed derisory, too. 


Also not keen on anything where you have to say it in a foreign accent which makes you sound like a ponce in a wine commercial.   Good job I could never afford a Facel Vega Excellence.

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Anything that needs a lesson on how to say it, or deliberately doesn't follow normal phonetic rules to be awkward (or is a deliberate misspelling)

Xedos. Xantia. Xsara. Mokka. Captur. Kadjar. Kodiaq. Sharan. Tucson


Numbers that are meaningless - so most BMWs since the late 90s? 318s with 2.0 engines etc. Or Peugeot where they used to mean something but they just stopped increasing them at some point.


Names that are confusing to hear. Ford Kuga/Cougar always winds me up.


Nowt wrong with the name, though.   Edsel is as cool for a car as it was for a kid.   Lot better than Utopian Turtletop, anyway. 


It's probably a generational thing...


And I'm fairly certain that "Utopian Turtletop" is the model name of one of those completely bonkers Japanese kei cars :






Golf, Passat, Bora, Jetta, Vento, Scirocco, Lupo, Touran, Touareg, Polo, Up.


People's names. As above, Cressida & Cedric, and also Adam; nothing against other nouns, so Capri, Tuscon, Cortina, Malibu are fine, as are Mustang, Cactus, Cherry, Impala etc.


What really upsets me are cars who's names are adjectives. Probe, Maverick, Cavalier, Acclaim.


Commodore, Monaro, RX7


Qashqai, Juke, Bongo Frendee


Vauxhall Adam, what a stupid name for a car


for the good stuff


Jensen is awesome Interceptor gives wood


but I think the italians have it sewn up Quatroporte, Dino, Panda :) 365 GTB/4 etc

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Can I have the Chinese "Great Wall Wingle" for both please.....

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In fairness to 'Golf', it is the German word for the trade wind.  See Scirocco, Polo, etc.


Kia Soul is a bloody awful name for a car.


I forgot the Carisma, all the worse for being on a car complete devoid of it.


I prefer simple conservative names which still evoke the confidence and excellence of engineering of the time. Buick Viceroy, Humber Hawk, Standard Vanguard &c. Also the simple model designation by horsepower and/or cylinder count is good, i.e. Ford Eight, Vauxhall 25, Austin 12/4 &c. But then I am at least 50 years behind most things.


Cannot be doing with the atrocious names of today. Kia Cee'd ffs. Then you have the run of Nondescript i-34 DVT-CD 2.0 X3 Greenmotion.


Numbers are boring, but simple I suppose.


Dislikes are easier to think of.. Kuga. Cougar. KA. Adam, Zoe. Probe.


And I was proper irritated by XM and ZX when I was a kid, considering AX, BX and CX. And then I realised AX didn't even come first! And GS... What is that, how does that fit in?! Outrageous.


I agree about things like xantia and xsara.


Good question though.


I am struggling with names I like actually. Maybe numbers are more sensible and straightforward. But boring... Hmmm

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Lancias have pretty cool names. I will pick Lancias as my good choices.

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'STI' and 'STD' are unfortunate designations...










ETA Qashqai, Touareg, X1, X3, X5, Q5, Q7


In fairness to 'Golf', it is the German word for the trade wind. See Scirocco, Polo, etc.


Kia Soul is a bloody awful name for a car.

Aaah, but VW missed that memo and proceeded to come up with special editions and spinoffs based on the game with little balls rather than a wind.


Ryder. Caddy. Driver. Awful Jumper.

(One of those is a lie)

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'STI' and 'STD' are unfortunate designations...


If not the clap, that to me says Standard size crankshaft or cylinder bore. Though I very much doubt the intended buyers would know a crankshaft if they tripped over one.

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All car names are silly.


Names are for people and pets. Cars are machines and as such should have model numbers.


Numbers rock my world - 100, 25, 200, 400, 45, 600, 75, 800 (and all variations therein); 147, 156, 159. 1100, 1300, 15/60, 16/60 etc


Or just two letters : Ka, ZR/ZS/ZT.


'Bout time we had the Renault Um, maybe....


Bad : Streetwise. It wasn't hip in 2003, and certainly isn't now. 

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I always liked Zephyr, Zodiac, Victor, Cresta, Viva, Omega, Interceptor, Viper, Cobra, Cavalier. Old lorry & bus names were even better - Guy Invincible, AEC's Mammoth & Matador, Leyland Super Mastiff, atlantean, Titan. There aren't many modern car names I like.


Crap ones - Qashqai, Juke, Santa Fe, Musso, Cherry, Sunny, Matrix, most japanese car names throughout history and nearly any modern car name tbh.

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The good:

I’m with that long-faced Clarkson with the opinion that the force is strong with ‘Interceptor’.


The dire:

Picasso. Should have been called Faeces.

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