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A 10 minute presentation...AS subject matter.


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I've been tasked with making a 10 minute presentation on a subject of my choice as part of a job selection process. 

I see this as an opportunity to bore on about something close to my heart  like  70s  BL paint colours or the development of the 'O' series engine or Peykan CKD kits.


Feel free to suggest presentation subject  matter for me, or what you might do in my shoes....


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Not sure on the job etc, but as well as looking at your presentation skills, you could show some other qualities, I'd wager the company in question likes to wank on about sustainability, whilst still adding plastic plants to canteen areas and stuff.

What about talking about autoshite from the POV of extending the life of viable cars, reducing embodied carbon, that sort of thing.

Less interesting but they'll probably lap it up.

And good luck, by the way!

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6 minutes ago, holbeck said:

I've been tasked with making a 10 minute presentation on a subject of my choice as part of a job selection process. 

I see this as an opportunity to bore on about something close to my heart  like  70s  BL paint colours or the development of the 'O' series engine or Peykan CKD kits.


Feel free to suggest presentation subject  matter for me, or what you might do in my shoes....


I’d definitely recommend presenting on something you can talk passionately and knowledgeably about.

I started a new job this year, and part of the probation (not the ‘I just got out of prison’ kind, the ‘we want to check you can actually do what you said you could’ kind) review process was for me to do a 15 minute presentation to my department on a topic of my own choice, with questions from the department afterwards.

Obviously the first thing I did was shit my pants, as I hate presenting.

Then, as all I know to do is to bore people with car talk, I went for the subject of buying and running bangers as an exercise in saving money.

I was a bit worried that they’d think I was a scrote, or that it was a trick question and they wanted me to present on something related to my role, but went with it as it was something I knew I could talk confidently about whilst not needing many notes.

Fortunately it got good feedback from the senior team - they liked that I was fluently delivering information without just reading reams from my PowerPoint slides, and that I confidently made my way through the Q&A section at the end.

A few of my team then also came out the woodwork to tell me of their experiences running shit cars on a shoe string, which has been good fodder for a bit of office chat.

A couple of the team have since mentioned that others had picked topics that they didn’t have much grasp on, and it inevitably comes through - especially when put on the spot at the end and asked questions, which they either have to admit they don’t know the answer to or bullshit their way past.

So I guess my final comment would be talk cars if that’s what you’re comfortable talking about, but maybe try and keep some relatable thread in there for the audience to grab at.

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The really bold thing to do would be to choose subject matter you hate, then present ironically on how it's good, eg: 'Why Trump must win the next US election' or 'The many triumphs of Johnson's reign' 

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3 minutes ago, Rustybullethole said:

How about the effects on smog on global warming and the benefits of particles in the ozone? 

Worse than mine that. I'm assuming he wants the job 😆

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7 minutes ago, inconsistant said:

An exploration of the intersection between cars that were available in russet brown and cars that used Marina door handles. 

Oh could that be a Venn diagram possibility??

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3 minutes ago, Dyslexic Viking said:

Why most bosses are a bunch of cunts

I wish to retract my previous suggestion, as this is definitely the power point presentation I want to see someone load up in a job pitch 🤣

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‘My Favourite Bridge Crossing Experiences In Reverse Chronological Order Starting With Most Recently Crossed’.
Add ratings on each crossing for the architecture of the bridge, drama of crossing (height & length of crossing) and view from bridge. 

I have this actual powerpoint that I presented a few years ago at a work event, it was surprisingly well received. 

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16 minutes ago, inconsistant said:

An exploration of the intersection between cars that were available in russet brown and cars that used Marina door handles. 

That's exactly the kind of thing I was thinking of. 


Although given I was recently out nerded by @simon8201 over the difference between  Russet brown and  Brazilia brown, I admit there are holes in my knowledge.

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32 minutes ago, inconsistant said:

An exploration of the intersection between cars that were available in russet brown and cars that used Marina door handles. 

Always nice to get a name check! 

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...And the trouble you can have driving a valuable car that even if you park it away from all the other cars you will return to find it wedged between an old wreck of a VW Beetle* trying to obtain class by proximity and a people carrier driven by a mum with five uncontrollable kids.

*This has actually happened to me

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A concise lecture on how to revive the motor industry by restarting production of the Maestro once more (an updated version of course, with one of those remote keys that go *bleep* and the fuel of the future- a diesel that runs on veg oil). Labour costs can be greatly reduced by converting a prison into a factory, and the inmates into forced labourers. 

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