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S A Barrett's Sussex shite spots: 2022/23 catch-up


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  • 1 month later...

Last few mediocre finds of 2021. First up a selection of punters' cars from the Midhurst autojumble. A terrible day out by all accounts - I think I just about covered the cost of a table and a bacon roll. I suspect quite large proportion of people who go to autojumbles have died in the last couple of years. Some nice cars, though.



Quite a contingent of banger boys in Farinas, but this Westminster estate was the best of the bunch. What an amazing thing


I had a very strange dream last night where I found a previously-unknown special-bodied Jowett Jupiter parked on the street. The body had been fashioned from highly modified Ford Consul Mk1 panels with a narrowed grille and fillet panels on the side to accomodate the extra width. I even dreamed the flat-four soundtrack as it drove off. Weird.


I kept seeing this very basic Suzuki thingy at various places in Sussex recently. Mega grim.


Couple of Asda spots. The Sunbeam MkIII was brilliant, just the right level of patina




And finally this brilliant Rialto. I love all the paraphernalia stuck on everywhere, just like a Reliant should look



And that's it for another year, I guess. Thanks for looking!

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  • barrett changed the title to S A Barrett's Sussex shite spots: last spots of 2021
On 12/30/2021 at 1:04 PM, Richard_FM said:

I heard some Westminster estates were custom made for the royal fleet, maybe it was one which has survived.

I think the Westminster pictured is probably the one built by an ex-racer Tim Langrish, if I remember correctly it uses a Yugo tailgate. He also has/had a Chevy V8 powered Westy.  Fairly sure the royal estate was a Vanden Plas Princess, saw it in one of the classic car magazines a while back.

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On 04/08/2020 at 12:20, Asimo said:


I know this was ages ago, just catching up. That rear window sticker is for Splitterz VW club, of which I am a member!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Yo whaddup perverts? Currently living my best life and seeing in '22 like a mofo. Here are January's spots, starting with this nice XL TWINCAM 1.8 TOYOTA CARINA II wagon


Here's one of those fascinating scenes you don't see much of anymore. This street in West Brighton is one of the most expensive in the city (although 90% of the houses are disgusting) as it's right by the coast, the plots are huge and it's quite 'private'. Most of the buildings have been knocked down and replaced by property developer-palaces but a couple of the original 1920s/30s houses remain. This is one, in very rough condition with these two sorry hulks outside. I think the nearest one is a Spitfire. Apparently the peak of property prices here was £1.25m in 2019, so god knows what this place is worth


Here's a rough old Escort van


And perhaps the only surviving UK-market rhd Ebro van!!! I had no idea there were any left at all and then this one camped itself just up the road from me


I followed this big Merc barge for a while the other day. I've never loved these, but it looked like a great way to travel tbh and performance off the line was pretty surprising. Young-ish guy driving it, too, which was nice to see


Had half an hour to kill in Bognor yesterday, which netted this lovely front garden


The Metro had a friend, hiding behind a bush. Badged miniMETRO and on a W reg, must be a rare thing


This very rough Triumph deserves a couple of views. The bottom half looked to be entirely made of pudding (check out those door bottoms) and it had marked its spot on the street. Truly magnificent.



Leaving the town I saw an 'old car' parked in a Tesco car park, which meant a big detour round a load of roundabouts to get me back there. Had some people in so I couldn't get too close, but check this out...


The same car park, by coincidence, also contained this! Again, needs a couple of looks to appreciate its very rough state. Lots of brush marks, filler etc. A proper survivor and heartening to see



That's all so far. I am itching to get out and about for some dedicated car-spotting excursions though, it's been far too long, so hopefully there will be some more forthcoming soon. Cheers!

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  • barrett changed the title to S A Barrett's Sussex shite spots: first spots of 2022

That's an impressive start to the year.  There's something weird going on with perspective in that second photo of the grotty house with CPTs because it's not until you realise those are cars covered up that the size of the house becomes apparent, guessing it's not your standard 3 bed semi with a single garage but more likely a 5 bed detached with double garage.

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  • 1 month later...

Yo gang. Must make more of an effort to photograph stuff, sorry. Here's what February has netted me.

I've never seen that Ashes to Ashes programme but of course we're all familiar with the main character's catchphrase "Pile in the Quattro!" Sadly the taint of this TV notoriety means I assume anyone who drives one of these is a colossal wanker. You might as well be driving a Del Boy van. Euro number plate does little to disuade me.


You'll have to forgive this one, my camera went on to the wrong setting and there were 'men' milling about and I was too scared to stand there for one extra second. It was like the dreams I have pretty regularly about seeing shite old cars on the street and really fumbling with my phone camera trying to take a photo and failing, which then makes me realise I'm dreaming (like when you turn on a lightswitch, or look at a clock), and then in my own dream I get disappointed that I haven't really just seen a totally hanging Chrysler Alpine in a front garden. Anyway, you'll have to take my word for it but there's an X/19 in there somewhere.


