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Great number plates - got any?

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Spotted V12GYN and J11LJE this morning, both with totally illegally spaced plates to read "VIRGYN" and "JULIE" respectively. Not so much great, but utterly shite! I love living in Essex :roll:


I have been meaning to post this for a while, no pic, but the local RBS mobile bank, has "1 RBS" on a transit. A quick google reveals they paid £3400 for it in 1993.

  • 1 month later...


They've had that plate for years now, just move it onto newer vans.


UPU 20K now on a Disco but when I saw it on a Aston in the Blackwall Tunnel it was spaced UP U 2 OK


I got '1600GT' after a few false starts - it's screwed onto a Rover 75, and the pic was in my spot thread. Must be worth a bob or two to the right person? I.E., someone with an Alfa/Lancia/Ford and more money than sense!

Still to get, is a silver Rangie with 'LE55 XXX' on its' plate. Now, I wondered; is this an anti-porn campaigner, or someone who made enough money selling cut-price porn, to buy the car and the plate? One wonders...


F4 RTA - on a modern white van in Wokingham. Next time I'll have a camera...

  • 2 months later...

Another one from my London pics:




Ive got a pic somewhere of a new Black Range Rover sport with something like 'O8' as a plate too.


1 IA is around here somewhere, last time I saw it was on a 3 Series Compact, and 2 IA on a Bini. There was a giffer-owned Lada Riva in these parts too, the reg ended in "KGB".

1 IA is around here somewhere, last time I saw it was on a 3 Series Compact, and 2 IA on a Bini


Hmmm, that reminds me of a pic I came across a while back:





'A1' is now on a 2007 1.6 BINI Cooper S Auto :|


The above pic was taken around 1991/92 or thereabouts.


Would love to stick a 2 or 3 digit plate on any of my Sterlings for that 'old money' look.

  • 2 weeks later...

My Volvo wears K296LES which is the number issued to it when it was new. Not that special but I suppose its ok if you're named Les.. I've had a few online valuations which place it somewhere between £600 - £1000 so not bad for a car I paid £800 for...


Seen recently on an Astra, FF5 4 COF (spaced that way, took me a while to get it!).


My 190 currently wears B6 KLD. A nice little bonus as the previous owner was going to remove it before I picked the car up. Been valued at £550, which is what I bought the car for, so in effect a free Merc!


a lass at work has LES 80 on her TT and yes she does bat for the other side, as it were

  • 2 weeks later...

Spotted SH17 on a BMW 3 series tonight. It made me laugh, but it should be on a Vectra.


No picture (I'll get one next time I see it) but someone nearby has MY57ERY on their car which is stickered up for murder mystery weekends.


My good lady is called Fiona; for many years I wondered if the reg F1 ONA was knocking around, last weekend we were in London, just arrived walking out of Euston station and a blue Maserati; F1 ONA drove past us, and turned into Upper Woburn place with a serious looking Arabic gentleman at the wheel,

(was tempted to comment to my nearest and dearest that the resemblance was more than a passing one but thought better of it as21st century metrosexual I try to be rather than the insensitive chauvinist that insists on having his say occasionally)


There is/was a Merc C180 (or similar but I think it was pretty base spec) with E1ONA with a 'cunningly' placed screw over the lower part of the E to make it look like an F knocking around Glasgow a few years back - I had to look twice as it really did look like an F and this was before the DVLA released the personalised F plates for sale.


There is a Black Range Rover always parked in Bearwood with the plate: BA11FFS, the first '1' manipulated to make it look like an 'i' hence making it look like 'Bailiffs'


Of course the day I spotted it, I just had to have forgotton my phone at home. Shite and great things to spot always appear when you 'forget' your phone :evil:


I've just seen G 500G pass me in the opposite direction. Didn't even have chance to notice what it was on!! Something annonymously modern and silver. Must mean something to somebody!


Saw a good one today - ATV5 on a Merc van belonging to a quad bike dealer.


Not a select plate but a normal issue made into words, I've seen a Fiesta KS05 AFE with the plates spaced as K SO SAFE.


I saw 1F on a Focus driving up the M6 a week or so back...must be worth a few quid.






on one of those 4wd Mercedes used for taking the kids to school in. It was huge.


Followed a V8 Esprit thro' Kirkcaldy today, with '81 NGO' on it. Seemed to be incapable of pulling away with less than 2000rpm up. :roll:

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