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The grumpy thread

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I came off the Autoshite facebook page a month ago, I can't say I've missed it in any way, I've just had a quick look and it's still the same twats mouthing off shite like that Dino with the FSO, what's his beef?


Also photos of portaloos and caravans do not interest me...


so yep, the only day of rain for 2 weeks is today when I was booked in for the Weston Park car show. Forecast for the next week is great too....typical.


I hope rock-Lobster didn't go to Hoghton Tower as I got an email saying it was cancelled.....at 7.50am!


Yep, I did go. Got there about 7.45  :roll:


Its only about twenty five minutes away in all fairness and the van was loaded and I wass awake so I thought I might as well see what the score was.


In all fairness, full credit to the organisers for cancelling though - too many show organisers will push on despite the weather and poor turnout as otherwise they either have to reschedule or refund and they don't like doing either.


They've reorganised the Hoghton Tower show for 8th September so hopefully it'll be dry then.


What was the show at Weston Park? I'm there in ten days for CamperJam, I hoping it will be better than last year which was no fun at all - 


P1110613 by MJ&LM Ryan, on Flickr

A few pages back I mentioned how my cat did a 4am kamikaze dive out the window.  End result was having the flesh around the lower jaw stitched back to his body, a lot of anguish on my part and a horrendous vet bill. He seemed ok at first but suddenly refused to eat or drink and began pulling clumps of fur out. Just gone right back to the vets and the stitching in his jaw had all come loose, which explains why he would have been in pain. Vets think they can do it again but I'd be facing a similar bill (not entirely sure why as they're basically refitting their last attempt, but it's not as if it will get better on its own.) So he's back in for another night but I have just found out I'm eligible for PDSA. Seeing him in pain is utterly destroying me and I nearly broke down completely when explaining to the boss why I would be late into work (and will have to do the same tomorrow). Whilst I feel a bit guilty for using them, the cost is getting dangerously close to money I simply don't have, and since I don't want him to suffer that would only leave one alternative.............


What I don't get is why he still likes to hang around here an try to disrupt things when he stormed off and made his own forum because this place wasn't to his liking.


LP in 'uses multiple forums' shock.


LP in 'uses multiple forums' shock.


translation: trolls multiple forums


Poorly cat...



Nasty stuff, I know exactly how you feel. Had my favourite cat put to sleep last year and I was gutted and really, really upset by it.  

Vets bills can be ridiculous though but even so you know that if there is something can do you'd spend the money. 


Good luck with it, hope the furry chap gets better.


It was with Transtar Promotions Lobster, we didn't bother going as it is an hours drive each way so not worth wasting the fuel. Not sure if it was cancelled or rescheduled (again) - I didn't get an email so I guess not.






Hope your cat pulls through NC, I remember being in bits when one of my cats had an eye infection and it looked like he had lost his eye. Both mine are now sadly gone..  :(


What I don't get is why he still likes to hang around here an try to disrupt things when he stormed off and made his own forum because this place wasn't to his liking.

I think most people have either learnt to ignore him or blocked him now anyway.

I thought Moto Scat was a Pogweasel invention?


No skin off my nose. Just seems mental that you spend time posting on a forum you openly despise. You contribute fuck-all to AS other than cluttering up threads you don't like with pointless comments - oh, the irony!


Why do you bother?


[P.S. I'd like something more than a single line sarcastic rejoinder, if you don't mind.]

I think it's just his "Saddowitzian Scottish Humour".


Don't let it bother you Jon, When Scotland gets its chance to fuck the UK off he'll have to produce his passport before he can post.


A few pages back I mentioned how my cat did a 4am kamikaze dive out the window.  End result was having the flesh around the lower jaw stitched back to his body, a lot of anguish on my part and a horrendous vet bill. He seemed ok at first but suddenly refused to eat or drink and began pulling clumps of fur out. Just gone right back to the vets and the stitching in his jaw had all come loose, which explains why he would have been in pain. Vets think they can do it again but I'd be facing a similar bill (not entirely sure why as they're basically refitting their last attempt, but it's not as if it will get better on its own.) So he's back in for another night but I have just found out I'm eligible for PDSA. Seeing him in pain is utterly destroying me and I nearly broke down completely when explaining to the boss why I would be late into work (and will have to do the same tomorrow). Whilst I feel a bit guilty for using them, the cost is getting dangerously close to money I simply don't have, and since I don't want him to suffer that would only leave one alternative.............


I'm so sorry to read this and honestly hope your chamber lion will get well.


It was, in the most part. But Len was involved in its creation too.


Nick had his reasons for leaving and you know, left. Len stuck around. Why? Why bother with a forum he hates? Madness.


No explanation forthcoming, I see. Speaks volumes.

I think you should join Moto Neurone Scat and become a troll yourself. That'll teach him!


Aye, good luck with the cat, hope the little blighter pulls through. You have SFA to feel guilty about using the PDSA, if it makes him better then that's all that matters.


As regards any problems on here folks then use the 'report' button under whichever post has annoyed you enough. It's nothing to do with playing Bedroom Nazi Moderator (or whatever) but the report function is there for a reason. Can't please all of the people, all of the time, but it's daft not to use the function if it's there.


I don't know why I stick around, it's irrational. I'd like to browse without 'contributing' but I can't help myself.


Other people joined in on the misinformation on that thread, why aren't they getting a hammering?


I must concede to having had a useful chat with LP regarding Disco stuff, and I did actually chuckle out loud at "Harold Shipman designed the Renault Espace." Can't say I agree with everything he posts, but I'm sure we can all say that about quite a lot of posts. The world goes on.


