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The grumpy thread

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The Apprentice. A show that I previously enjoyed appears to have turned into Big Brother.


It'll right itself next week when they split the teams up. Imho they need to get rid of Luisa Zissman and Uzma Yakoob, as they bring absolutely bollock all to the party and are hell bent on shit stirring/bitching.


Samba, I'd say you deffo 100% need a legal rep in this case. Don't they offer you one free of charge in interviews?

The Apprentice. A show that I previously enjoyed appears to have turned into Big Brother.


It'll right itself next week when they split the teams up. Imho they need to get rid of Luisa Zissman and Uzma Yakoob, as they bring absolutely bollock all to the party and are hell bent on shit stirring/bitching.


Yeah someone in the editing suite loves that Luisa. 50% of footage of the girls is her and her weird face. And they've really gone crazy with make-up this year.

None of them really stand out though unlike previous years.




Glad your experience is over Samba, have you read Kafka's 'The Trial'?


I don't know, I think that Scouse lad is pretty sharp and the tall bloke with the grey-ish hair. I reckon there's a bit to come from them as they seem quite level headed and appear to be 'thinkers'.

The posh bloke is too nice, the Welsh lad is a fucking weirdo and Zee is all bluster. He was starting to get found out on last night's episode and seems typical of your average gobshite sales person typem who is full of what they have done and will do, yet usually produce shit results.


That spring thing I found rolling about in the oil filter casing of the Astra IS the oil pressure release valve and the only way to replace it is to replace the filter casing. Mega.

I've ordered a new one from Vauxhall (I mentioned all their cars are shit while I was there) so it should be here on Saturday. I imagine it's going to be a cock of a job as access is limited.


Fuggin Piggo snapped a fuggin exhaust clamp so the fuggin exhaust pipe fell down and everythig sounded like the fuggin battle of Verdun.

Bloody French tat, the clamp was only 19 years old. This would have never happened with a proper car made in England.

I don't know, I think that Scouse lad is pretty sharp and the tall bloke with the grey-ish hair. I reckon there's a bit to come from them as they seem quite level headed and appear to be 'thinkers'.

The posh bloke is too nice, the Welsh lad is a fucking weirdo and Zee is all bluster. He was starting to get found out on last night's episode and seems typical of your average gobshite sales person typem who is full of what they have done and will do, yet usually produce shit results.


Yeah that Welsh guy is weird. Looks like he's had some cheap plastic surgery.

I quite like that Francesca, but maybe that's because I've been watching too much internet porn lately and she looks like one of those 'actors'.


Paypal/bank interface. On a bloody Friday night.




That is all.


My grump is many-fold. (if thats a word.)


I have been suffering with back problems for a while now, and my GP has been unwilling to do anything about it, as I am "seriously" overweight and as being a fat bastard AND a smoker, as far as the NHS is concerned, I am satan himself.

I have dropped nigh on 10kg (is that about 2 stone?) in the last 9 months and cut done on the tabs a bit, and finally the doc referred me to a specialist in a not very local hospital. After a couple of MRI scans and the discovery of an "unidentified" growth on my spinal column, the decision was taken to operate on the herniated disc at L1 and S2 (?) and take a biopsy of the growth. They're 90% sure it's benign, and the main point of the operation is to relieve the pressure on the sciatic nerve.

The last consulatation was about 4 weeks ago, and the appointment for the pre-operative checks was last Wednesday, and the operation was for yesterday (Thursday 16th). As you can guess, this hasn't happened. Which has made my 2nd issue worse.

Which has been mentioned on here a couple of times, by other people, but i've been diagnosed with severe depression. I've been prescribed tablets, and a counselling session has been booked, and to be honest, i'm scared. I know that i've been bottling everything up for too long, there's stuff that goes back years, which i won't bore you with, but a couple of weekends ago, i had my "goodbye" letters written out, and had planned everything down to the last detail, basically to have an "accident" my life insurance policy and work pension will pay out, and leave my financial affairs in some kind of order. But i wasn't brave enough to do that, which made me even more unhappy.

I'm 43 years old, and i'm up to my neck in debt, got health issues, and feel like an utter failure, as a son, husband, friend, employee.

I know a shite old car forum isn't the place for this, but oddly i feel a bit better for typing some of this out.

Sorry for lowering the tone!


Yo' outlaw your not alone with Essex NHS, though oddly all my spinal stuff is done in Orsett (which is local to you I think). I had an appointment booked in the wrong hospital (same trust) two weeks ago. Then a bollicking for turning up late to the correct hospital...


How about a trip to canvey for a wander round the shite for sale in charfleets followed by Fast6 in the canvey flicks might cheer you up a few% fella?


Outlaw, sorry to hear about all these things, but you are deffo heading in the right direction by getting medication for the depression, the counselling can work wonders too. The hardest part of depression is getting your arse into gear to try and sort it out.


And having only just started to come out of my latest bout ( long term reoccurring depression. 31 years and counting) ^ is really the only answer. Feel free to pm if you want to bend a impartial ear. Trust me, I know how it feels. It 'ain't nice. It gets better though.


Hey Outlaw, hope things get better for you pronto, mate.


