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I've had the same thing recently with a plumber we always use. He's a really good bloke, very good and doesn't charge a fortune. Wife's dad used to empty him a lot and he put our new bathroom in.


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Lucky he didn't knock you off if he hit the pannier.


Write to the licensing office as well.


I was swerving away from him while he did it, and to be honest it was a brush not a thump but even so there was no need for it in the first place. I was only going to complain to the council but couldn't see which authority it was as he shot off just the number, and didn't get the plate either. Also local council websites don't seem to have any contact info for private hire licensing, so I gave up and went to the fuzz.


Honestly people get too close on an hourly occurrence, but very rarely try and have a second go to hit you. It's not anything personal with taxis either-my late uncle was one for years.

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RichardMorris just to balance the universe, yesterday a cyclist on an island at a crossing gave me the finger and a gob full of abuse for turning right on a green filter arrow.


I have no idea what his problem was. I think he thought he could beat the lights and had to stop. Hardly my fault.


The same day a pair of chavvy looking pedestrians did the same to an innocent driver who had to slam the brakes as they just wandered into the road in front of him.

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For pedestrians leaping into the road it's hard to beat Windsor. Often Japanese tourists who keep backing up to get a photo of the castle without noticing that they're now in the road.


I'm a cautious driver and cyclist, and even pedestrian, but some people don't make it easy for us!

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Adults are worse than children for just walking out in front of you I've found. Kids generally stand at the side of the road and wait, then you'll get some clown that has just parked and got out of their car walk straight across the road in front of two way traffic without looking. They nearly shit themselves when there is a car on the road, or shout abuse/gesture because they've got a fright. You'd think they would expect it being drivers themselves*. Hi-viz donned workmen are the worst, not sure being easier to see helps when they give you a couple of yards to stop in.


*often the same people who park facing the wrong way with dipped beam blazing, and open their door into the road without looking. Being drivers they should know how annoying that is.

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The painter who does my car is the same he does fob me off but ive known him for 15 years and he knows I have high standards, he says he still gets nervous painting things for me as I have x ray vision for spotting issues, I give him more leeway time wise than I would anyone else because he's become a friend over the years

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Adults are worse than children for just walking out in front of you I've found. Kids generally stand at the side of the road and wait, then you'll get some clown that has just parked and got out of their car walk straight across the road in front of two way traffic without looking. They nearly shit themselves when there is a car on the road, or shout abuse/gesture because they've got a fright.



you ever seen how small their balls/womens bits get when you turn round on a motorcycle when people do this


they dont gesture when 15 stone of biker with servo and abs does a uey :D

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holly johnson


sings ok (or did)


but when he talks - you know the thing with the marina and the piano??




talks ok for a bit then starts holding on to syllables in words


its soooo fkin annoying



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The painter who did my Victor was similar. He quoted a good price and said it would be done by Monday. Anyway, it came and went, a few days later I called, "sorry mate, it'll defo be done by Friday". This kind of bullshit went on for about three weeks with him prioritising other people's cars over mine, which sat untouched around the corner from the workshop for about two weeks. Eventually, the only way I could get him to start work was by going round there and explaining to him that I needed the car back by Sunday as that was when I was being interviewed by BBC Essex about the Festival of the Unexceptional, and the presenter wanted to look over it and the Maestro. He did it quickly then, and it was a good job. But the thing is, if he's been honest with me from the start and said he couldn't do it for two/three weeks, I wouldn't have minded.

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ha. I tried the "I need it by the weekend" trick with a bodyshop once.

They rang on the Thursday and said "you need this by the weekend yeah?"

"Yes. That's right"


"You best come and get it then, we haven't started on it yet."


So to keep up the pretence I collected it, drove a mile home and took it back the following Monday.

They did do it that week to be fair.

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I had a car sprayed,they said its ready come and pick it up


They did shell,boot,bonnet,wings etc but not doors.


"Don't worry about doors, you've got enough bits to reassemble, doors will be done by the time you'll need them"


I said "will they match"


They said "of course they'll match"


Obviously they didn't match as they'd used a different base coat than they used on the rest.


Dropped a camper van off in full bare metal, quoted £2500, the bill was over £8k in the end and took 4 months


Tried another place, they loved filler and lacquer but hardly any paint and it was all cheap brand shit

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Regards people in roads, I spend a lot of time round matlock and for past 3/4 weeks it's been the illuminations. The amount of folk wh stand or walk in the road is unreal. The A6 is a very busy main road and that many folk can literally block it off or run in front of car trying to cross. One last night practically dragged their child across the road to avoid being hit by a car rather than wait and another running across on a blind bend with a baby in their arms. Amount of arses I've nearly hit with wing mirrors is stupid

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I cannot stand drinking at home, just can't see the point (though I understand people enjoy it) but last night one of my favourite boozers had put the price of their doubles up by 25% and another one was charging £3.80 for a pint of lager.

