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Great number plates - got any?


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  • 5 weeks later...

Saw a good one yesterday. I was in Lincolnshire near Boston, and saw a convertible of some sort waiting to turn at a  T junction. The registration was L1NCS.


Also, last week I saw a Range Rover in Leigh on Sea that had the registration F11THY (filthy). So D1RTY and F11THY are both running around Southend, no surprise really.

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Guest bangerfan101

saw a mondeo with ye51dog on m1 a while back . unfortunatly it was been driven by a fat bloke tho

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Trigger drives a yellow Bini ragtop


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saw M155 PVC this morning....didn't get a chance to see the driver though.


We had a Rangie come into work last week with DEL 80Y


IIRC, DEL 80Y was once on a Mercedes-Benz meat lorry I used to see at South Ockendon market in the early-mid 2000s. It had some really good airbrushed images of Only Fools and Horses characters on it :)

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I end up driving past this house a few times a year - but last time (about a month ago) it was a different motor sitting outside, with neither of those plates. Shame - it used to make me smile each time I saw these two next to each other.

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I have a car with the plate


D133 CKS


...which one of the previous several owners must have paid actual money for. But for the life of me I can't work out what it's supposed to say

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Not into this whole 'private plate' crap (DVLA money making scheme) but after hearing the words in a song, I've since really wanted  RUB 815 H


Appropriate here?



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Soz no pic but I spotted MR55COT spaced as MRS SCOT which I thought was quite cool. Unfortunately it was on an Audi RS of the third quarter which isn't so cool.

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PU51RUB was a guy from VZi forum. He seemed to like rubbing people up the wrong way. I think either he or his mate owned a moped with V4DGE on it.

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Inspired by the LORRY plate spotted above, I wonder how much 50RRY would be.  I'd like that plate.



I think it's owned by Timothy Lumsden.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Over here, if it's 6 characters or less, hasn't been nabbed by someone else already and isn't deemed too obscene, you can have whatever you like on a number plate. There's some right horrors going about which seemingly make no sense to anyone but the owner but there's also some quite good ones, too.


Seen a Land Cruiser with BOLLOX plate


A local Land Cruiser Colorado with SHART 


And a Prius I saw the other day, registered TODGER


Maybe it's just modern Toyota drivers trying to inject a bit of interest in to their dull motors? Apparently the rules were a bit more lax back in the day, hence the above examples, I guess. Anyway, If you've got some time to waste, try and see how creative you can be with acceptable swear words and other rude statements at: http://plates.co.nz

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