Funnily enough, I came on here today to have a grump, not about, but concerning NHS waiting rooms.

I had an op this week to repair a linguinal (groin) hernia. Prior to operations you're given a multitude of info telling you what's going to happen to you before, during and after the procedure, plus other info. On the leaflets I got, one part said 'please switch mobile phones off, as they can interfere with medical equipment'.

When you go into a waiting room there are signs which say the same.

I had to go to my GP's yesterday evening to get my wound checked and re-dressed. Right there in front of all the seats was the 'switch mobiles off' sign.

There was a woman taking call after call while actually looking at the bloody sign. While I was in the hospital waiting rooms, there were people doing the same. Are people so reliant on their mobiles now that they can't bring themselves to switch them off, even though it could interfere with medical equipment?

Silly I know, but absolutely boils my piss how uncaring people are.


Outlaw, You'd be surprised how many have depression, the worst thing to do is bottle it up. I was where you are about 10 years ago, with the goodbye letter written etc. I ended up taking 3 months off work on heavy meds until i felt well enough to face the world again. the point is there IS light at the end of the tunnel. It's imperative to see your GP for the right medication which will take a few weeks to have an effect, but it will help. I'm now at the point where I'm coming off the meds. stick with it chap and chin up.


Hey, Tetley, I always thought that but someone I know very well says it makes no difference to the equipment in the hospital amd apparently it's not just the patients who have their 'phones on.


Bob, I'm in the same boat and only up the road from you, pm me if you want to chat.


Counselling is bloody knackering but worth it, I have had three sessions with four more to go and it definitely helps


Bob, I sent you a PM. I really hope things work out for you, I know its been said already but there is light at the end of the tunnel.

Hey, Tetley, I always thought that but someone I know very well says it makes no difference to the equipment in the hospital amd apparently it's not just the patients who have their 'phones on.



Yeah, I suppose. They allow phones on aircraft too, if I'm correct.

Take no notice of me chaps, I just bloody hurt this week, so I'm more grumpy than usual.

Outlaw, sorry to hear about all these things, but you are deffo heading in the right direction by getting medication for the depression, the counselling can work wonders too. The hardest part of depression is getting your arse into gear to try and sort it out.



Last time I got referred I was just given tablets and a list of local people I could ring. So I just gave up on both and haven't been back since. Sigh.



In other news, 2 housemates below have a massive argument, I get the police at my door after one of their car's was vandalised right afterwards. Double sigh.


Got my Dremel out to enlarge a hole in a gas bottle as I could only get a 13mm bit in the drill's chuck which wasn't big enough.


Did a few minutes then set itself on fire. Had to finish it with a hand file instead then the threads on the fitting stripped off so I'll have to weld it on anyway, arse.


Then topped it off with finding a piece of car window seal in a cupboard that's just long enough to fit the afore mentioned cylinder - I couldn't find it the day before so I'd ordered another piece for £13.00




Counselling and 'magic' pills really do work. But they can't stop you being a jellied eel munching Mockney. What do you say to that, ey, Bob? :D


Doctor William Cavcraft ably demonstrates the AS 'universal cure'; not officially noted in DSM-IV, but effective nonetheless...! :D

Got my Dremel out to enlarge a hole in a gas bottle as I could only get a 13mm bit in the drill's chuck which wasn't big enough.


Did a few minutes then set itself on fire. Had to finish it with a hand file instead then the threads on the fitting stripped off so I'll have to weld it on anyway, arse.


Then topped it off with finding a piece of car window seal in a cupboard that's just long enough to fit the afore mentioned cylinder - I couldn't find it the day before so I'd ordered another piece for £13.00




It is tricky to modify a gas cylinder without inadvertently starting a fire, and I'm interested in how the window seal comes into play, sounds like the fuck you Corgi attitude that made this country great. Tip, bring a friend to distract the cashier with silly questions while you're at the LPG pump.


Yeah, I know, this again....


Other drivers attitudes to a small car, again


Right, so the Rover is out of action for a week or two whilst it has some MOT work done. This means I'm back in the Micra. So, I'm driving down the road when I happen upon a family man in some Dhiatsau Trajic people carrier or something bumbling around in front of me. I'm travelling merely a bit faster than he is so I safely manoeuvre to overtake him, but as soon as I beside him, I suddenly have the one fingered salute chucked my way, why? I returned the salute his way, in which he started getting more and more agitated chucking more abusive signage at me, I just continued on my merry way.


Now I'm not one to take this sort of abuse from others, just because I drive a Micra, doesnt mean I'm some sort of small person who too scared to stand up for myself. What you give, you get back. If a smaller car than your overtakes yours, what is the problem?


Why do I get the feeling that if I were in the Rover none of thus would have occured.


I don't know that's directed at you being in a small car but more that you're more aware of the abuse. From personal experience, I've had just as much or little abuse and aggressive driving thrown my way in all the various cars I've driven, but it always felt less scary in the big stuff than in the small stuff. The only real difference I ever experienced I put down to car colour, the dark blue Maestro I had was seemingly invisible to other road users, so much so that I would put my headlights on whatever the weather or light conditions in the hope that people would stop pulling out in front of me.

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