I expect there's the catch 22 of either being cheap and not being able to stay afloat, or charging more and people not coming because of price, but other pubs we go to you can get two pints for a fiver (and in some get change) and they're doing ok, so I have to say I think some boozers deserve to go under.


Luckily, we found a terrible pub that was doing 2-for-1 on cocktails so we got pretty hammered on them before moving on.

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It costs about £5.50 - 6.50 for two pints (depending on what you get) at my watering hole of choice which is a rip off but we like to go for the pub atmosphere.


There's a Nettospoons which is mega cheap compared but there's no muzak (sometimes a blessing), it takes forever to get served and it's SO LOUD in there that my already tinnitus suffering ears are bad for days after.

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We went to london to vinnopolis with work. Not be cup of tea, but it was free and I took ale for the coach thete. Pissed by the time we get there.


We do the do, and finish our drinks credits and us 4 smokers went outside. Everyone else still there. Spot a boozer over the road, fuck it. 4 halves please, ill pay said our boss. Win, he got about £4 change from £30. We took our time drinking it. I nearly died

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I don't mind the odd expensive drink somewhere if the pub is really nice, such The Church in Chester, which is stunning, but ordinary boozers charging over the odds can do one.

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I tend to drink in the house (sub 5 quid lidl wine that would probably cost 15 quid a bottle at a fancy wine shop) then go out and have the occasional massive blow out so I don't feel too guilty about the money I spend. We ended up in the Whisky Society in Edinburgh the last time I was out and the whisky is 6-7 quid a shot for the cheap ones so that get's expensive really fast. It also gives me a really sore heed.

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Having stayed up all night, I am fookin' knackered and feel like death. Just to add to the misery, my ire and anger seems to have manifested itself into a sty of epic proportions in my left eye. Started hurting about 6:00 last night and was a lovely yellow headed monster by mid morning.


I have just blasted the contents of said evil thing all over the bathroom mirror! :)  Hurts a bit now....

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Yeah, tradesmen... fuck them all. I know what's what, been there, done that, but for fucks sake, just be honest, answer the pissing phone and do what you say you'll do, when you said you'll do it!


I try REALLY hard to be calm and considerate, I try to be friendly to everyone, I try to do random acts of kindness (just paid a ladies shopping in the co-op 'cos her card was declined) and go through life without hurting people.


I try to do all this 'cos I know that I'm a nasty bastard when annoyed!


Last night I was furious and getting worse... I was getting to the stage where I was going to go and see them, sans watch (if you guys know what I mean) and I had to really fight with myself not to. Yes, along with all my other problems I am a bone fide psycho! I can feel the rage start to envelope me and it feels like every part of my body is tight and beginning to hurt (adrenalin I suppose) and I want, no need, to hurt people.


When I get like that and really lose it, I do things I really regret.


So I didn't go and see them. I didn't ring them./ I didn't call round today, not even for a 'chat' as it is so easy for me to get the red mist. Problem is: once I've lost my temper, there's no getting the damn thing back! It can be a year down the road and I'll see someone I lost it with and I instantly go into psycho mode, no warning, no restraint so it is FAR better to avoid confrontation and NOT lose my pathetic temper in the first place.


Phil calmed me down. It needs someone who knows to talk sense. His problems also put things in perspective somewhat.



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I don't mind the odd expensive drink somewhere if the pub is really nice, such The Church in Chester, which is stunning, but ordinary boozers charging over the odds can do one.

It wasnt very nice though, just an average pub imo. It was even raining

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Having stayed up all night, I am fookin' knackered and feel like death. Just to add to the misery, my ire and anger seems to have manifested itself into a sty of epic proportions in my left eye. Started hurting about 6:00 last night and was a lovely yellow headed monster by mid morning.


I have just blasted the contents of said evil thing all over the bathroom mirror! :)  Hurts a bit now....

Good racing though ;)

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That is exactly how I was thinking I sounded when I posted! I have had a 'bad temper' since I was young (all sorts of lovely psychological reasons - I give the pro's orgasms when I start talking! :)  ) and I hate it. Can't stand losing my rag as it leaves me feeling unwell for days afterwards. Seriously...


I do have it under control now 99.9% of the time and my total 'fuck it' philosophy really works but sometimes, things wind me up and I find it hard to remain equable and reasonable. It never turns out well so I try desperately to stay out of the way of whoever is annoying me. The last time I lost my temper, it resulted in me being bloody homeless and in this particular boat!


Full of water and going down fast....  :)

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We ended up in the Whisky Society in Edinburgh the last time I was out and the whisky is 6-7 quid a shot for the cheap ones so that get's expensive really fast. It also gives me a really sore heed.


You really need to drink better whisky.

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I think everything in there is good quality it's I just don't seem to get on with whisky at all just now. I used to have no problem with it but recently even a small amount gives me a splitting head ache.

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