Dull old car


Interesting modern car. I stopped to take a photo because it was a great colour and in really nice condition, and then I spotted the lhd which makes me think somebody did what I talked about a few years ago and found a non-rotten Mult in Italy or wherever and imported it. Absolute hero but also very sensible, which is a sexy combination. Again, Euro plates really let it down considering they've gone to the trouble to get a nice short reg for it.


This is satisfying. Back in 2009 when Google Street View first hit the scene (before I could even drive!) I spent ages looking round all the towns in Sussex I couldn't actually get to, looking for shit old cars. This Mk1 Fiesta and Triumph 2000 were found that way and it's taken me 13 years to confirm they actually exist and take a photo! I think you'll agree that's pretty dedicated spotting.


Also seen on Street View, but more recently, this nice old bus gently returning to nature


I've photographed something far less interesting on this trailer before. You have to wonder where this thing has been dragged out from. Actually looks just about fixable if you were dedicated. I like these much more than 500s.


This flat-tyred Merc was next to it, plus another lurking in the background. If you want to own this (it actually looks alright) you can telephone 'Barral' who I'm sure is a reasonable, friendly chap.


I pass this every day and it looks HOT. A real blast from the past.


Okay, that's it for now. BYE.

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On 02/03/2022 at 13:49, barrett said:

I've photographed something far less interesting on this trailer before. You have to wonder where this thing has been dragged out from. Actually looks just about fixable if you were dedicated. I like these much more than 500s.


This flat-tyred Merc was next to it, plus another lurking in the background. If you want to own this (it actually looks alright) you can telephone 'Barral' who I'm sure is a reasonable, friendly chap.


I drive past that regularly.  For a period there was a Merc where the trailer is now, can't remember if was that one or a different one but it's been replace more recently by the Smoll Fiat.

@Talbot - that's where we saw the Merc on the way to/from FOTU which looked like their sales tactic was to crash it backwards into a hedge, if you recall?

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Ah, found the one that was there last year:


Looks like "BARRAL" is in fact something else for sale, not the seller's name.

Nice clear signage helps his sales figures, I'm sure.

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You're spoilt for choice, I hardly see proper classics in use or rotting away any more.

The Fiesta and R5 especially give me want face, the MK1 is near identical to my first car right down to year, spec and colour (and the plate would annoy my friend Sue who doesn't like cherished plates), and the 5 reminds me of my much missed Campus which I took down a similar route of trim removal, lowering and wheels. Not often you see a non-turbo car modified. 

I'm working in Brighton next month so I'll be keeping 'em peeled!

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On 3/4/2022 at 7:17 AM, bunglebus said:

You're spoilt for choice, I hardly see proper classics in use or rotting away any more.

The Fiesta and R5 especially give me want face, the MK1 is near identical to my first car right down to year, spec and colour (and the plate would annoy my friend Sue who doesn't like cherished plates), and the 5 reminds me of my much missed Campus which I took down a similar route of trim removal, lowering and wheels. Not often you see a non-turbo car modified. 

I'm working in Brighton next month so I'll be keeping 'em peeled!

Sadly a lot of the interesting stuff in Brighton has vanished in the last few years. When I started taking photos of cars a little more than 10 years ago there were loads of '60s and '70s cars in daily use down here, but now there's hardly anything older than the 90s. I think the cost of living down here these days means most of the people who live in Brighton are quite dull, sensible career-focussed people and the rest are students who don't need/want a car.

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  • 1 month later...

Sup chod-lovers?

This nice 205 GT was the only thing of interest I photographed whilst in France (for the first time in years!) last month


A pleasingly ropey left-hooker Merc in Gary Cox's neck of the woods


Terrible picture alert, but this might be the best car I've ever seen on the road. a 510 coupé (!) in beige. Absolutely stonking.


A pair of commercial Austins (actually, that's a Morris isn't it?)


This crappy old L300 inexplicably has the lyrics to Jesse Winchester's 'Black Dog' (as made famous by Babe Ruth) on the rear door. Mental. That's one of my favourite songs of all time and I've never met anyone else who has heard it (the original) so I sort of want to meet this guy but also sort of definitely don't


A very tidy GS break was a most welcome sight


As was thism which I'm sure you'll agree is 'proper'


The Marina and the next three were all within a few yards of each other, although unconnected




You'll have to use your imagination, but this is three Citroen BXs buried 'Cadillac Ranch' style in the ground in somebody's garden


And this is a Volvo with the sun behind it



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  • 1 month later...

Alright lads? Here's a new batch of rubbish old cars, starting with this Stagea thingy. Not sure if this was in use or not, looked a bit down at heel but that might just be the gravel drive and odd parking angle


A very clean R4 in Worthing, with my camera on a 'square' setting for some reason


Local Asda car park regularly delivers the goods, including these three recently. That looks like waxoil or something leaking out of the Xantia




Found a house which some may recognise from internet urbex fame.




