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HMC- new-Triumph Acclaim


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I had similar problems with my kids leaving the interior light on in my OH’s Tucson, like yours it was one of the few cars that doesn’t seem to connect the interior light to a timer or the ignition. I just swapped the bulb for an led one, then even if they did leave it on it didn’t stop it starting the next day and as a bonus it was a lot brighter. 

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We got back late last night, the ml55 making short work of the homeward leg. 

I believe in positive feedback as people love to moan and are much less likely to relay good experiences so I got my happy face keyboard warrior skills to use…..


Back home I also read up on the ml55 in the 350 or so back issues of car I managed to collect on our holiday. It turns out they thought it was shit, and one of  the worst new cars launched that year. I see their point but the very issues they had with it are what become character in an older car. Probably (?) Anyway it’s a stupid car but an enjoyable steer in a perverse way.




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  • HMC changed the title to HMC new - Home in a chocolate teapot

Bought some £5 headlamp paste gloop which worked ok. I’ve only done one, mind. Lazy! They are xenon lights which presumably when they go wrong will be another potentially costly bork.



I also need to get around to fitting the replacement rad but it only really leaks on a long run, of which a run to get a pizza is not one of them. 


I like the rear 3/4 view on these. For a moment I thought the hydropneumatic suspension had collapsed at the back, but it’s just how it’s sitting on the kerb. 

That’s the life of a pound shop CL owner, on alert for impending implosions.



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  • HMC changed the title to HMC new - krusty koupe headlamps


Tokyo chic vs Baltic chic. We took some Ukrainian refugees up onto Dartmoor in the elgrand and Krusty Coupe. The climb caused the leaky merc rad to do a wee. A chap in the saab next door asked if I needed some water. No thanks, but maybe a beer?

What was said in Ukrainian  about steam coming out from under the bonnet was beyond my translation skills.

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  • HMC changed the title to HMC new - krusty koupe Koolant krisis
5 hours ago, HMC said:


Tokyo chic vs Baltic chic. We took some Ukrainian refugees up onto Dartmoor in the elgrand and Krusty Coupe. The climb caused the leaky merc rad to do a wee. A chap in the saab next door asked if I needed some water. No thanks, but maybe a beer?

What was said in Ukrainian  about steam coming out from under the bonnet was beyond my translation skills.

Did you leave them there?

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  • HMC changed the title to HMC new - Live coupe collection

I had a nice trip back, 3.2 v6 and the DSG gearbox. This did give me the fear but for the money I decided it was worth the risk (so cheap the guy recons he would have made more breaking it) apparently people like to put the 3.2 into caddys and the  front bumper can fetch £300.

Anyway although it’s got a few scuffs it’s still fairly tidy, and had avoided being a parts donor. 

It’s quick, sounds good, the a/c is ice cold and it was fun over Dartmoor on the way back.





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That looks good for 18 years old.

They aren't a 'sports car' but still a very nice thing. My wife had a 3.2 mnaual as a daily a few years back. Dash-pod, ABS sensor, sticky flap in the HVAC and an issue with a 10mm drop on the driver's side window. Nothing else beyond fluids, filters, discs and pads. Still have the big offset spanner for the haldex filter...... somewhere.

Driver's view was a bit like driving a letterbox.


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2 minutes ago, Garythesnail said:

That looks good for 18 years old.

They aren't a 'sports car' but still a very nice thing. My wife had a 3.2 mnaual as a daily a few years back. Dash-pod, ABS sensor, sticky flap in the HVAC and an issue with a 10mm drop on the driver's side window. Nothing else beyond fluids, filters, discs and pads. Still have the big offset spanner for the haldex filter...... somewhere.

Driver's view was a bit like driving a letterbox.


I would have preferred a straight manual, agreed re the view, like driving through a slit in the roof!


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