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Dollywobbler's Dead Rover 600 - Replacement sorted


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13 minutes to go, and I'm choosing my moment. Don't want to leave it too late. Do I bid low or go straight to what I'll pay? Hmmm.


If this falls through, then option two is still quite nice (the Ti).

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£200 and five minutes to go? This is better than the whole Olympics put together*. By far. I'm going watch the auction, live.


Apart from the ropey arch, that's flipping lovely.


*in all honesty, I don't like sport much

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Or drive the colt to me I will take you to Oxford. After I have test drive the colt for a bit I will store it in the field of dreams while you sell it, if you like?


Kind offer, but I've booked the train now. It was only £37.



Or if you can get to Chris's for tomorrow by 7am I could run you up to wycombe for Marylebone or Maidenhead for Paddington... Ill be at work otherwise


Ha! You're funny! That would mean leaving in a few hours' time. 

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I very narrowly bought a 618i a few years ago. I had my Puma for sale and had no biters, and saw it - reasonably priced in that lovely nightfire red, red key still in the packet, rover touch up pen, and low mileage with a full ticket.


I finally sold the Puma and headed straight for the garage, but it had sold. I was truly gutted. I bought my 75 in retaliation and enjoyed that instead.


Now you've reminded me of how much I like these, damn you!

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I would seriously recommend that someone nabs that £500 Ti on Gumtree. That's a hell of a car for the money I reckon. 


It's afukin steal, don't recall seeing one come up in halfway decent shape for a year or two.  

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Top biddage :) The only experience I have of 600s is an old work mate had one. He had it forever. It was a diesel and sounded absolutely bloody appalling, like a proper old fashioned diesel should. He must have had it for a good ten years plus with absolutely no bother then his wife started the nagging and he got rid and bought a new car. Within a week they both wanted the old 600 back but the dealer had sold it.


He was gutted....

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