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Dumped cars in your area

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27446335704_e891ca557f_c.jpgDSC_0980 by srblythe, on Flickr


28026125966_913a5e230a_c.jpgDSC_0979 by srblythe, on Flickr


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28026170166_2552c1732c_c.jpgDSC_0963 by srblythe, on Flickr


I spotted this on a flickr contacts photostream so thought I'd have a look myself, it was a used car dealership, the building is open and there's nobody home.


this was the most interesting car in the place...


28026139736_76ed4ce2b1_c.jpgDSC_0977 by srblythe, on Flickr


28026132826_a0ba3cf859_c.jpgDSC_0978 by srblythe, on Flickr


I'd love to find out what the story behind it is.

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Left on a rough industrial estate in Northfleet nature slowly taking it over.

Hmmm, could do with some bits and bobs for my E46... ;):lol:


The A42 has another guest, southbound near the M1 in a layby. Drove past early last week and there was a corsa C with the bonnet up and the AA in attendance, the next day it was still there, minus every window and plus 4 flat tyres. Odd.

Guest bangerfan101

Ford galaxy in the hedge on a1037 on way to York. Been there about 2 weeks. Looks like a Romanian cable theif bus if I ever saw one


Hasn't moved for 6 or 7 years. Owned by old fella from new, who's no longer allowed to drive.



I made a rare foray into another area today with mini omegod,I pulled into a very busy tourist site and my eyes were drawn,faster than Terry Thomas to a St Trinians uniform, to this tasty morsel looking quite forlorn in a far corner of the parking area. It makes no sense it being parked where it is and has all the hallmarks of being dumped, no MOT since March, not insured or taxed.


Enquiries will be made !!



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Hmmm, could do with some bits and bobs for my E46... ;):lol:



I've just acquired an '02 318i - a joint fragging/thieving operation? 

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There's a 2002 BMW 3 series stood in the gym car park in Rotherham. Been there weeks now. Looked tidy as well.

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MK1 Laguna in a layby on the Oxford ring road.


MK4 Fiesta, burnt out on a country lane in the middle of Dartmoor.


The last one is really sad. A 1978/79 T reg Leyland Sherpa Autosleeper (coachbuilt camper) which has left the road and hit a tree in Epping Forest, it's on the right if you're travelling from the M25 into Theydon Bois. The rear body has cracked open in the impact, it's a right mess and is covered in police tape. Not sure if it's been stolen or just an accident, but apparently it's been there for weeks. :(


Hmm, Car Planet.


Looks familiar, pretty sure that's where my brother got his 320 touring from a couple of years ago (and I drove him there to collect it). It's fucking hanging but still going strong. The car, that is.


This hasnt turned a wheel since last November.



I thought it was a HDi but interweb suggests DW8 which may be why - oddly still taxed.



Its in Lostock Hole if anyone feels like dragging it away because the Council sure as hell wont.

The above has been SORN'ed now and now has a sticker on sating it will be towed within 24 hours.... I should have nipped out late last night and robbed some bits for the MIL's car.


This is in Avenham in Preston, but on a private road so unlikely to be of interest to the council



This has been here for ages and finally gained a council stticker. The dented door and smashed windscreen have happened since it was dumped.


It was initially left in a bus stop for a few weeks before being moved to this resting place so someone cared slightlypost-19511-0-59640800-1468053444_thumb.jpgpost-19511-0-01510800-1468053540_thumb.jpg


^ Was that notice written by a ten-year-old?


I the council employee was actually from Clee Hill then you would think that`s pretty neat handwriting. Its hard to write well with two thumbs or webbed fingers

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  • 4 weeks later...

Surprised this is dumped. Im not a fan but these are surely getting more sought after? I reckon I may know who owns it if anyone is interested. This has all the hallmarks (shoddy old VW with flat tyres and paintwork and no tax but strangely no `individual` dubber modifications) of someone I vaguely know and being a small town I could probably find him easily enough! post-19511-0-18203000-1470300658_thumb.jpg

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That church used to have a very sad looking W115 merc before the newer crop took over


Odd bronzey orange coloured very kitsch merc SL r129 in a pub car park down cleethorpes, Sat for a while now..


