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The new news 24 thread

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Same here, the roads are now a thick white crust of salt with the occasional brine puddle.


I took eva up the m40 yesterday and it's white! She wondered what it was. We're a few hedgerows that we're thick with splashed ice from puddles was quite pretty, I had no one behind me so we could crawl last and look

My car actually looks very clean compared to others as I've not really been out this winter. It's growing green stuff though... 

9 minutes ago, Fumbler said:

Same here, the roads are now a thick white crust of salt with the occasional brine puddle.

It's not weather for driving something older or rust prone. 

That said I'm out in the Jimny as it's the only thing I can depend on. 


I needed a 501a bulb for the Daewoo indicator today, so I popped into a local high street motorspares place rather than defaulting to ecp/eBay. Nice chap in there, had the bulbs I needed on the shelf, I also bought a nice 1/4" ratchet and some silicone tube for bleeding brakes.

I will go back and use them again in future, didn't realise it was there. I notice he's also an agent for caarparts.co.uk so will try and order service stuff through him too

5 minutes ago, Spurious said:

It's not weather for driving something older or rust prone.

Oops! Definitely guilty of that.

5 minutes ago, Spurious said:

That said I'm out in the Jimny as it's the only thing I can depend on. 

Indeed, It'll rain tomorrow and some of next week apparently. It'll be good to wash that stuff down the drain and off my car.

24 minutes ago, Fumbler said:

Same here, the roads are now a thick white crust of salt with the occasional brine puddle.




  • Like 7
6 hours ago, Floatylight said:


I've met and spent time with at least three of the moderators and to me at least they appear to be some of the most considered, courteous,  friendly people I've ever met.  To be honest I've no idea why they would put themselves in the firing line for such vitriol from some around here, I for one certainly would never consider putting myself in the firing line.

As you were...

Forum moderation is as easy or hard as you want to make it. 

As most of you know I'm staff on www.thedarkwob.co.uk, with a strict constitution of only having narrow powers to "work the door" insofar as to approve new members and delete spam. When we elect any new mods, yes we're a functioning democracy, all new staff agree to stick by the constitution and never change anything without the general consent of the members. Nothing's perfect and even we've had personality clashes and the odd flounce but by and large it works well enough. AS and TDW are essentially two cheeks of the same arse with a common membership so I'm not posting this to gain members, after all whoever wants to post on there from here already does and most of the other shiters have a sock account on there just to confirm to themselves that we are the only old car forum approved by The Daily Stormer. 

On the other hand I also used to moderate a Facebook page for bikers wanting to meet up with pillion passengers for rides out. We had over a thousand members and the problems I had to deal with were a nightmare! As you can imagine most of the riders were male and most of the pillys were female. I had to deal with countless reports of sexual harassment and have been forwarded more unsolicited cock pics from ladies unimpressed my a riders "overenthusiastic" chat up routine!

Eleven years ago when I first joined Autoshite there was a nucleus of Cavette (as he was called then), Bollox, Hirst and Pogweasel. All of them were entertaining posters who kept the forum moving along with quality car posts injected with real laugh out loud humour. It's a real shame that only one of them remains here now. I do understand that a forum is essentially an organic and evolving medium that changes to reflect the views of its current membership but maybe our new members should use the search function and read what was posted here between 2010 and 2015 to see what the Autoshite DNA is really like. Even in our unmoderated days things were far from perfect, EccentricRichard, a lad clearly on the autistic spectrum got hounded out. On the other hand mikey the porn star with his Audi R8 with its PU51DRY vanity plate deserved to get the flaming he received. 

Do I agree with what Mr Bollox said in the post that got him put on the naughty step? No! I totally disagreed with what he said but I respect his right to be able to say it without being censored!  We had a long running Scottish Independence thread on the lead up to the 2014 vote north of the border where tempers got frayed and some pretty strong opinions were voiced but at the end of the day nobody fell out over it!

Anyway, enough of my rambling, I'm off to update my taxi thread because as a customer pointed out to me earlier, it is my anniversary back on the taxis. 


Hugs and kisses.

Warren T Claim xxx 


Perhaps a rethink of the moderation aspect of the forum would encourage former posters / dark wob persons to return?




Wow... I’ve only just caught up with all this, and I don’t think there’s much more I can add really.

I took a break from the forum to focus on other stuff before modgate kicked off, so I don’t really have any memory of it, but I do remember that when I came back early last year I did notice that a lot of the frequent posters I could remember were gone. Seeing bollox go is a real shame; his writing style and threads were some of my  favourites and knowing there won’t be any more horse box updates is gutting. I wouldn’t consider myself to be a particularly big contributor to this forum and I still see myself as a bit of newbie, so I don’t have any way of keeping in touch with bollox, nor any of the other members that left while I was gone, whose posts I used to enjoy reading.

I’ve always tried to steer clear of making any political posts. At the end of the day I’m here to look at and talk about old cars, but that doesn’t mean I’m against others having those discussions, even if they differ from my own views or occasionally leak into threads about cars. We’re all adults here, so hopefully we’re all capable of talking about these things and accepting that we can’t always agree on everything. The diversity and range of opinions and interests is what makes this place special, and it seems a shame to lose that.


Any forum that loses such an aluminus as @Magnificent Rustbucket needs to take a long, hard look at itself. Never met him, but he strikes me as a level headed and reasonable human being and he decided a line had been crossed.

1 hour ago, DodgyBastard said:




I did laugh at the Chevette video yesterday, it wouldn't get anywhere in the snow! 



the fucking boot doesn't open on the Touran now and I think the  battery is coming to the end of its days. Time to actively look for another Galaxy now.

