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300k ? That would need to be scrap money - must be worn smooth everywhere


My V70 was on 307k when the "incident" occurred.


The Maestro had shit tyres on it, so I splashed out on a set of new Michelin Energys. Then I sold it and bought the Royale. Which also had shit, perished old budget tyres on it, so yup, you guessed it, another brand new set of lovely Michelins were procured at great expense and fitted. They ride really nicely, sadly, the same cannot be said of the Rover which has Ying Yong ditchfinders (albeit with plenty of tread). It really doesn't grip the road very well at all for a 'modern' car and I've had a couple of hairy moments on slightly damp country lanes where the car's skidded and the ABS (I fucking hate ABS, never had a car with it before!) has started pulsing. But at the same time, it's a worthless old banger with a load of accident damage and 140k on the clock. Might be tempted by some part worns if I can find some of sufficient quality.


Not normally a fan of cheap shite tyres but the Rovellos on the front of the Mondeo are actually decent tyres, hold the road fine. Fitting some more on the back in due course.




Passed this on the way home from work this evening. That guy is winning at life.


Oh and Happy Xmas to all shitters!


I've fixed the bloody smoke alarm that goes off as soon as you look at the cooker.




One claw hammer later & the fucker is quiet for all time. At least I did something useful today & doing it cheered me up a bit.

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Mine doesn't like bacon being cooked, or eggs. or fried bread.

Pretty much a full English.


I would buy another one quick and fasten it some distance away from the cooker.

Or stop burning things.


It was at the far end of the house, but I leave the door open to hear the radio. It'd go off without burning anything.


When I rewire the house next year I'll have to put two mains powered ones in for the regs, but the breaker will be off most of the time.


If you put the right alarms in for the location you'll very rarely get false triggers, they've come a long way.

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If you put the right alarms in for the location you'll very rarely get false triggers, they've come a long way.


Er, any recommendations? We've not had a smoke alarm in the house for some years. Like since we moved in.. (we did have a CO alarm, but I'm not even sure where that is)


Embarrassingly, I've just got a handful of crap battery powered ones dotted about my house, so I just swear and waft a towel at the one in the kitchen every sunday afternoon when I open the oven to put the yorkshire puddings in.

Mates of mine are professionals in the game and fit heat detectors in kitchens and smoke detectors everywhere else and they just work without going off every time someone burns toast - they fit these things in big apartment blocks so a false trigger is a big deal!

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As said heat detector in the kitchen, ours has never gone off even when forgetting about grilling food (but does work), smoke detectors everywhere else, mains powered ones if you are re-wiring


We have these:




Expensive bloody things, we must have got them from ScottishPower or whoever the fuck we get our gas from as we certainly didn't pay for them. They're good mind, you control them from your phone.

The only thing is that the female voice they have is pretty unsettling when you aren't expecting it.


I don't get why everyone gets upset with smoke alarms, we have one fitted in the hallway (not even in the kitchen). When that goes off I know tea is ready, I can even hear it in the garage too, and so can the neighbours. Can't recommend em enough.


Knobbing about on a Facebook group about oddly specific interests today I found a post about numberplates of the world. 

Buried in the comments was a photo comment from some girl who appears to have taken custody of the late oldford's Sierra. I think she posted on here for a couple of weeks then disappeared some time last year.


I've just seen Vauxhall's new Grandland X. That's a bit of a wanky name, but it shows consistancy. My brother-in-law is on his second Antara. The first had lots of problems and the only way he could offload it was to chop it in for another, no way to carry on.


I avoided the aforementioned smoke alarm misery (and guts-ache) yesterday by having a salad. It wouldn't do for everyone but for the first time for years we had no visitors and could eat what we wanted. As a bonus I got to finish welding the doorskin on my Bedford van. I've used nearly 2 whole 8'x 4' sheets of steel on the bodywork so far, what the fuck was I thinking.


 As a bonus I got to finish welding the doorskin on my Bedford van. I've used nearly 2 whole 8'x 4' sheets of steel on the bodywork so far, what the fuck was I thinking.


You should've bought another sheet?

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You should've bought another sheet?

About half a square metre left; 2 back doors, both front wings still to do. I'm off out to the shed.



Doors don't look too bad, mudguards look horrible.post-7547-0-39097800-1514286447_thumb.jpg

I'm noticing on Vauxhalls the flat bits last better than the bendy bits, funny that.

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My BTL (oh how Pistonheads am I) has mains powered interlinked smoke alarms + heat detector in the kitchen (as per law) and they seem very good - not a hint of a false alarm when cooking etc.


We have got the wired in smoke alarms in our house (6 years old now) and they are a fucking nightmare. If you leave the kitchen door open whilst using the grill it will set the one in the hall and the one at the top of the stairs off without any visable smoke at all. It really makes you want to rip the bugger out but one day they could save your life.


Most modern ones have a silence button that desensitizes them for 10 minutes or so and shuts them up. We have a pair of fireangel optical ones and don't go off anywhere near as much as our old ionising ones. Only gone off a couple times since having them - when I've been cooking and burnt stuff again ...

They also have a 10year battery, so you never have to change them. When the battery is flat, the alarm is at the end of it's life anyway (supposed to change them every 10yrs).


Our house has heat detectors downstairs (woodburner in the living room, cooker in the kitchen) and a smoke alarm at the top of the stairs. All linked in together and mains powered.


They've gone off once, when some cheese on toast was forgotten and caught fire. Could barely see at the top of the stairs.


No complaints!


Er, any recommendations? We've not had a smoke alarm in the house for some years. Like since we moved in.. (we did have a CO alarm, but I'm not even sure where that is)


For hard wired I recommend these:




For the kitchen these:




I've used loads of these and has been mentioned they have a life of 10 years and they take seconds to change as the base is fixed.


Cheaper prices are quite common. 

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