A Herald being caned up the A23


And a couple of cla**ics out the other day. I assumed they were in convoy but the Alpine turned off at some point and I followed the Fiat for ages. I could sense the drivers' frustration as they were being held up by this Ignis doing 42mph on an NSL road.


Three from the same small town the other day. Particularly pleased with the Maestro van




An XK in Firle. I think I might have snapped this years ago in Brighton actually


And three from France this weekend




That's it, cheers!

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  • barrett changed the title to S A Barrett's Sussex shite spots: April-May 2022

Good to see the Suffolk reg on that Volvo 164. Maybe one from the importers, they were based in Ipswich back then and the '70s press cars were always registered in Ipswich.

Pleasing to see some French spots, fingers crossed I manage one or two myself this year......

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1 hour ago, Spottedlaurel said:

Good to see the Suffolk reg on that Volvo 164. Maybe one from the importers, they were based in Ipswich back then and the '70s press cars were always registered in Ipswich.

Pleasing to see some French spots, fingers crossed I manage one or twomyself this year......

Just like this one:


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  • 3 weeks later...

Here's my latest dispatch from the mean streets of Sussex, starting with a ropey old camper


A very cleam Mk2 Consul in central Brighton


A Baja in Worthing


and a grubby 205 a couple of streets away. These have really thinned out recently, although they're still one of the most numerous 80s/early 90s cars


Back home, I have photographed one or maybe two coachbuilt Commer campers in Brighton before, but I think this is a different one


The sort of vehicle I have zero affection for


Popped over to Bexhill and Hastings yesterday very briefly. Was hoping to have more time to wander around looking for cars but I spent most of my time in a couple of record shops so only managed a handful of spots. Still not bad going for a couple of hours of mooching - I reckon this bit of Sussex probably has a higher concentration of tat that Brighton does these days, or even Worthing. This 'action shot' was the first thing I saw, sounded nice and parpy


This was parked up just behind me when I took that last photo


Very grotty MR2 looks to have been sitting for a long time


End-of-life Vitesse was nice to see street-parked. There was a fwd 1300 nearby which must be connected, but I failed to get a shot


My spot of the day was this. Don't recall ever actually seeing one of these before - when they were 'common' they would have been so anonymous I would have ignored them entirely, and now they're old, weird and rare enough to be of interest they've all disappeared



This 242 was VERY clean and looked like a superb and sensible means of transportation


My phone went into HDR mode for some reason, when I zoomed to get a shot of this without getting out of the car. Not sure what's going on with that registration.


Very sorry Minor was excellent. Big hols in the rear wings and a fine coating of grime on every surface. Glorious


Volvo was parked a few cars down, possibly connected


And ending on a BUMMER, a boring Mercedes thingy. Did look very clean and I like the hubcaps/colour. Had that nice patterened biege cloth trim, too


Still, 10 interesting things isn't bad going in such a short space of time. I must head over that way more often for more spottage.

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5 minutes ago, barrett said:

Here's my latest dispatch from the mean streets of Sussex, starting with a ropey old camper


A very cleam Mk2 Consul in central Brighton


A Baja in Worthing


and a grubby 205 a couple of streets away. These have really thinned out recently, although they're still one of the most numerous 80s/early 90s cars


Back home, I have photographed one or maybe two coachbuilt Commer campers in Brighton before, but I think this is a different one


The sort of vehicle I have zero affection for


Popped over to Bexhill and Hastings yesterday very briefly. Was hoping to have more time to wander around looking for cars but I spent most of my time in a couple of record shops so only managed a handful of spots. Still not bad going for a couple of hours of mooching - I reckon this bit of Sussex probably has a higher concentration of tat that Brighton does these days, or even Worthing. This 'action shot' was the first thing I saw, sounded nice and parpy


This was parked up just behind me when I took that last photo


Very grotty MR2 looks to have been sitting for a long time


End-of-life Vitesse was nice to see street-parked. There was a fwd 1300 nearby which must be connected, but I failed to get a shot


My spot of the day was this. Don't recall ever actually seeing one of these before - when they were 'common' they would have been so anonymous I would have ignored them entirely, and now they're old, weird and rare enough to be of interest they've all disappeared



This 242 was VERY clean and looked like a superb and sensible means of transportation


My phone went into HDR mode for some reason, when I zoomed to get a shot of this without getting out of the car. Not sure what's going on with that registration.


Very sorry Minor was excellent. Big hols in the rear wings and a fine coating of grime on every surface. Glorious


Volvo was parked a few cars down, possibly connected


And ending on a BUMMER, a boring Mercedes thingy. Did look very clean and I like the hubcaps/colour. Had that nice patterened biege cloth trim, too


Still, 10 interesting things isn't bad going in such a short space of time. I must head over that way more often for more spottage.


That orange Volvo estate .....


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26 minutes ago, mitsisigma01 said:

And what is the blue shitter ... Not the Merc, the van/minibus...is it a Hiace 🤔

Yes it's a Hiace like bellow.


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