Also in humberston w220 merc S class very rusty and sad looking,, Its lower than a snakes belly so im presuming that the airmatic system has shat itself , W210 e class has just joined it :( both silver


Its an old converted church and the lad seems to buy tat and just let it rot. He had a saab 9000 cse that just got mouldier and mouldier until it ended up in the scrappy. I think he had a merc SEC in there even maybe an xjs? God knows..


Will try get spots lot of dumped shite here ATM.

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There's been an OK-looking metallic red mark 2 Mondeo at the side of the road on the Southend-bound carriageway of the A127 at Rayleigh Weir for a couple of weeks, but as it now has a 'Police Aware' sticker on its rear window, I don't think it will be there for much longer.


Surprised this is dumped. Im not a fan but these are surely getting more sought after? I reckon I may know who owns it if anyone is interested. This has all the hallmarks (shoddy old VW with flat tyres and paintwork and no tax but strangely no `individual` dubber modifications) of someone I vaguely know and being a small town I could probably find him easily enough! attachicon.gifP1070354.JPG

Tom, I'd happily give some help/time to bringing this up to glory again.


My father in law spotted this and sent it me as he'd though I'd appreciate it (I did). Last MOT 2007!





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This has been lurking in a local park and ride for what looks like a long time

attachicon.gif2016-05-05 22.05.30.jpg

That XJS is worth pretty good coin in bits alone, and there are specialist breakers like the one Breadvan went to. I'd happily pay money for the bumper, foglamps and (oof!) headlamp wipers off it (legit, I mean) even if everything you can't see in the picture is missing/burnt/rusty/fooked.

Abandoned for only a short time but already looking very derelict, these 2 cars now appear to be filled with barrel hoops, presumably to increase weigh in value.




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Somebody needs to re-appropriate the umbrellas from the doors of that Superb.


Holiday Inn, Filton, Bristol.

It's some sort of car dumping hotspot, I was working there for a day and started noticing a few scruffy cars, then a few more..... went for a wander around the carpark and all these motors had a letter from the hotel taped to the windscreen, and then another one from the council saying they'd be removed.





The Toyota thing. Corolla? I dunno. The blob.





Seriously, this is a 58 plate dumped car!



The motherload - the Focus, Honda, Scenic and Golf were all marked for removal





Both the Astra and the Golf - I'd have lined the shot up better but only noticed the Golf was tagged afterwards.


As I drove out, there were more at the top of the carpark, about another 4 or 5.... more Astras, Clio and surprise surprise a Laguna were amongst them I think. So why do people drive to Bristol just to dump their car outside quite an average hotel that's not within walking distance to anywhere useful?


The Auris, 206 and Yaris are all out of tax and the 206 also doesn't have an MOT. Weirdly, the Yaris was MOTed in March but hasn't been taxed since 2014....

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Both on a grass verge on the side of the road in Ludlow.... 



The R8 is a diesel.



Left in a layby on the A50 near Derby for the last month or so. Nice leather trim, but now minus wiper blades. Not long before window breaking starts I fear.



 So why do people drive to Bristol just to dump their car outside quite an average hotel that's not within walking distance to anywhere useful?




It is close to somewhere. The University of the West of England is just around the corner and parking on site is a nightmare nowadays.

It wouldn't surprise me if these were from overseas students who have finished their courses and abandoned them. They certainly used to abandon them in the uni car parks when there was more space.

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I'm not long back from Shetland where dumping vehicles is just a way of life.....


The more shite you can fill it with too the better!













That VX 4/90 or whatever looks way too good to be left like that.


Oh, and that crumbled wreck with the protruding headrests, I'm saying Maestro due to the dash and thin reverse lights. What a state for a relatively recent car!

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