The new forum's only just run in and already we're suffering from members bickering. Can't the pair of you sort this out by Queensbury rules or something?

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Dunno Sherlock, because they're not an itinerant pain in the arse?


I just find it deeply hypocritical that you derail threads you take a dislike to.....................and that was your whole reason for tearing the arse out of new members a couple of years ago. Do you not see the problem?


If I don't like a thread or having nothing to bring to it. I don't post in it. Ever thought of doing the same?


No, my self-discipline is poor.


Car dealers.

Why in the name of all that is Godly would you want to describe a car as "lady owner".

Im a nurse, I work with shit loads of women, most of whom have fuck all idea about cars.
Dinner time today and Im on the car park looking over a "lady owner" Zafira whose OIL warning sign is on, with fuck all oil (and what there was was smelly thick treacle) and bugger all coolant.

It badly needs a service says I, when did you last have it done?
Ummm, never, says she.


Lady owners - fucking liability owners


The "one lady owner" thing either means serviced to death at the main stealer every 14 miles, or.............as above. 

I bring before you,, M.lud,  Toyota Previa,NEVER serviced between 86k miles and 138k miles, single mother, with about a Lions squads' worth of kids. Phones a "mobile mechanic" mate of mine who's name she found in the service book when it was last done, asking if she should have it done again because tho oil light was coming on sometimes.......the catalogue of horrors he found was shocking.

In the intervening 41/2 yeras since he'd last looked at it, someone had removed the airfilter, and bodged up two of the HT leads with, of all things, paper clips. The oil was like tar, three of the tyres were through to the canvas, the indicator stalk was hanging off, and the floor was coated in dog hairs and the remains of numerous "confectionary items".

Apparently one of her ex boyfriends had "looked at it" about three years ago.


I spent the weekend looking out the window waiting for it to stop raining. I go back to work today and it's beautiful sunshine.

"That's OK," I think."I'll work on the Lancias rear axle when I get home, maybe get most of it ground back and ready to weld on the new bump stop."


However I didn't count on my incredibly clever* idea of filtering used tractor engine oil through the leg of an old pair of trousers into a container of various other 'filtered' oils to lob in the Peugeot backfiring. I knew the tub was pretty full, but my perception of volumes was remarkably skewed yesterday afternoon.


The long and the short of it is that I lobbed a load of this oil through an old sieve and into this trouser leg with a knot tied in the end to filter through a large funnel into this 40l tub of other oils. I poured it all in thinking it would fit. As this particular oil has the consistency of treacle it was filtering through credibly slowly, so when I was pouring it in it all seemed fine, and when I checked it this morning it all seemed fine. When I cam back this evening it was not fine at all as the first thing I noticed when I pulled up was the little puddles of jet black oil which had appeared under the garage door and onto the drive.


On investigating it turned out that during the day the tub had finally filled and the rest simply pushed its way out around the edges of the funnel, down the side of the tub, onto the old door mat (that was originally found in the passenger foot well of my Maxi when I bought it) and then flowed off this and under everything in the garage. This was an oil spill even BP would describe as 'substantial' and was a environmental disaster for the woodlice living in my garage.


So I spent the next hour clearing up this oil removing it from the concrete floor and from the underside of everything that had been sitting on the floor, then squirted Tesco Value washing up liquid everywhere, scrubbed it in and washed off with the hose pipe which then got out of control and covered everything with water instead.


On the plus side, I have never seen the garage floor so clean. On the minus side, total work done on the Lancia tonight is: removed 8 plastic clips from the rear axle and painted up the central mounting bracket. Not a successful day.


I worked at an Austin Rover dealership in the early 90's and witnessed a middle aged lady (deputy headmistress local secondary school) bring her D reg maestro mayfair in because it was "making a funny noise",

Hardly anything in the sump, expansion bottle bone dry, when asked thankfully not by me where it had been serviced she replied "It shouldn't need servicing, it was new when I bought it"

 How the thing had lasted as long as it had was beyond me but she begrudgingly coughed up for a full service muttering all the time about being ripped by car dealers.


Just went on the Autoshite Facebook page for the first time in ages, just to see if it had improved. Surely it couldn't be as bad as you guys make out.


The first post I saw was this:


For starters, this man has quite obviously not understood Autoshite in the slightest. Secondly he's an utter pillow shagging gobshite for wanting a new Astra and then asking the great imbecilic collective of the internet about a new Kia Cee'd when the most useful and coherent responses you ever get from the general population of the internet are roughly like the following:


Marvin Shithispants best car eva

Gareth Crampers-Wank I had a Kia Ora once and it had gone off AVOID


Tamara Labia Have you seen my cat, it was last seen eating a dead tramp in Kidderminster and I haven't seen it since? Come back soon Mr Cuddles.


I couldn't believe that kid's post when I answered it, what a fud! :lol:


Still, makes a change from the fat Greek....

I'm quite liking the FB page now, with a dozen or so assholes blocked it's quite palatable.


I couldn't believe that kid's post when I answered it, what a fud! :lol:


Still, makes a change from the fat Greek....



Hey, what's wrong with my comments there? :mrgreen:


My dad found our last cat dead yesterday, under my Austin Cambridge in the garage. He was pretty old to be fair, and hadn't looked too good for a while, but it's still very sad. Looks like he just keeled over :(


No idea. He was a stray who turned up on our doorstep one day. The vet said he was roughly eight then, and that was seven years ago. I actually think he could have been a fair bit older as his black fur had been streaked with grey for the last three years or so.


Sorry to hear that AD. I reckon he's had good innings to reach that far in life. At least he died somewhere peaceful, my cat went missing a couple of years ago now, don't know what happend to her but she was also getting on a bit.

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