7 minutes ago, Cavcraft said:


the fucking boot doesn't open on the Touran now and I think the  battery is coming to the end of its days. Time to actively look for another Galaxy now.

Get an Alhambra, apparently they are better.


In rather a turn around from last week's posts, the Clio is the only one of the fleet that I can currently use! (It had to have a new battery last week)

Stepway - Brake light switch broken, should be sorted on Monday

Moped -  Suffered an FTP last week, haven't got around to that yet, as I've been "promoted" to van driver at work, so I've been bringing the van home.

2cv  - working, (albeit leaking oil quite badly) but stuck behind scaffholding (still) at my parents house.


Good job that we can't go anywhere anyway!


Not sure what it says about my reputation, but somebody nearby has bought a mk2 Cavalier convertible, and it seems everyone on the street seems to automatically think it must be mine.


Oh, so maybe there's a buildup of condensation in the spare wheel well again that's dripping out... Useful to have a pointer...



I thought I had thrown out all my old Popular Classics magazines but I found a small batch when I was moving some things in the garage  last week. I had every issue from January 1990 until the final issue in July 1996. Someone who was once on here and shall remain nameless, failed to turn up and collect them for free after I had spent several evenings sorting them all out into years so the whole lot went in the bin. Sadly there weren't any of the early white cover issues left, just some glossier ones from 1992. At the time I loved classic cars,  mainly due to my inherited Dinky and Corgi collection from the 1950s and 1960s. And I loved that magazine. I've moved on a bit since then and so has the car scene so it's all good but I'm glad a few have been saved including the final edition. 

  • Like 4
On 07/02/2021 at 17:28, Craig the Princess said:

Driving back from work on Friday, at dropping my phone and smashing the screen to bits, they Multipla was reluctant to go into 5th.

Then extremely reluctant to leave 5th. Drove home like Michael Schumacher did that time he won a race stuck in 5th and left it until today.


The black arm at the top is meant to be attached to the grey ball just below it (above the green painted bolt on the left).

The arm was attached by the last scrap of metal and came off in my hand mate.


Secondhand replacement found on eBay for £33

Replacement part fitted in about 20 minutes earlier. Gear change feels better than ever which suggests the failure has been coming for quite a while.

  • Like 2
2 hours ago, Tim_E said:

I done fixed something


I see no repair...  #seamless  😃

  • Haha 2

Wife advised the Mazda has stopped ‘that screeching noise from cold’ also reported battery light came on coming home from shop.

bonnet inspection reveals an aux belt has gone walkies for the second time on this car albeit a year apart.

Wonder if there’s a wobble in a bearing somewhere?

currently in a taxi to liberate old mans spare Mazda 3 so we’re still mobile.

  • Like 1

Crankshaft pulley - is it a two part damper type where the rubber is disintegrating?

On 2/13/2021 at 1:08 AM, wuvvum said:

The new flasher relay I ordered turned up, but although the terminals are in the right places they're all the wrong way round so it doesn't work.  It seems Iveco decided to use a different pin layout to literally everyone else, and the correct relays are almost impossible to find.  The original relay is working again now after I took it apart and wiggled bits around, so I'm hoping it'll last a bit longer.

Do you have the set of tools for removing connector terminals? Could reconfigure it to something standardised.


Took the plug out of the Lexmoto this afternoon, it was pretty shit looking so wire brushed it up and tried resting it on the engine, getting some power to the battery and seeing what happened. Nothing. Spare plug in my tool box. Nothing.  Then I remembered the side stand was down and tried again, nice spark. Put it back in and it ran, although it clearly needs a new plug, the bike to be ticking over and then a short run to hopefully see it running well.

One of the brakes was sticking, so tapped the calipers gently and it's a bit better now.

  • Like 2
32 minutes ago, Cavcraft said:

...so tapped the calipers gently...



  • Haha 3


At least not too difficult to change.. 


  • Sad 3
33 minutes ago, chaseracer said:





It is deeply disappointing but should come as no surprise to me that this is all you have to say and that the preceding pages laced with criticism of the moderation on Autoshite are once again dismissed with silence. It is not a tantrum by children. It is reasoned criticism by adult members who are supposedly respected members here. Many have been members here for a long time and from long before you appointed yourselves to control us. Or that is,  what's left of them, the ones you haven't yet driven away. Yet we are it seems worthy of nothing. No response. No respect. Just high-handed dismissal from 'teacher'. The silence is stark. 

It's the arrogance which triggers me. It's breathtaking. I am  lucky enough that in daily life I have not been bullied and have always been treated with respect by those around me. That is what makes the behaviour of the moderating team all the more stark. Maybe if I had endured bad managers I would be more inured to it but being treated as a feeble-minded, grubby little child unworthy of consideration or explanation when the law is laid down by my self-styled 'betters' is very difficult for me to accept with the 'simple shrug, head downcast and move on' I am expected - nay required - to manage in order to remain a 'valued' member here. Finally I grasp that I am done contributing to Autoshite. Fondness of what is was has left me blinkered to the reality that it will never recover its vitality, its colourfulness or its eccentric uniqueness. Most of its characters have gone or mostly lurk. Doesn't that tell you something or are you too sure of your own virtue to notice or care? Is your crusade so important it is worth killing the forum for? Maybe you think it is. Because that is what you are doing. 

The period since the moderation team appointed themselves has been disastrous for Autoshite. The forum staggers from one moderator-driven fiasco to the next.  I had drifted back here in the hope that something has been learned and that the situation may have improved. But nothing has. The forum I loved is dead and you Chaseracer and your clique have killed it for me. It is an achievement indeed to bring such an emotional response from one so phlegmatic as me, but by God you have managed it.

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